
Trail Workday at Southside Loop - Saturday October 18th 2008


Jan 2, 2008
G'Vegas SC
Trail Workday at Southside Loop Mountain Bike Trail - Saturday October 18th 2008

When: Saturday OCT.18th meet in the parking lot at Southside at 9:00 am
we will work till about 12:30 or 1:00. Bring your bike, we will ride

Where: Southside Park - Groce Road - Spartanburg, SC 29302

Driving Directions from:

Greenville, SC:

What to bring if you have it: Everyone needs work gloves and water.
The tools we need are big and small loppers, hand or bow saws, weed
eaters with a heavy duty cutting blade, gas powered hedge clippers,
rakes, axes, ect.

What we are doing: We will break into groups and enter the trail from
different access points. What we want to accomplish is to clear the
trail of all the low hanging and protruding branches, trash in the
trail, cut out anything that you might hit while riding at night. Also
we want to clear out the tall grass and weeds that are growing into the
trail down on the flats along the creek. There are a few trees down
since the last storm so I will bring a chainsaw, we also want to do a
reroute around a downhill that's washing away.

This will be a joint effort by UpstateSORBA / UMBA / Freewheelers. The
Freewheelers are nice enough to provide lunch for everyone, so we need a
head count of who will be there. Please email Steve Fincher or Steve Wagoner
bwagoner@bellsouth.net if you can make it.
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