
Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Now some of you may be saying this is old news, and some of you will be saying that this is mere conspiracy theory, but it actually is neither.

This is a new paper that discusses the analysis of 4 separate samples of dust taken from the WTC and the findings that they all contain explosive thermitic residue:

...we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.
Here are links to the news story, the web page, and the actual paper.

So, if this paper reaches the conclusion that this is what was in the dust samples, then the obvious question becomes, "How did this come to be present in the samples?"

I bet it was those darn muslim terrorists developing nanotechnology in those caves they were hiding in. :rolleyes:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I really need to buy stock in tin foil.

Seriously though, I think that these samples should be tested by other external labs. If they come to the same conclusion, its definitely time to start asking questions.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Thermitic materials = iron and aluminium. No way that kind of stuff would normally be in a building.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
perhaps you kids should actually take a look at the paper. it has not so many exclamation points and describes a super-thermite nanotechnology. not the kind of thing that occurs randomly.

or you could just ridicule it. yeah, just do that. it is a lot easier.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Ridiculing takes more thought than reading something that supports an idea you desperately want to be true.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I read the paper, and yea, the kind of thermite that they found isn't the run of the mill stuff you can make in your garage. Unless your garage happens to be a VERY well equipped and very CLEAN chemistry laboratory.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
could there have been post 9/11 contamination of the samples?

<edit> NM, they claim the samples are not contaminated
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
First: BYU for fux sake

Second: this

Jones has previously supported a theory that the collapse of the WTC towers was part of a government conspiracy to ignore warnings about the 9/11 terrorists so that the attack would propel America to wage war against Afghanistan and Iraq.
Which came first, chicken or egg?

Third: I've been persecuted for my theory that combustibles in a large fire.......you know......get consumed.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
could there have been post 9/11 contamination of the samples?

the samples were submitted by citizens from 4 different locations at varying times, all post 9/11. the sources are clearly described in the paper. so yes, the chain of evidence could be questioned.

then again, where would ordinary citizens obtain such materials to contaminate the evidence with?

forget the muslims. the researchers must have contaminated the samples themselves and planted the evidence they hoped to find. yeah, that's the ticket.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
fvck, i've never cried so much in my life........

.from laughing.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
soooooooooo I did a little reading on teh googlar, apparently the term "expolsive thermite" is somewhat of a misnomer. It is not actually "explosive", it just burns at a substantially higher rater than normal thermite (which burns extremely fast as is). The reason for this is particulate size of the ingredients. Regular thermite has particles at the micron scale, 'explosive' thermite is at the nano scale; ie the particles are 1000x times SMALLER.

At that size, they just don't happen by accident.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
soooooooooo I did a little reading on teh googlar, apparently the term "expolsive thermite" is somewhat of a misnomer. It is not actually "explosive", it just burns at a substantially higher rater than normal thermite (which burns extremely fast as is). The reason for this is particulate size of the ingredients. Regular thermite has particles at the micron scale, 'explosive' thermite is at the nano scale; ie the particles are 1000x times SMALLER.

At that size, they just don't happen by accident.
By accident, you mean "a plane crashing into a building" or "a 110 story building crashing to the earth" accident? I'd be shocked if 110 story building crashing to earth didn't grind things up into little itty bitty pieces.

Also (didn't read the news stories), since they found these particles at 4 different locations, can they extrapolate how BIG the "bomb" would have had to be to have left residue all over the entire site? My guess is that instead of your normal Ryder truck explosive device, you'd be looking at something occupying the first couple floors of the building for there to be that much residue spread over the 16 acres (or more, since the damage went far beyond that). Figuring out what percentage of the material is this highly explosive substance should be pretty easy, then just do simple math based on the size of the rubble/structures that were there (~500,000t).


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
If they are able to trace its origins and or manufacturer I think it will seem credible enough to peak a lot of interest.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
of course that assumes that the media would be willing to tell people about it.

What's it like inside your head? I bet there's a really bad ass theme song going on all the time.

