
-- Today's Ride Thread --


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Man, rides are few and far between for me these days, so I gotta brag when I get in a good one.

Ditched work early on Friday for a 35mile road ride. Had lots of mechanicals that slowed the pace and made it hard to find a rhythm, but all in all it was a good ride. Averaged just over 15mph (which was one of my goals for the ride).

Anyone else do any riding this weekend?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
doug - where's this XC loop? Was it a race?

Rode about 10 miles or so on dirt on Saturday with Laura, CrazySweeper and his friend Scott. Good times, Good ride and Laura did great! She's steadily improving and she had a blast on Saturday. :thumb:

No riding yesterday. Maybe some tonight, weather and time permitting.


Mar 25, 2004
Wilmington, NC
Just built up a dirt jumper and flailed on it a bit saturday evening between rain showers.

Sunday drove up to Tar River with the big bike and did most of the stunts at the playground. Some of the elevated stuff was too wet. Went over to Killer Hill, did the three jump dh line, and then hit the mega a couple times. Got seriously jacked my second ride off it. Came off fine, stuck the landing fine, but was off line to the right a bit (hauling ass -- it's real steep) and found a nice g-out leading into a big hole. So fast I didn't even time to get my hands out in front of me.

So no work today 'cause my thigh is all jacked up, my calf is still oozing and I can barley turn my head.

Still, it was a fun day!


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
MMcG said:
doug - where's this XC loop? Was it a race?

Rode about 10 miles or so on dirt on Saturday with Laura, CrazySweeper and his friend Scott. Good times, Good ride and Laura did great! She's steadily improving and she had a blast on Saturday. :thumb:

No riding yesterday. Maybe some tonight, weather and time permitting.
What time did you guys start? I waited till about 10:05 but didn't see anyone so I figured I had the wrong day or time. Oh well. I rode for about 2.5 hours, zig-zagging all over the place taking different trails than I normally do.

Sunday I went up to check out Jiminy Peak - they've done some nice work on the trails this year!


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
MMcG said:
doug - where's this XC loop? Was it a race?


Hunter mtn in the catskills, & yup a race (friday I went down w/a friend to do the preride thing)

if I can get out of lazy mode, I'll do a race report

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MBC and I went for a road ride with her cousins Saturday and MBC's dad and stepmother joined us. The pace was slooooooow and we didn't go too far, but it was cool to be out with the family. :)

I'm hoping to do an MTB ride this afternoon, but the weather is calling for torrential rain. :( Guess I'll go to the gym, plus I have a 10:00 hockey game tonight.


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
tonyhawk said:
Sunday I went up to check out Jiminy Peak - they've done some nice work on the trails this year!
Jiminy was definately rocking this weekend. We were up there on Saturday. The trails on the right side of the mountain (looking up at it) are far superior to those on the left. The left side seems to be, grab your brakes and slide down side while the right is flowy with kickers and drops. Although Wild Turkey is a great trail, I preferred the right side.


King of the Kingdom
Jul 1, 2003
They were running shuttles up to the top of Burke Mt on Saturday. I hear the trail from the top is sick, including many drops up to 10 feet. Haven't hit it yet.

I did check out a trail gap and a road gap on Poundcake. Also Tody's is sweet! Looks like the hardcores are taking over in the Kingdom!

I got in about 30 mile of riding this weekend primarily on trail. The new ride is sweet!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
jollytime said:
They were running shuttles up to the top of Burke Mt on Saturday. I hear the trail from the top is sick, including many drops up to 10 feet. Haven't hit it yet.

I did check out a trail gap and a road gap on Poundcake. Also Tody's is sweet! Looks like the hardcores are taking over in the Kingdom!

I got in about 30 mile of riding this weekend primarily on trail. The new ride is sweet!
We hit the new and improved Tody's at MFest. Man that trail is sweet. How are those gaps?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
tonyhawk said:
What time did you guys start? I waited till about 10:05 but didn't see anyone so I figured I had the wrong day or time. Oh well. I rode for about 2.5 hours, zig-zagging all over the place taking different trails than I normally do.

Sunday I went up to check out Jiminy Peak - they've done some nice work on the trails this year!
Mark - my apologies. Bob called to let me know he was running late and I forgot to relay that message to you. I'm chalking it up to not having any coffee in me at that point in the day.

BTW - I wore those pads on Saturday and they worked great for me. So I'm gonna keep em and can pay you in cash or via paypal, whichever you prefer.



bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
Polandspring88 said:
Jiminy was definately rocking this weekend. We were up there on Saturday. The trails on the right side of the mountain (looking up at it) are far superior to those on the left. The left side seems to be, grab your brakes and slide down side while the right is flowy with kickers and drops. Although Wild Turkey is a great trail, I preferred the right side.
Agreed. There's much more variety on the right side as well. On the left, you've got Wild Turkey, top to bottom, or Jericho, and that's about it.

