

Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Look, a sane conservative commentator:

Let’s dispense with the “Democrats are just as bad” defense. First, I don’t much care; we collectively face a party in charge of virtually the entire federal government and the vast majority of statehouses and governorships. It’s that party’s inner moral rot that must concern us for now. Second, it’s simply not true, and saying so reveals the origin of the problem — a “woe is me” sense of victimhood that grossly exaggerates the opposition’s ills and in turn justifies its own egregious political judgments and rhetoric. If the GOP had not become unhinged about the Clintons, would it have rationalized Trump as the lesser of two evils? Only in the crazed bubble of right-wing hysteria does an ethically challenged, moderate Democrat become a threat to Western civilization and Trump the salvation of America.

Indeed, for decades now, demonization — of gays, immigrants, Democrats, the media, feminists, etc. — has been the animating spirit behind much of the right. It has distorted its assessment of reality, giving us anti-immigrant hysteria, promulgating disrespect for the law (how many “respectable” conservatives suggested disregarding the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage?), elevating Fox News hosts’ blatantly false propaganda as the counterweight to liberal media bias and preventing serious policy debate. For seven years, the party vilified Obamacare without an accurate assessment of its faults and feasible alternative plans. “Obama bad” or “Clinton bad” became the only credo — leaving the party, as Brooks said of the Trump clan, with “no attachment to any external moral truth or ethical code” — and no coherent policies for governing.

We have always had in our political culture narcissists, ideologues and flimflammers, but it took the 21st-century GOP to put one in the White House. It took elected leaders such as House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) and the Republican National Committee (not to mention its donors and activists) to wave off Trump’s racists attacks on a federal judge, blatant lies about everything from 9/11 to his own involvement in birtherism, replete evidence of disloyalty to America (i.e. Trump’s “Russia first” policies), misogyny, Islamophobia, ongoing potential violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause (along with a mass of conflicts of interests), firing of an FBI director, and now, evidence that the campaign was willing to enlist a foreign power to defeat Clinton in the presidential election.

Out of its collective sense of victimhood came the GOP’s disdain for not just intellectuals but also intellectualism, science, Economics 101, history and constitutional fidelity. If the Trump children became slaves to money and to their father’s unbridled ego, then the GOP became slaves to its own demons and false narratives. A party that has to deny climate change and insist illegal immigrants are creating a crime wave — because that is what “conservatives” must believe, since liberals do not — is a party that will deny Trump’s complicity in gross misconduct. It’s a party as unfit to govern as Trump is unfit to occupy the White House. It’s not by accident that Trump chose to inhabit the party that has defined itself in opposition to reality and to any “external moral truth or ethical code.”



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
from the mouth of FOX news

In a surprisingly frank outburst, Fox News anchor Shep Smith tore into the Trump administration on Friday for its lack of transparency on the unfolding Russia scandal.

"Why is it lie after lie after lie?" Smith said to fellow anchor Chris Wallace. "The deception, Chris, is mind-boggling."

i hear he has been doing that on the regular...


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
OK... you guys are gonna have to explain this one to me:


caus' I don't get it. (though post #2521 sort explains it. a bit)
Clinton's unpopularity has absolutely nothing to do with her politics. It's all about perceptions. And she is perceived to be a conniving, ruthless bitch. Which in reality may not be true at all. She has admitted herself that she comes across as cold and stiff. American politics are not quite primed for a debate over the candidates policy and credentials. Instead many voters simply go with the candidate that makes them feel the best.

For a woman to win the Presidency, she is going to have to be charming, attractive, and least of all intelligent enough to recognize this. Trump is charming in his own way in the minds of his supporters and for a woman to beat a showman like him she is going to have to posses some serious charismatic qualities. As they say a woman has to work twice as hard as a man for the same job. Same goes for US elections.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
even Rats know when to leave a sinking ship

(CNN)Mark Corallo has resigned from his position as spokesman and communications strategist for President Donald Trump's legal team, a senior administration official told CNN Thursday night.

Corallo did not respond to CNN's requests for comment. His resignation comes after weeks of simmering tension between the White House and the President's legal team.
Trump has vented in recent weeks that his legal team has not done enough to beat back allegations linked to the federal investigations into Russian efforts to influence last year's election. He has decried the investigations as a "witch hunt."

And the legal team, led by longtime Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz, has complained about the President and the White House's response to revelations concerning the Russia probe -- including the President's refusal to heed their advice not to publicly discuss or tweet about the Russia investigation and with the White House's handling of reports connected to the probe, sources said.
ABC News first reported Corallo's resignation.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Why on Earth would he want to pardon others and himself for stuff that they absolutely didn't do and even if they did it was all a big set up by Shillery and OBummer anyway? Sad!
I learned today that he can grant pardons to people BEFORE they're charged with any crime! A preemptive pardon?!? WTF is that???