
Trent Lott


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Are you not questioning why he is being put in the media limelight?

What he said was not directly racist.
How is saying something two or maybe three steps removed from being directly racist, a racist comment?

There's obviusly much more going on here.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Wahahaha I love seeing ANY politician squirm... although I am sad for Old_Dude who really placed a lot of his personal credibility into the holy righteousness of Trent Lott.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Bone up on your civil rights history dude - what Trent Lott said and referred to was not only racist it was stupid beyond belief! Strom Thurman's political history goes back a very long way, he was and remains a very nasty man. Try to find some of his old speaches from the 40's and 50's - the America you enjoy today is not the same as it was 50 years ago. Trent Lott made a major ass out of himself - he deserves what he is getting. :monkey:

Originally posted by Sideways
Are you not questioning why he is being put in the media limelight?

What he said was not directly racist.
How is saying something two or maybe three steps removed from being directly racist, a racist comment?

There's obviusly much more going on here.


I Love Cheap Beer!
Lott said that 'if Strom Thurmond were elected President when he ran [when he started the "Dixiecrat" movement, which was pro-segregation], we wouldn't have the sort of mess we have today.'

How can that NOT be construed as racist?


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Bone up on your civil rights history dude - what Trent Lott said and referred to was not only racist it was stupid beyond belief! Strom Thurman's political history goes back a very long way, he was and remains a very nasty man. Try to find some of his old speaches from the 40's and 50's - the America you enjoy today is not the same as it was 50 years ago. Trent Lott made a major ass out of himself - he deserves what he is getting. :monkey:
"I want to say this about my state. When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

Words are tricky things, and as a politician, Lott has full command of them.
I'm sure that what he meant was "I sure wish you got that presidency so we could still be profiting big off them damn niggers", but that’s not what he said.
It's been obvious for some time what his sentiment is, regardless of anything said at someone’s big birthday party.
I really don't think this media is about that specific comment.
Nobody would have given him second thought unless someone specifically wanted to give Lott a hard time.

I don’t know what his political agenda is, nor how this whole deal actually went down.
I have no idea what bill he may be supporting or not.
I just think there’s more to it than “Oh, look! A racist in Washington”
That’s old news.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Hehehe... you can back pedal too!

Originally posted by Sideways
"I want to say this about my state. When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years, either."

Words are tricky things, and as a politician, Lott has full command of them.
I'm sure that what he meant was "I sure wish you got that presidency so we could still be profiting big off them damn niggers", but that’s not what he said.
It's been obvious for some time what his sentiment is, regardless of anything said at someone’s big birthday party.
I really don't think this media is about that specific comment.
Nobody would have given him second thought unless someone specifically wanted to give Lott a hard time.

I don’t know what his political agenda is, nor how this whole deal actually went down.
I have no idea what bill he may be supporting or not.
I just think there’s more to it than “Oh, look! A racist in Washington”
That’s old news.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I think its pretty obvious that the guy is a racist. One's mind does not easily stray from something so engrained. Id be willing to bet though, that most rich white males in washington have some racial tenancies. Its just a matter of managing them. Lott slipped up. Boohoo


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
It's always the coverup or denial that screws you.

Hell, if Lott came out and said he didn't like black people, he'd pretty much guarantee re-election in his state, wouldn't he?

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
First of all SM, don't put words in my mouth. It pi$$es me off.

I couldn't give two $hits about Trent Lott or Strom Thurmond.

However I honestly don't think that his statements were as diabolical as some of you might think. There is a bit of railroading going on here. Trent Lott is not a nice guy, but he dosen't deserve this.

I may be wrong, but the possibility just might exist that he was trying to say something nice to a 100 year old man who is at the end of his life that was spent representing te people of his state.

Do you honestly think that this guy is so dumb as to say what the lefties are paraphrasing as, "Heee-doggie, I sho wish we'da 'lected 'ol strom an a heap uh clansmen too so's we could'a kep'em darkies in theyuh place."

