

Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
and three days in a row of riding. hot damn. today i learned how to ride vert ramps (how to do that turn at the top of the ramp, not how to air out of them, that must wait for a drier day) and how to do rolling 180s on flat ground :cool: . the 180 is definitely my coolest/hardest trick so far hehe

no pics today tho, rainy weather makes my camera shudder


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
and three days in a row of riding. hot damn. today i learned how to ride vert ramps (how to do that turn at the top of the ramp, not how to air out of them, that must wait for a drier day) and how to do rolling 180s on flat ground :cool: . the 180 is definitely my coolest/hardest trick so far hehe

no pics today tho, rainy weather makes my camera shudder
wow, we should neglect you on the board more often. If no-one replies and talks about camera equip for a couple of days, you up and get on your bike.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
wow, we should neglect you on the board more often. If no-one replies and talks about camera equip for a couple of days, you up and get on your bike.
problem is now i'm really sick. have had lingering cough for weeks, now don't feel so hot at all w/phlegmmy cough and fever. ugh.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
So, have you guys been following PMA news? I have. :):)
the 1D MkII is all i care about ;) . but i can't justify 4.5k when i make no money shooting. lots of tasty stuff tho, what do you have your eye on?

also, in case anyone is curious, i found out i can get full coverage for a Suzuki GS500E for $800/yr, or basic for $250/yr. not bad at all, i might have to actually go ahead with this motorcycle thing after all :eek: :dead:


Originally posted by Toshi
what is this "facebook game"?
haha, so infantile...i suppose it can be described as some odd form of virtual spin the bottle....

The long-winded version: In high school when the new facebooks came out each year, you and your friends would inevitably find yourselves bored, sitting about in your dorm rooms, and someone would take out the book, and start flipping quickly through the pages, until the student playing would say "stop." Then the player would choose a number, say 1-6 (i forget) corresponding to the number of columns on the two open pages. Then the student holding the book, would count the number of faces in that column belonging to persons of the opposite sex, and after announcing the total, would ask the player for the numeric choice. The identity of the player's choice was then revealed, and others would giggle or coo, and the player was then required to call his/her choice (using the convenient 4-digit extension below the name and dorm) and introduce themselves. The call is made, then more laughing, some blushing, maybe even some flirting. If the choice is truly reprehensible, you might beg for a do-over, etc, but you are likely peer-pressured in, regardless. Then it's the next person's turn....

the end :dead:


Mar 16, 2003
Northampton, MA
Originally posted by Toshi
the 1D MkII is all i care about ;) . but i can't justify 4.5k when i make no money shooting. lots of tasty stuff tho, what do you have your eye on?
That camera seems really freakin' awesome on paper, but I hear the sample images aren't too hot. But I don't think the camera is finished being developed yet. In the end it doesn't matter cause I'll never own that camera, like you said.

I'm not buying a camera. Eventually, long down the road (assuming that I'm still interested in photography), I may get an SLR. So I've been looking at the D70 a lot, with that AF-S 17-70. I don't have the money right now, and I'm not sure I'd want to spend that much even if I did.

I just enjoy seeing all the cool new technology and stuff. What a nerd. ;)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
That camera seems really freakin' awesome on paper, but I hear the sample images aren't too hot. But I don't think the camera is finished being developed yet. In the end it doesn't matter cause I'll never own that camera, like you said.

I'm not buying a camera. Eventually, long down the road (assuming that I'm still interested in photography), I may get an SLR. So I've been looking at the D70 a lot, with that AF-S 17-70. I don't have the money right now, and I'm not sure I'd want to spend that much even if I did.

I just enjoy seeing all the cool new technology and stuff. What a nerd. ;)
i actually think the sample images look just fine :D . high iso noise suppression is especially awesome -- the sample images' 1600 looks like my d30's 400, which in turn looks like compact cameras' 100 ;) . while driving around colorado, slipping on icy roads and such -- pics coming soon -- i kinda semi sorta decided that maybe motorcycling truly might be bad for my health. possibly. hehe. this may mean ludicrous and unnecessary camera gear in the future. or more (any?) nights on the town. who knows.


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
i actually think the sample images look just fine :D . high iso noise suppression is especially awesome -- the sample images' 1600 looks like my d30's 400, which in turn looks like compact cameras' 100 ;) . while driving around colorado, slipping on icy roads and such -- pics coming soon -- i kinda semi sorta decided that maybe motorcycling truly might be bad for my health. possibly. hehe. this may mean ludicrous and unnecessary camera gear in the future. or more (any?) nights on the town. who knows.
what about 'saving for your retirement''?



