
toooosday gfmt


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Awake. League is tonight. Haley will be getting her first trophy (vs. medal), which should be pretty awesome.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Thirteen inches is the final count for our first snow storm. Not bad. Still need to dig out the cars. Gonna take the nordic skis out to go explore some less traveled paths.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Think I'm going to try and negotiate for another 10k on my job offer and be done with it. That will put me where I want to be, and I'll be set. I suppose we will see.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

I've started to track my headaches and yesterdays lasted something like 15 hours before it went away. I was good around 6pm, but holy hell what a brain fog that I was left in. I feel so much better today.

Le work :think:

I love when I schedule a short meeting with leadership folk, specifically to provide updates and to get their feedback, but they no show on the meeting. :rolleyes:


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Reorg at work just announced, it would appear my entire team, minus me, is moving under another manager. I am now a team lead without a team. :rofl:

Ordinarily, I'd say that doesn't bode well for my prospects, but I'll still be doing all the same stuff as before minus the non-official "managerial" stuff. WIN.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
idles ticket secured for next year

daniel donato ticket secured for next year.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Multiple customers called yesterday afternoon to let me know they needed service calls. Too bad one of them is on the bank of the Snake River, down by Walla Walla. Should be a nice day for drive.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
And if you talk with Granby locals the guy was a 100% jackass. Not sure why a certain political wing think the guy is a hEr0. Let’s smash the town and then kill myself so I don’t have to face responsibility for my actions.
Oh, that Wiki is a rich read. What a fuckin' moran. :disgust1:

"said that the government not paying for the sewage line hookup was "extortion by government fiat" " :rofl:

" Around this time, the buried concrete truck barrel that served as Heemeyer's septic tank filled up. Heemeyer responded by pumping his sewage with a gasoline pump into the irrigation ditch that ran behind his property.[8] Heemeyer also attempted to illegally connect to a neighbor's sewer line, but was caught and the incident reported to the sanitation district."

"After the lawsuit against the town was dismissed in April 2002, Heemeyer blamed the failure on his lawyer and demanded a refund."

Fucking GOLD, Jerry.

Reading further, this guys' story definitely belongs in the "Explaining Religious Psychosis" thread. :disgust:
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Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Have a CT Scan scheduled for my elbow tonight. Theoretically getting surgery on it in March. Something about a fragment in the joint, and a weird bony growth. Have tennis elbow, even if I don't do anything with my arm.

I may go a pick up a cheap pair of classic xc skis today. Something with those built-in skins so I don't need to wax them. I want something I can tool around on when the snow conditions aren't great for skate skiing while my boys are at practice... since I'm up there 4x a week, there's bound to be sub-optimal snow conditions. Also, it will allow me to rebuild my fitness. I tried skate skiing 10 days ago, and I'm not fit enough to get any kind of momentum going yet. That shit is hard.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Oh, that Wiki is a rich read. What a fuckin' moran. :disgust1:

"said that the government not paying for the sewage line hookup was "extortion by government fiat" " :rofl:

" Around this time, the buried concrete truck barrel that served as Heemeyer's septic tank filled up. Heemeyer responded by pumping his sewage with a gasoline pump into the irrigation ditch that ran behind his property.[8] Heemeyer also attempted to illegally connect to a neighbor's sewer line, but was caught and the incident reported to the sanitation district."

"After the lawsuit against the town was dismissed in April 2002, Heemeyer blamed the failure on his lawyer and demanded a refund."

Fucking GOLD, Jerry.

Reading further, this guys' story definitely belongs in the "Explaining Religious Psychosis" thread. :disgust:
remember how at the end of every A-team episode they always ended up building some dumb steel covered armored vehicle because that always fixes everything?

He fucking did that :rofl:

A grown ass man off his fucking rocker actually built an A-team car :rofl:

Who cares why he did it and if he had a point or not, he showed us the future!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Didn’t get enough sleep, been a busy elf and don’t really want to go hiking. But today is the last chance for getting some roots and rawks under my feet this week. Gotta do what I can to keep depression at bay. Hard to sell stuff when you wanna rip people’s heads off.