C'mon, not even Bill Clinton is that stupid.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Wahahaha... a few months ago you were nothing but luv for Trent Lott and all bad news for Tom Dashle. Besides that - it is not the left calling for the most blood - it is his own party that is crying the loudest. The Republicans, lead by George Bush, are working harder than ever to be an inclusive party. Trent Lott no longer figures into this plan and is not considered to be an effective leader anymore. Unless he is a miracle worker with a direct line to God... he is history. The Dems are not behind his demise - their reaction was quite predictable. His own party turning on him speaks loader than anything the media or Dems could ever dream up. BTW - I think your excrement refs would have cleared the naughty word filter.


Originally posted by Damn True
First of all SM, don't put words in my mouth. It pi$$es me off.

I couldn't give two $hits about Trent Lott or Strom Thurmond.

However I honestly don't think that his statements were as diabolical as some of you might think. There is a bit of railroading going on here. Trent Lott is not a nice guy, but he dosen't deserve this.

I may be wrong, but the possibility just might exist that he was trying to say something nice to a 100 year old man who is at the end of his life that was spent representing te people of his state.

Do you honestly think that this guy is so dumb as to say what the lefties are paraphrasing as, "Heee-doggie, I sho wish we'da 'lected 'ol strom an a heap uh clansmen too so's we could'a kep'em darkies in theyuh place."

C'mon, not even Bill Clinton is that stupid.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Wahahaha... a few months ago you were nothing but luv for Trent Lott and all bad news for Tom Dashle. Besides that - it is not the left calling for the most blood - it is his own party that is crying the loudest. The Republicans, lead by George Bush, are working harder than ever to be an inclusive party. Trent Lott no longer figures into this plan and is not considered to be an effective leader anymore. Unless he is a miracle worker with a direct line to God... he is history. The Dems are not behind his demise - their reaction was quite predictable. His own party turning on him speaks loader than anything the media or Dems could ever dream up. BTW - I think your excrement refs would have cleared the naughty word filter.


I have no idea wha you are talking about. I don't recall ever discussing Trent Lott before. Just to make sure, I ran the search function.....nothing.

At any rate, I think the guy is getting railroaded a bit.

I'm not supporting him, or his voting record (I couldn't care less as I have enough to worry about with the MORONS Feinstein and Boxer that CA has sent to WA) I just don't think that what is happening is very fair. As for the Republicans doing it. C'mon, open your eyes. They are just playing CYA. They know the Jesse Jackson types all have their tailfeathers in a knot, they are simply putting as much distance as they can between he, and they.


I Love Cheap Beer!
Originally posted by Damn True
I may be wrong, but the possibility just might exist that he was trying to say something nice to a 100 year old man who is at the end of his life that was spent representing te people of his state.
Yes, I do think he was trying to think of something nice to say, but it was a slip of the mind to the mouth. I think he actually believes what he said, but perhaps in a loss for words, he let the cat out of the bag.
(Analogy: "I'd like two pickets to Titsburg." :p )


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Shoot, Lott just mis-spoke. I think he is an idiot, and probably racist, but no more than Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmund, and millions and millions of Americans.

Malcom Gladwell wrote a book called the Tipping Point, that illustrates how these media shark fests begin. It uses Clinton?Lewinski as a model. These things happen.

Check out this link it explains how the issue got legs...

I'm a student of media/politics/campaigns right now and we saw this happen time and time again...


Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Ok - I just made the whole thing up - made you look though! :evil: Now I will go and edit my comments...

Originally posted by Damn True
I have no idea wha you are talking about. I don't recall ever discussing Trent Lott before. Just to make sure, I ran the search function.....nothing.

At any rate, I think the guy is getting railroaded a bit.

I'm not supporting him, or his voting record (I couldn't care less as I have enough to worry about with the MORONS Feinstein and Boxer that CA has sent to WA) I just don't think that what is happening is very fair. As for the Republicans doing it. C'mon, open your eyes. They are just playing CYA. They know the Jesse Jackson types all have their tailfeathers in a knot, they are simply putting as much distance as they can between he, and they.