Probably lots of dark corners too. And instead of ninjas it's a bunch of white guys in expensive suits looking sideways. But it's hard to tell about the suits all the time because it's always night. They probably want it that way. But they can't fool you, because you're on to them. Those white guys around the dark corners. Oh no.....not you. You know better! You SEE the light that the rest of the people in don't see. Pretty soon they'll see the light too. But it'll probably be too late. That's what the theme song suggests. That it's going to be too late.

Pretty badass theme song though. I'll give you that. I might even download it. Is that on itunes? Of course not. itunes is run by creepy white guys in suits looking sideways. We already know about them.

But still, I'd totally download it.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
So are you saying that there's a conspiracy between the media and government to defraud the people, or a separate conspiracy by both but not linked to each other?
I am not privy to such information, and therefore will not make these claims.
Admittedly though, I do often wonder if either or both may be the case.

What I am saying is that the media is more focused on fluff than on matters of real substance.

In the case at hand, scientists determined that a very unusual substance was contained in samples of dust taken from the WTC. A substance which lends credence to the MIHOP theory. But was this news reported on CNN? How about CBS, Fox, or MSNBC? Nope? Really? They have plenty of time to cover whether or not the big O should have bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. Is that really important?

Publicizing the findings could lead to OTHER SCIENTISTS performing similar tests and providing INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION (or refutation) of the results. Ah, but funk, who would want that?

America™ doesn't want to know the truth. We just want to happily believe whatever the TV tells us. Life is simpler that way.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
apparently you did not look at the paper. it states where the samples came from, and ground zero wasn't it.

I meant the fire in my heart. The one yearning for liberty.

But yeah I quit reading at the 'published(sic) on an online journal by a conspiracy freak from BYU' part.

Quick question though: what happens to explosives when they are exploderered?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Something to think about here. Watch the video of the towers at the moment they start to fall. If you watch the video frame by frame the part of the building above where the plane impacted begins to shift then fall. As the upper part falls and then starts to hit just below where the plane impacted then the whole building begins to fall.

If explosives placed in the lower part of the towers is what made them fall then why did the upper part fall first? The collision of the upper part hitting the lower part causes the whole building to come down. Lower parts of the building remain intact and unharmed until something above it falls on it.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Publicizing the findings could lead to OTHER SCIENTISTS performing similar tests and providing INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION (or refutation) of the results. Ah, but funk, who would want that?

America™ doesn't want to know the truth. We just want to happily believe whatever the TV tells us. Life is simpler that way.

Since when is CNN the mainstay of communication among scientists in a given field?

I bet guys in lab coats wake up every day and see if Diane Sawyer or Ted Koppel have anything to tell them about particle physics this week. I mean, it's not like they'd pick up a specialized professional journal or anything.

You're mad because the mass media don't spread your whiny crackpot tinfoil hat bull**** all over us in the public. Other scientists, however, will see the findings of this study through professional channels and base their opinions and any further research on their merit or lack thereof...or possibly ignore it if they find it to be simple bull**** (scientifically speaking) from the start.

(Not being a scientist myself, I couldn't really much interpret the paper on my own, so I could offer no comment on the study's legitimacy or opinion on its findings. Nor can I download a 10mb file on this Internet connection, so I guess I'll never even have the chance.)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
You're mad because the mass media don't spread your whiny crackpot tinfoil hat bull**** all over us in the public. Other scientists, however, will see the findings of this study through professional channels and base their opinions and any further research on their merit or lack thereof...or possibly ignore it if they find it to be simple bull**** (scientifically speaking) from the start.
Dude, why you gotta be all "Look at me, I'm MikeD, and I'm here to paint the whole picture for your dumb ass?"

You think rick thought that his darth vader toys he had when he was a kid, plotted to turn him to the dark side when he was asleep? I mean I thought he was out to kill luke (and then later invite him into the frat house all 'legacy' and shlt), but I could still go to sleep knowing that me and darth were cool. I mean what must that have been like? All going to sleep, thinking about the first day you're going to touch a booby and then start hearing THIS

I mean dayum. A little 3 inch darth vader after your ass? That's gotta fvck you up.

