
Tour of California

So who's going to be heading out to watch the race?

If you make it out....look for the big guy in the back seat of the Kodak/Sierra Nevada car...trying not to fall asleep ;-)
<head leaning on wheel>

I'm actually excited. I did th efirst SFGP, Tour de Goergia and now the first Tour of Cali. Nice to add to the palmeres.
Should be a good event. Stages don't start until 11am generally and are done by 2-3pm for the most part. We'll be done wrenching way before the sun goes down.
Might even be able to eat at a normal time, and get a good couple of hours of BarTime before the morning.

Internal14(mech. to the stars...):rolleyes:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I'm there for the Martinez-SJ race, but I have not decided to see it near my shop up in Walnut Creek or San Jose near my job...
Yeah I think that'll be the easiest stage to watch. Lots of ways to watch the race go by, then jump in a car and head another 20-30miles olong the course and check it again. Should be able to see some good early testing in the hills.