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
Originally posted by Tweek
Yes, I do think he was trying to think of something nice to say, but it was a slip of the mind to the mouth. I think he actually believes what he said, but perhaps in a loss for words, he let the cat out of the bag.
(Analogy: "I'd like two pickets to Titsburg." :p )
It's called a Freudian slip.:p

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by Sideways

Are y’all not seeing through the media?
The republicans GOT RID OF HIM.
This whole dealio has nothing to do with prejudice,
and EVERYTHING to do with political agenda.

I think the pentavirate is behind it all. Five men in a dark smoky room planning to take over the world!


Run chicken little, the sky is falling.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by Damn True
I think the pentavirate is behind it all. Five men in a dark smoky room planning to take over the world!


Run chicken little, the sky is falling.
Who might those five be?
Amoco? Marathon Oil? Phillips Petroleum? Halliburton? DynCorp? Definately the Carlyle Group.

I dunno, I think there might be even more.
An Octavirate, perhaps?


In dog years I'm dead
Aug 23, 2001
Salinas, CA
This was no slip of the tongue. Lott said almost the exact same thing word for word at a 1980 celebration honoring Strom Thurmond! There is no doubt in the world about his being a racist btw. When he was in college he attempted to not only get his fraternity to bar the admission of blacks on his campus, he attempted to get the entire national organization to do so at every college campus. He came to Washington as an aide to a Mississippi pol who was a know segregationist. He has consistently opposed any pro African American legislation including the Voting Rights Act, and the creation of a Martin Luther Kind national birthday recognition day. Oh... and as far as the Dems being behind this? No way in hell they want anything else but him remaining as majority leader now that his statements and true character are known to the American people. The Republicans are aghast on the other hand, particularly as GWB pushes his all inclusive, compassionate conservatism agenda.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by Sideways

Are y’all not seeing through the media?
The republicans GOT RID OF HIM.
This whole dealio has nothing to do with prejudice,
and EVERYTHING to do with political agenda.
You might be happier in Costa Rica or some such place.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Bye Bye Trent... although I really don't care - Mississippi can make the final judgement in 4 years. Right now I think he was right to step aside. Remaining majority leader would not have been good for the GOP. What fun!!!

Hmmm... I bored again. Whom is next? :evil: :evil: :evil:


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Originally posted by Damn True
Proof that it only takes one "woops!" to erase a career of "atta-boys!"
Have you ever heard of the Klan state Mississppi :devil: ,you of the one who speaks of god and jesus,but think it`s atta boy to hang some other humans cause their giving a darker skin ,and banish them from belonging to society ,cause their black ,you should pack you white bible beating ass to south america and live there for a while and see what it`s like ,cause the blacks are paying back all of the hate ,to the whites ,and you would prolly only see a few day`s of living before you where killed cause your white ,now I would not want you to be killed cause you are another human and I as another human think every one who is human deserve the right to vote live peacefully,without some one hating them cause in your eyes GOD gave him the colour of his skin ,the good ole` boys of the outh are a bunch of hippocryts (sp?) ,and the old POS thurman can`t wait till he dies :dead:,True not all repubicans are good


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by shocktower
Have you ever heard of the Klan state Mississppi :devil: ,you of the one who speaks of god and jesus,but think it`s atta boy to hang some other humans cause their giving a darker skin ,and banish them from belonging to society ,cause their black ,you should pack you white bible beating ass to south america and live there for a while and see what it`s like ,cause the blacks are paying back all of the hate ,to the whites ,and you would prolly only see a few day`s of living before you where killed cause your white ,now I would not want you to be killed cause you are another human and I as another human think every one who is human deserve the right to vote live peacefully,without some one hating them cause in your eyes GOD gave him the colour of his skin ,the good ole` boys of the outh are a bunch of hippocryts (sp?) ,and the old POS thurman can`t wait till he dies :dead:,True not all repubicans are good

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Originally posted by Sideways

Are y’all not seeing through the media?
The republicans GOT RID OF HIM.
This whole dealio has nothing to do with prejudice,
and EVERYTHING to do with political agenda.

Agreed, the guy was weak to begin with and I think the Republicans were just looking for an excuse to remove him. Just look how fast his fellow GOP members jumped ship. If he did make a racist statement then that excuse has even more clout.