

Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
That ship, has sailed.
Public opinion wise yes. Trump supporters either don't care that he is the molester in chief or they are stupid enough to believe his lies.

Legally, this could turn very messy very fast. See Exhibit A "Slick Willy Clinton". Also, consider that she says she plans to sue him for libel. This means Trump would have to show evidence that she was fabricating her story. A difficult task when it's all hearsay to begin with.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
He really doesn't have a clue.
Shit, you could show him one, pick it up and hand it to him...
...but he would not have any idea what it was - or what to do with it.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
This shouldn't surprise anybody. Remember the Khan family and the absolutely disgusting way they were treated? Trump is incapable of empathy. He's a fucking psychotic monster, everything has to be about him.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

It's kind of amusing to see a lifelong Republican who served in the prior Republican administration lobbying for the removal of the President.

"Consider, for example, that a president exhibiting Cluster B behaviors associated with anti-social personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder would likely struggle to keep calm and think clearly in high-pressure situations. Anti-social symptoms include a disregard for the rights of others, a tendency to break the law, lack of remorse, frequent lying, failure to honor financial obligations, interpersonal exploitation, risk-taking and revenge-seeking in response to perceived slights. Hallmark narcissistic symptoms include an exaggerated self-importance, sensitivity to criticism, lack of empathy, a need for admiration and attention, entitlement and exploitation with a need for personal gain. Together, these symptoms could severely undermine a president’s ability to lead."

Struggling to think of anyone who that might describe... :think:

Mixed feelings on this one of course since it would put Hang em High! in charge. (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/10/16/new-yorker-trump-jokes-pence-wants-hang-gays/770466001/)
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Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
Watching live panels on the Washington post site about the opioid epidemic with reasonable politicians from both sides, earnest journalists and affected citizens is heartbreaking on the one hand, but also gives me a little hope that there are enough decent people working in the political system and media.It's a welcome counterpoint to all the shit flinging at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and in social media. Too bad about the piece of excrement at the very top.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Isn't it time to simply record and publish in the LoC all Presidential communications? I mean, there's some interesting stuff going on, some of great historical value, some just interesting/funny, and hard drive space is cheap. While most Presidents don't get into this kind of shitstorm, if would solve this pretty damn quickly. My damn company emails get archived, why aren't Presidential (and Congressional for that matter) communications archived as well? Or are they?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Isn't it time to simply record and publish in the LoC all Presidential communications? I mean, there's some interesting stuff going on, some of great historical value, some just interesting/funny, and hard drive space is cheap. While most Presidents don't get into this kind of shitstorm, if would solve this pretty damn quickly. My damn company emails get archived, why aren't Presidential (and Congressional for that matter) communications archived as well? Or are they?

It is required, and very important to Republicans if you are a democrat. I.E. Bush administration losing millions of emails illegally stored on RNC servers vs HER E-MAILS.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Hmmm...thoughts? Comments? Observations? Reservations on the first thing smoking off the planet?

President Mike Pence. :twitch:
Oh, I disagree. :tinfoil: warning:

I think a GOP congress would love to impeach Trump because:

Think about it. Trump has made a wide variety of establishment GOP figures his bitch and/or laughing stock, and done same to the party as a whole. He's a wild card they can't control. Mike Pence on the other hand is a party patsy, a totally predictable puppet, who completely buys the bullshit. An impeached Trump is an old school, establishment GOP, wet dream.
From one brand of crazy to another.

I bet Paul Ryan has a PowerPoint tucked away somewhere espousing his candidacy for President.
If Trump goes down for treason colluding with the Russians, Pence goes with him, and possibly a large portion of the GOP. Ryan has known for a long time something is rotten in Denmark, and has done fuck all about it. If Russia is what gets these guys it's possible we might get a long way down the succession list. I suspect civil upheaval of a scale this country has never know is as equal a possibility as "President Paul Ryan".



Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Hmmm...thoughts? Comments? Observations? Reservations on the first thing smoking off the planet?

note: didn't read entire article

Trump and his goons want you to be scared of a Pence presidency. I say don't be, because it's much easier to fight someone like Pence who's main target will be the LGBT community. Where as Trump represents threats on multiple fronts simultaneously. The fight for equal rights for gay people is nothing new, unlike the unprecedented daily chaos of Herr Twitler's administration.

Put it this way; it's the difference between getting jumped by a mob and being slapped by 95 pound weakling.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
But if the crazy is "less likely to get the planet blown up.” I think I could support it. I think.
Six of one/half a dozen of the other.

If Trump is the cracked out, trash bag wearing bum pissing on the median in front of a school bus kind of nuts, (and he is) then Pence is Hannibal Lecter nuts. Just as looney, but in a less public way. Pence would light off the nukes just to fry the gays, or because he got caught in the white house bathroom with Larry Craig and a congressional page and Mother, would not approve of that.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
note: didn't read entire article

Trump and his goons want you to be scared of a Pence presidency. I say don't be, because it's much easier to fight someone like Pence who's main target will be the LGBT community. Where as Trump represents threats on multiple fronts simultaneously. The fight for equal rights for gay people is nothing new, unlike the unprecedented daily chaos of Herr Twitler's administration.

Put it this way; it's the difference between getting jumped by a mob and being slapped by 95 pound weakling.
Yea, but it's not just LGBT. I've said this before, but a Pence Presidency is just as nutty as President Dotard, but in a different way. Yea, Pence isn't going to be going on a 3 AM shitter/coke tweet rampage, but what he would do is actually dismantle the ACA, LBGT protections, worker protection, environmental protection, immigrant protections, maybe pass tax "reform", etc. All the while with his creepy Norman Bates smile and the air of a man whose totally not thinking about how bad he wants to suck a dick. He'd nuke us all because he might get the idea it would bring the Jebus back, not because his fragile ego got assaulted by a North Korean midget. That doesn't make us all any less dead.