
Tour de l'Ain update


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Chris Horner took the yellow jersey :weee:...Vino takes the stage

21st Tour de l'Ain - Stage 3b Just In
Vinokourov stops the clock for an impressive win on his return to racing - Chris Horner in for third in St Genis-Pouilly takes the race lead and yellow jersey with one more stage to go...

First comments from the race leader Chris Horner...
"My first goal today was not to lose time on the stage this morning. Make 1st, 2nd, 3rd ... I would not say the same thing but I mainly wanted to arrive at the same time almost as the stage winner. I managed to achieve this goal. Looking at the rankings this afternoon between the two stages, I thought I had a chance to take the yellow jersey during the time trial. I prefer time trials that are longer or more difficult. I know the Grand Colombier having climbed in the Tour de France. Ok! Then tomorrow we'll see what it's like. I am confident. "

As for Alexandre Vinokourov... the man said he wanted to go for the stage win and see how well he could do against the clock. Apparently quite well winning at his first attempt. He commented when asked it is was some kind of payback, that "No, I just wanted to show everyone I am still capable of winning races." He also said he would help Chris Horner win tomorrow and hoped that the "administrative problems with the Astana team will soon be resolved so that he can end the season riding with the team.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
Some interesting stuff on Eurosport......chronicling Vino's self defense...



"I have spoken to the team doctors who had a hypothesis that there was an enormous amount of blood in my thighs, which could have led to my positive test."

He released a statement which questioned the efficacy of the "flow cytometry instrument" that was used to find him positive and which the laboratory was using for the first time on the Tour.


"In cycling nobody respects human rights. The situation is now worse than any other sport. I hope the truth will be found and I am going to fight for it."


"I don't think bike racing is any dirtier than other sports - soccer, tennis. It's just popular to sensationalise bike racing these days, and they are just trying to do it as often as possible."

Maybe Vino is simply deluded after the 35-year-old told sports daily L'Equipe: "I will do everything I can to ride the 2010 Tour."

BS thinks there is more chance of Christian Preudhomme letting Floyd Landis ride a three-wheeled trice from the start ramp in Rotterdam next July.

But with Armstrong and Bruyneel on their way and Contador likely to follow, we would be not shocked to see Vino in the blue of Astana later this month at the Vuelta.