

<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I think hes got some dirt on her and has been blackmailing her since they met.
Nah, she did what Eastern European models do, marry a rich American, do sex to him as many times as you have to to create a child, and then enjoy the good life until they hopefully divorce you and give you a stack of cash, or die and give you a stack of cash. Not her fault she latched onto the wrong rich guy, and he accidentally became the President. Not a good idea to file for divorce when your husband runs the country.


Turbo Monkey
Holy shit...

I mean i knew about eastern european women obviosuly, since i didnt come out of a fucking egg...
But this really put a smile on my face.
I hope theyre both miserable and die a lonely, slow and painfull death with blisters and sores.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Can't reason people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
When I grilled my Dad about Trump's comments after Charlottesville, he got pretty agitated. Told me it was bullshit about Trump defending white supremacists and Nazis.

The sad thing about a lot of Herr Twitler's supporters is that they still cling to this idea that he is somehow going to become the president they want. And that goes for Congressional Republicans as well who apologize and normalize his erratic behavior.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Eff da police x-post

Wonder what Mueller just shook out of the tree?
I always thought pardons were about forgiving those who were unjustly accused and/or convicted, sort of an attempt to right judicial wrongs. Pardoning one of the worst law enforcement officials in America, a man who thumbed his nose at the Federal government, is not about righting a wrong. I am not surprised.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I always thought pardons were about forgiving those who were unjustly accused and/or convicted, sort of an attempt to right judicial wrongs. Pardoning one of the worst law enforcement officials in America, a man who thumbed his nose at the Federal government, is not about righting a wrong. I am not surprised.
I could be wrong but I think part of the pardoning application requires the pardoned to fully accept guilt. So basically Arapio admits he is a racist asshole who defied federal law and Trump is saying he is cool with that, probably because Trump likes racist assholes.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Good post by someone about income inequality that started to spiral out of control in the '70s:

There was LOT'S of stuff shaking the status quo tree foreign and domestic at that particular point in time. But social and economic shocks can only crack the status quo. What was it that that poured in instead? What guided what the status quo turned into?

My favorite explanation is Roe vs. Wade.

Yep, the Supreme Court Abortion ruling led directly to the rise of wealth inequality.

Wait, wut?

Here's how. Even though they lost this fight, the Roe vs. Wade issue galvanized the Christian Right to a degree they hadn't been since the 1800s. We're used to religion intruding on politics today. But post war America, not nearly so much. The Religious Right largely did their own thing in their own space. Voter turnout among that group, very low.

But following Roe vs Wade they realized there were ALOT of them. And they could have an impact...if they actually started to get active. And get active they did. The rise of the Jerry Falwells and Billy Grahams and Focus on the Family and all that shit was a direct response to the realization that if Right Wing nutters didn't get active, the country would soon become...less Right Wing Nutty.

And so they got active.

And the Protestant Work Ethic defines the rise of 80s Reagonomics.

You work hard, you play hard. You make your own fortune. If you aren't successful its your fault. If you are successful, its because God loves you. You keep what you hunt. Charity Starts at Home.

All that stuff that transformed America from a land where Labor Unions were seen as the champion of the people against corporate excess, into a land where Labor Unions were demonized as obstacles to progress ALL stems from the increased activism of Fundamental Protestants following their wake up call of Roe v Wade.

Unions are communist, communists are atheists, atheists are bad...therefore Unions are bad. You don't need Unions to protect workers...that's what God is for. You don't need Welfare to protect the poor, that's what the Church is for.

If you want the social safety net, join a Church. Don't want to join a Church, starve on the street you heathen bastard. By extension, if you're starving on the street, it must be because you rejected the protection of the church...so your homelessness is God's just judgement. What hubris of man to suggest we should alleviate the suffering of those God chose to suffer.

All that bullshit started in the mid 70s in response to RvW, and snowballed throughout the 80s, in a direct line to today's Tea Party Bible Banging Corporate shit stains.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
I always thought pardons were about forgiving those who were unjustly accused and/or convicted, sort of an attempt to right judicial wrongs. Pardoning one of the worst law enforcement officials in America, a man who thumbed his nose at the Federal government, is not about righting a wrong. I am not surprised.

Fake News!!

Sheriff Joe was railroaded by the Obama administration!!
Our saviour Trump has done nothing more than righted a lib-tard wrong.



resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I always thought pardons were about forgiving those who were unjustly accused and/or convicted, sort of an attempt to right judicial wrongs. Pardoning one of the worst law enforcement officials in America, a man who thumbed his nose at the Federal government, is not about righting a wrong. I am not surprised.
mark rich....bill is suposedly still getting money from that one.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I always thought pardons were about forgiving those who were unjustly accused and/or convicted, sort of an attempt to right judicial wrongs. Pardoning one of the worst law enforcement officials in America, a man who thumbed his nose at the Federal government, is not about righting a wrong. I am not surprised.
allegedly trump was trying to get the federal charges dropped. if true, it's possibly an impeachable offense.