
Trail Work Day - Issaqueena - CLEMSON Aug 29/2010


Jan 2, 2008
G'Vegas SC
sorry for the late notice.... having serious Technical Issues with our website

SUNDAY Aug 29th 2010 8am (Issaqueena Main Parking lot) - Noon cookout afterwards

bring: water, snack, gloves Tools will be provided.
Trail Work will be on Triple Creek Trail off of Logging Rd. #1


email from Clemson Cyclery about the Project:

Subject: Trail work

I know I?ve talked people?s heads off about the trail work day but thought that all of you guys would like to know what?s going on with the planning right now. As all of you know the work day is scheduled for this coming Sunday August 29, 2010. But not all of you know what we will be doing that day. It?s going to be a day not to miss. As it stands now we will be working on two separate projects. We will not be building bridges as we originally intended but doing something even more special. This Sunday we will be building a NEW trail at Issaqueena. Along with the construction we will also be cleaning what we can on the logging road connector.

The Forestry Dept at Clemson is ?thinning? the upper side of these trails in the coming weeks. We are working on a very tight schedule to get the work done and the trail laid before they start. If everything goes well you will be able to ride down Logging Rd #2 and then ride the Logging Rd Connector over to the field at Logging Rd #1 and then turn back right and ride straight to Triple Creek. The reason for this is to eventually set the area up to put in a better trail to replace the upper part of Triple Creek. The section coming off of the logging road to go to Doyle Bottom is getting worse and quick. With in the next 3-4 months hopefully we can get the rest finished. This may not seem like a priority but it will give us new trail to ride and also connect existing trails with out having to ride the fire road.

Right now I know that you?re thinking ?well if we can build that what about connecting it to this trail or that trail?? Not so fast. Know that this is really being done to serve several reasons. The main reason is rerouting trails that desperately need it. The second is in hope to make them more sustainable without having to rework them constantly. The location has been picked for these purposes.

The purpose for this email is so that if anyone would like to help in planning and prep for the work day feel free to contact me. The ground work is mostly laid out but it will not hurt to get a start early on this. I know that this is very short notice but it is a unique chance to be included in something that we all know doesn?t happen often. Let me know if you would like to join us. I will be working on it most of the week in the late afternoons. If you can?t make it this week please plan to attend the work day on Sunday.

Derrick O?Shields derrick@clemsoncyclery.com
Clemson Cyclery
906-6 Tiger Blvd.
Clemson, SC 29631
Tel. 864-654-2429