Seems like the kind of thing that would make you envision yourself as that flamboyant theater fag with the cutlery in his avatar.......all showing natalie portman "the way"

Actually I could totally be down with showing natalie portman the way. "the way" is what I call my dick. That's what I call it when people with bibles ask me if I want to be shown the love, the truth and the way. I show them my way. I think natalie portman would like to see it too.

Probably not rick though. He wouldn't let the way into his bunker. I didn't mean that as a euphamism but it would probably work pretty well as one. Hear that rick? I'm bringing the way&#8482; to your bunker. Because that's what my brain feels like everytime you have an "idea&#8482;"
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98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
If explosives placed in the lower part of the towers is what made them fall then why did the upper part fall first? The collision of the upper part hitting the lower part causes the whole building to come down. Lower parts of the building remain intact and unharmed until something above it falls on it.
Where are you getting this idea from? This idea is not discussed in the paper.

Quick question though: what happens to explosives when they are exploderered?
The paper does not discuss explosives (well not conventional things like dynamite or tnt or anything like that), but rather a "highly energetic pyrotechnic." You may have noticed that in the paper but unfortunately
...I quit reading at the 'published(sic) on an online journal by a conspiracy freak from BYU' part.
oh well.

Quick question though: what happens to explosives when they are exploderered?
Well usually, I think they explode. But in anecdotal evidence, sometimes they don't. Have you ever had a dud wick on a black cat firecracker? I have. So every once in a while you light up the whole pack of black cats, and they don't all go off. Weird. I thought everything always went exactly perfectly and according to plan in the real world.

So yeah, keep up with the ad hominems. It's cool with me. And don't even bother to look at the paper. Who gives a funk anyhow? It's just a little incident that resulted in the deaths of a million or so people. Big deal.

But what I want to know where you got the audio clip of what I sound like when I am riding my bike:
...then start hearing THIS
Have you been following me? You are starting to make me paranoid.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Explosives residue is normally left over when explosives detonate.

Of course, from my very limited (though certainly greater than most on the board) experience with thermite, the idea that it would be used to cut columns is absurd. It can't cut sideways in the first place, and if affixed to a column despite this limitation, it would first melt away what it was attached to and be thus unable to continue any cutting action on the remaining material.

Of course, perhaps nano-thermite or whatever burns so quickly as to be able to do this differently...perhaps a ring-shaped charge which encircled a column... (That said, I'm most skeptical of the origins of these chips...)

But if it could detonate/burn so fast as to cut a column in this manner, it wouldn't produce much molten material, which seems to be the chip atop many a tinfoil hat.


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Apparently, some media has thought this paper worthy of news coverage. No, not the US media, silly. The Danish media... read more here. Not only do they bring us tasty breakfast treats, but now they also bring us serious coverage of an important issue.

Maybe some would be willing to watch this clip, but since it is not in english, you will have to read the subtitles. I know. I am asking a lot. Just pretend you are watching the TV in your living room. Maybe you are watching Pan's Labyrinth, or another cool subtitled film.

If it helps, dim the lights and pop some popcorn, or maybe pretend that the people you see are American news anchors... whatever it takes.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Are you sure we are entitled to read subtitles if our SAT scores weren't as high as yours?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Are you sure we are entitled to read subtitles if our SAT scores weren't as high as yours?
Had to search for that one.

paranoia incarnate said:
I am not an engineer, but I did score in the 99th percentile for science on the SAT. I can read a periodic table of elements and identify the melting point of iron (steel) on it. I can tell you with absolute certainty that jet fuel and office materials could not melt steel. So could most anyone with a high school education or lacking that, access to Google.

Pure gold


98th percentile on my SAT & all I got was this tin
Are you sure we are entitled to read subtitles if our SAT scores weren't as high as yours?
Give it a try. If you need some help with the bigger words (or in this case the smaller words (like nano)), just ask. I would be happy to help.

I don't recall anything too terribly tough in the video though. Remember, mass media aims at an 8th grade education level. Do you qualify?