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
what about 'saving for your retirement''?


there is that, but consider the economics of it: in the grand scale, i'm making next to nothing now. furthermore, i will be making literally nothing for the next four years. during these next four years the parents will pick up the tab, but i'll still have to deal with day to day expenses. therefore any non-investment savings accounts will be drained by petty, stupid stuff. conclusion: it's not worth it to save money at this point in my life.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
today saw lots of riding action. first i was off to the beaverton ramp park, where the 10 yr old grommet factor was way too high. i watched mostly.

then i went looking for a fabled set of small dirt jumps a few miles away, and found them without too much trouble. got nice and muddy, hit up the small line a bunch of times, got asked for my autograph :D . heh. a bit of a downer was that some kid's father hopped on his son's bmx, took one successful pass at the jumps, but snapped his clavicle on the second try.

next it was back to the ramps, to try to redeem myself. i landed a few of my bunnyhop 180 attempts and was having fun carving on the ramps. still can't do anything substantive tho but my manualling is getting much better :D . riding with you guys will be fun if i ever come back out to boston w/bike: you'll get sick of me manualling and 180ing all around (esp since i can't do anything else hehe)


no pics today. the camera got a day off.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
work blows. (had to deal with an incompetent and uncooperative vendor all day. ugh)

but i'm going to hawaii for a week, starting on sunday. see y'all later mwahahhhhhhahaha :D

:eek: :cool: :D


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
Bastard. No bike, though, eh?
no bike, but i ended getting in a good 16 miles of shuttled downhill on molokai anyway, which was unexpected and very cool. pics to come this evening, of course. :D ride pics, even.


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
So after lurking for quite a while now, I've decided to post again.

I went biking today for the first time since last fall! The 55 degree and slightly-sunny weather inspired me. Nothing to major, but it was nice to be back in the saddle. Saw some interesting things, including a guy sitting by the Charles playing the Flügelhorn. I don't know why, but there he was.

No pics...but if the weather stays nice you might have some biking pics soon...



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari
So after lurking for quite a while now, I've decided to post again.

I went biking today for the first time since last fall! The 55 degree and slightly-sunny weather inspired me. Nothing to major, but it was nice to be back in the saddle. Saw some interesting things, including a guy sitting by the Charles playing the Fl�gelhorn. I don't know why, but there he was.

No pics...but if the weather stays nice you might have some biking pics soon...

your u + umlaut (?) didn't come out properly in safari. that's awesome that you got to ride. you could go to the blue hills next weekend, i think they're open still.

http://tjclark.ath.cx/images/trips/hawaii again - february 2004/

(gallery still being updated for those who are really quick on the draw)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
oh man. just went out for a little night street action, and i totally suck. nothing was clicking at all, not manuals, bunnyhopping, my newfound 180s, pedal kicking, nothing. ugh. and then i managed to knock a few lbs of air out of my tires while trying to pedal kick on a set of curbs. actually, they were probably low already from sitting unused in my room for many days...



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
this is biking related, as i rode the dbr to this market:

saturday market

candids are fun yet unnerving. it helped that there were quite a few stringers for the newspaper (guessing by their big slr + flash bracket and weathered look) circulating in the crowd too.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
it's still running around in my head 36 hours after seeing it. not pleasant, sure, but it's a good flick



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
Yeah, yeah. Just stop it down. 'Sides, the Nikon starts at a wider aperture.
a constant f/4 vs. f/4.5-5.6 isn't much of a difference :eek: . that said, i do plan on shooting at f/8 and up pretty exclusively, since in my testing of the 12-24 it looked very soft even up to f/8... :confused: but then again it was on a D100, so it could just have been the camera's fault



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i've decided that motorcycles + pacnw rain == teh stupid, and that i can't justify a 1DMkII. so instead i am going to fritter away my cash on smaller things. first that lens, now these (which must replace my studded snow tires by april 1 by law :eek: )

in 31x10.50 they should look good. that size is about 2 inches taller than the current ones. furthermore they should perform too, which is also desireable, as i'm planning on heading out to the tillamook state forest for real 4x4ing :thumb:

a sample event that sounds just about right for me + the stock pathy


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by kingLatency
Welcome to 2 years ago. And it's all about the music video remixes.

I can't believe you let your bolts get that rusty!! :eek:
ya, sorry, i only came across that in a slashdot +5 Funny comment just recently :D

the bolts got that way after two years of boston winters + road salt + living off the back of my pathfinder for a month on the dusty and wet road trip. the new stainless ones should look much nicer two years from now.