
Trail Work Day(s) Feb-April- Duncan Park Spartanburg


Jan 2, 2008
G'Vegas SC
Volunteers Needed!

Saturday, February 26th · 9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday, March 5th · 9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday, March 19th · 9:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday, April 2nd - 9:00am - 12:000pm

Duncan Park
702 Duncan Park Drive
Spartanburg, SC

More Info
Meet at 9am in the parking lot by the big baseball field!

Full Story of Duncan Park Trail Project HERE

A new array of cycling trails are being constructed in Duncan Park. Eric Turner of BikeWorx and a group of volunteers are working long hours to get the trails ready for use. Turner is using a mini-excavator to cut the trails through the dense undergrowth.

Mostly what needs to be done is the typical raking in after the big machine which means softening the edges of the trail and making sure there are no dips for water to collect. There are some roots that need removal as well.

Please Bring tools if you have them! Gloves, water, main tools necessary would be hard rakes (Mcleods if you have them) and large loppers.

Every Saturday is a big workday however there are some of us that work most everyday as the size of the project still remains very large.

Directions : Duncan Park 702 Duncan Park Drive Spartanburg, SC
Contact Eric Turner of Bikeworx for more info info@bikeworx.net


A new array of cycling trails are being constructed in Duncan Park. Eric Turner of BikeWorx and a group of volunteers are working long hours to get the trails ready for use. Turner is using a mini-excavator to cut the trails through the dense undergrowth.

Story from GoUpstate.com

Duncan Park will be the home of six miles of a new trail system that will wind its way throughout the park ? perfect for mountain bikers and runners and walkers who want to enjoy nature in the heart of Spartanburg.

Bikeworx Owner Eric Turner was awarded a $25,000 Business Champion Award for Active Living grant through the Mary Black Foundation two years ago to give to a non-profit organization of his choosing.

He gave half of the grant to the Glendale Outdoor Leadership School to purchase a bicycle trailer, a fleet of bikes, helmets and to create a mobile youth biking program. The bikes and program will be offered to children in Spartanburg County who might not have otherwise have access to bikes, instruction or active living opportunities.

Turner decided the other $12,500 would go to the city of Spartanburg for building trails in Duncan Park.

Turner, who has built professional trails, spoke with many volunteers who ultimately shared his vision ? among them, Deno Contos, the owner of Benchmark Trails of Greenville.

Without Contos' and Turner's expertise building trails, and volunteers who have already helped, this trail would've cost about $100,000 to build.

Contos helped with the professional design work on the trail and said when it's complete in a few months, it will be a ?flow trail system,? meaning mountain bikers will find it interesting from the valleys and some steep inclines. There will also be bridges that cross over creeks. The system will have trails for beginners as well.

The new trails will connect to the Mary Black Rail Trail and the Mary H. Wright Greenway.

?It will ride smoothly and it won't have an awkward flow,? Contos said. ?We hope it will become a destination for bike riders to come from other cities to ride.?

Contos is providing his expertise at no charge. The grant funds are being used for equipment rental and materials. No one who is doing work on the trail is being paid. Cate Ryba, of the Mary Black Foundation, said the citizen-led grassroots effort is what makes the project so exciting.

?They need people who are willing to give a couple of hours out of their day, or give a whole day to help with this,? said Ryba, who also serves on City Council. ?This is absolutely the kind of work we love to see being done by citizens.?

Turner said the topography and the character of the woods behind the Duncan Park baseball stadium are perfect for biking and walking.

?So often, we see trails out in the middle of nowhere, where people have to look for them to find them,? Turner said. ?The location of Duncan Park is ideal because it's right in the middle of the city ? it's perfect for a trail system.?

Signage is also being donated so residents and those traveling along Spartanburg streets will be able to easily find the trail.

T.C. Stone, a friend of Turner's and a fellow cyclist, said he lives in Duncan Park within a 1/2 mile or so from the new trail.

?It's just one more resource we can have ? the Rail Trail is great, and once we're able to clear the debris and roots, it will start coming together,? Stone said.

City Parks and Recreation Superintendent Brian Wofford said the city is excited to be a partner in the project.

?We talk a lot about gaps and how every local government has gaps and it's great when you have volunteers ? people in the community ? like Eric that see gaps and notice how we can do things just a little bit better. It makes us all better,? Wofford said.

The trail will likely open in May to celebrate National Bike Month. Turner said he hopes to have students in the Glendale Outdoor Leadership School to come with their bikes to ride on opening day.

Turner said volunteers who would like to spend a couple of hours or an entire day clearing trails are needed. Volunteers are saving trees on the property which are being overtaken by English ivy.

A group interested in controlling the ivy is also needed, Turner said.

Those interested in helping with clearing the trail should call Wofford at (864) 562-4059.


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Thanks Brad. You rule.
Man, Eric is on the ball down here. When I talked to him this morning, he was on his way to a meeting about getting a bike only "skatepark" here in Spartanburg. We have a ridiculous sick skatepark here that does not allow bikes. I will keep you guys updated on it.
Also, I heard something really cool yesterday about the flow park in Greenville.
Man, this area is an easy place to live in. ;)


Jul 30, 2010
Upstate SC
The 5th? Some of us will be at Clemson. As for the other dates, I will try to generate some interest with the guys I ride with.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
The 5th? Some of us will be at Clemson. As for the other dates, I will try to generate some interest with the guys I ride with.
Yeah, they are working pretty much everyday with group days on every Saturday. I told them I would be back to help after the Clemson race.
We may get a crew to go out the week after.


Jul 30, 2010
Upstate SC
I sent out an email to "my boys". They will all be at Clemson on Sat, so I will touch base with them then. I'll get some of them to come out.


Jul 30, 2010
Upstate SC
Oh and no Cecil, you weren't on that email distribution, I figured you'd read this so I didn't bother. I sent it to those who aren't on the forum.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Ha - this is true. And I'm definitely not the best - you should see some of these jokers around here.

But I'll tell you what I am top of the game at - receiving dental work.
The fact that you have an endless supply of Coca Cola in your office every day probably isn't helping.

Oh, and I can't offer any help. The wife is in Charlotte at her best friends for the weekend. Thinking of taking the girls camping if I can get home early tonight.


Jan 2, 2008
G'Vegas SC
Thanks Jeremy, Matt, Liz and her boys for coming out to work Saturday this place is gonna be cool as sh*t.

if anyone's interested Fri, April 1st we'll have a group out working. Eric will be doing the usual every Saturday Morning workdays as well 9am - noon. Come on out help build something cool!

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Thanks for coming out Brad. We got alot more done because of you guys.
There is a lot more to do, but you can see it shaping up now. I think it is going to end up being alot of fun for all levels of riders.


Jan 2, 2008
G'Vegas SC
Thanks to Matt G and his kids from Langston Charter Middle School

The Kids were doing their Community Service Day out diggin' in the Dirt at Duncan Park.

This place is gonna be cool!​

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
How's it coming along? Need some inspiration? This place looks IDENTICAL in terms of distance and layout.
Its coming along. Eric is still doing machine work out there.
It is going to be fun, but it is not going to be like the trail in the video.
No gaps or anything like that.
Its being built in the city and the trails are being built fun and bmx like to appeal to kids and get more of them in the sport.