Word is a new jump trail is going in from the small lift on down...

I'll probably be back up next weekend.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
High elevation solo alpine run at Sherman Pass Trails (Kettle Crest along Sherman Peak here). In Republic Wa. right outside my reservation about 6 hours away from Seattle. Trailhead sits at 5400 ft. and rides along the nearby peaks. i met Bigfoot along an alpine meadow littered with daisies. He was nice enough to stop what he was doin for a second and take this picture of me on my new bikey.



bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
MMcG said:
Mark - my apologies. Bob called to let me know he was running late and I forgot to relay that message to you. I'm chalking it up to not having any coffee in me at that point in the day.

BTW - I wore those pads on Saturday and they worked great for me. So I'm gonna keep em and can pay you in cash or via paypal, whichever you prefer.

No problemo. I'm just glad my memory isn't as bad as I thought it was.

As long as the pads fit, you can have them.


Apr 4, 2002
I did the Off Road Assault on Mount Mitchell (ORAMM) yesterday. Not much in the way of photos because it looked too hard to be screwing around with the camera, and it was damp (at best) all day anyhow. The camera only came out of the plastic bag I'd stashed it in once.

Great ride though. 66 miles and 11,000 feet of climbing in 7.5 hours. I had my climbing legs on and, relative to the other mid-packers, was really motoring up the climbs. No one came by me when I was going up, and I passed a bunch of people. Virtually all the climbing was on fire roads, and while no one really likes fire roads, when you're going up for that long it’s a whole lot better than single track. The longest sustained climb was 9 miles, and there were 3 others that were about 5 miles long. The hardest part of the day was after checkpoint 4, which I thought was the highest part of the course. What I didn't know was that there was still a mile of paved climbing plus the steepest hike-a-bike of the day to go before the Heartbreak Ridge descent. That was just a bit demoralizing, but it was nearly all downhill from there to the finish.

Although I climbed well I descended like crap. I've never been known for my tech skills, but what few I have seem to have deserted me yesterday. Instead of flowing down the hills like water I caromed down them like a drunken ping pong ball. Every time I'd get a rhythm going I'd bounce off a rock or slide off a root and be back in recovery mode. Never did get any confidence. It didn't help that just at the start of the longest descent of the day I got hammered by a drenching downpour.

Still, that was the only real rain I saw so I can't really complain. Most of the day we were in dripping, misty forest. This is about the closest thing I saw to a view all day....

Course profile from last year



Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Had a great ride on Friday night with my husband and a bunch of guys he works with. I haven't ridden with them in a couple of weeks and I think they expected me to be walking and not able to keep pace...well, I managed to pass a couple of them and climb just about everything (and a few things some of the guys bailed on and walked up) :devil: Then we hit downtown Saratoga for beverages & dinner. It was a fun night (especially when the guys started picking on each other about being spanked by a pregnant chick)!!!

Saturday I did some trail maintenance and made sure our backyard stunts, jumps and trail were cleaned up for deck party and then went to a bbq with one of our riding friends. Sunday it was lawn care day and relaxing in the kiddie pool. I was supposed to get out for a group ride and ended up not being able to make it :(

Echo--I was bummed I didn't make the Diablo trip :( Maybe you can post some pics to make me feel better ;)


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
TreeSaw said:
Echo--I was bummed I didn't make the Diablo trip :( Maybe you can post some pics to make me feel better ;)
It was sweet, there are quite a few new trails. The new section of Exodus rips, there's a big ass drop I chickened out on (but I will hit it). Lots of new skinnies and all the old good stuff was still there. The Dominion jumps all seemed freshly shaped which was cool. Alpine is torn apart with brake bumps, but with as many people that ride that, I guess there's not much that can be done about it. We drove down Saturday morning and came back Saturday night, so the goal was to ride as much as possible. I didn't even bring my camera.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Echo said:
It was sweet, there are quite a few new trails. The new section of Exodus rips, there's a big ass drop I chickened out on (but I will hit it). Lots of new skinnies and all the old good stuff was still there. The Dominion jumps all seemed freshly shaped which was cool. Alpine is torn apart with brake bumps, but with as many people that ride that, I guess there's not much that can be done about it. We drove down Saturday morning and came back Saturday night, so the goal was to ride as much as possible. I didn't even bring my camera.
I almost came down, but Earl had other stuff he wanted to get done and bailed and I didn't want to drive down alone and hold you guys up at all. I REALLY want to get there before I am cut off from riding, but I don't know that it's going to happen :(