
>>> Tuesday GTM >>>>>>


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Boys started school yesterday. The seemed happy yesterday so I was happy. Let see how they feel tonight.

Got a riding friend in town. Nice to have a big house with room for people. We have a total of 7 people staying at the moment.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Oldest wrecked on his bike and can't put any weight on right leg.
Taking wifey to Red Sox game tonight.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!!

I'm not saying it's humid, but Malaysia called and said "damn."

Played some tunes last night with some buddies and sipped a little single malt scotch while doing so....Port Charlotte - bold, but very good.

Doing some lawnmower maintenance this evening..gotta drain the gas tank and get some new go-go juice in there to see if that's my problem. Spark plug was pretty charred with a good-sized gap in there, so I believe that one needs to get replaced.

It's taco Tuesday, but I feel like calling an audible at the line and going pizza tonight.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Never did get out on the bike last night as I wan't interested in riding in 20mph winds and temps below 60. So instead I did some work on the RV, cleaned out the accumulated grime on the vent fans and did a sani clean of the black water tank....eww but it had to be done.

I will try and go ride tonight

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hello, beautiful creatures. I was going to go for a road ride before work but it was raining and FTS. So I went for a run instead. 4 miles of slow, sluggish, warm wet humid running. BLAH. I'll ride tonight.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Good morning Monkies. Is it Tuesday? LOL. Not much going on today Thinkimg about opening a junk shop to sell all my junk. I have a lot of junk that other people might want...

Yesterday we decided on health insurance coverage, $1,800 a month. Normally that kind of monthly expense causes me stress... I am OK with it though since you cannot put a price on time.:)
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Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Appt with orthopedic scheduled Thursday for my knee, which is not getting better and the swelling has not gone down in the slightest. Bike parts are starting to arrive and all of the 'to be sold' parts have been removed from the Yeti. Going climbing tonight.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Bought a dirt jumper. Shenanigans to ensue. Rode bikes with my oldest last night for an hour plus. He's definitely having fun now that he has a hang of the basics.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Day 2 of training, yay. I will swap the pole mount from the jumper to the RM7 and take the pooch around the block and see how we both do. I can't wait to go back to that spot, it is pretty fun considering the size of the area. But they made good use of what little elevation change there is and fun lines in the woods.

The limited climbing makes the RM7 rideable. :rofl:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Downright chilly this morning. I am afraid summer's days are numbered.

A couple of morons are having a loud conversation right outside my cube. I counted the word "like" 17 times in one minute. I didn't count "umm" or "yea" but they appeared in similar numbers. If I had a hose I would use it.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
crazy thunder cell rolled through last night. lightening tracker site reported something like two dozen strikes within a tenth of a mile of me in about 20 mins. muggy and gross out. coffee is helping. nightly neighborhood rides with the 7yo continue. he's trying to bunny hop, ride no handed, etc. need to get him to a bmx track pronto.

in other news, i have a crappy rental car while they fix mine. buuuuuuu. definitely makes me appreciate my regular car.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Downright chilly this morning. I am afraid summer's days are numbered.

A couple of morons are having a loud conversation right outside my cube. I counted the word "like" 17 times in one minute. I didn't count "umm" or "yea" but they appeared in similar numbers. If I had a hose I would use it.
what? i'm sorry, i couldn't quite hear you - i had my office door closed.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Noticed on this mornings dog walk that the willows down in the creek are starting to turn yellow. The end is nigh.

Trees are dropping their leaves here, but mostly due to the fact there wasn't a drop of rain for over two months. Should have another 6 weeks of the dry stuff. Hopefully this October will be "normal" and not the 3X wetter than normal bullshit like last year.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
approaching Jurassic park levels of humidity and fog here
fucking kid won't sleep. fuck that kid. fuck being awake. fuck work. fuck this forum. fuck mountain bikes. fuckin' sleep
Good morning friends!

Well, this is my last week of holidays. gonna try and ride lots. just got back from my shakeout ride on the Patrol. I forgot gloves, and with the humidity my palms were so sweaty it was hard to hold on to the grips... but it certainly likes going down... It climbs ok. I think I'll be using the LSC switch lots. I'm also going to have to get used to the longer wheelbase on slow, techy climbs. timing will be different, but I'm sure I'll get there. I'd read that it was a very quiet bike, but I didn't find that. On the really rocky DH sections, the chain was clanging all over the place. I'll have to check chain wear and length. The lower BB was noticeable with many rock strikes. I think I'll be putting the little boots on the end of the cranks. Also, I don't like Schwalbe tires. I hope in my group of buddies someone will want to buy the Muddy Mary and especially that piece of garbage Nobby Nic. what a horrible piece of crap. it was skittering all over the place on the downs, and slipping all over the place on the climbs. and this with low (for me) PSI of 29. Without a reinforced casing, it's suicidal for me to run such low PSI around here. Hopefully I can sell it before I kill it.

have a good day y'all.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
It was brisk this morning on he dog walk as well. We got a spit of rain Sunday morning, but after 106 week, it barely made a dent. I am guessing it will be a crazy wet winter, though.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011



Well, this is my last week of holidays. gonna try and ride lots. just got back from my shakeout ride on the Patrol. I forgot gloves, and with the humidity my palms were so sweaty it was hard to hold on to the grips... but it certainly likes going down... It climbs ok. I think I'll be using the LSC switch lots. I'm also going to have to get used to the longer wheelbase on slow, techy climbs. timing will be different, but I'm sure I'll get there. I'd read that it was a very quiet bike, but I didn't find that. On the really rocky DH sections, the chain was clanging all over the place. I'll have to check chain wear and length. The lower BB was noticeable with many rock strikes. I think I'll be putting the little boots on the end of the cranks. Also, I don't like Schwalbe tires. I hope in my group of buddies someone will want to buy the Muddy Mary and especially that piece of garbage Nobby Nic. what a horrible piece of crap. it was skittering all over the place on the downs, and slipping all over the place on the climbs. and this with low (for me) PSI of 29. Without a reinforced casing, it's suicidal for me to run such low PSI around here. Hopefully I can sell it before I kill it.

have a good day y'all.
Maybe I missed your purchase post...but more details are needed. I'm trying to find a used Scout, but there are only a few for sale and one or two of them look friggin' haggered. Is yours carbon or aluminum?


Monkey Pimp
Jul 25, 2001
Aboard the Inchcliffe Castle
Good afternoon monkeys. A few weeks ago i had my daughters car in the shop for a coolant issue and new brakes. $1000 later, I bring the car home and park it in the driveway. The next day there is a puddle of coolant under the car. Take it back to the shop and tell mechanic, no hurry, as we don't need the car just yet. I see him this morning as the kids and I are leaving the house, so I swing in the lot. He says the heater core is leaking. Looks like it could cost up to a$1000 to replace. I hope he cuts me some slack on labor rates on this one. If I'd known the car was going to need $2k in repairs (it is a 20 year old Camry) I probably would not have kept the car. Now I am pot committed (to use a poker term) and will likely pony up for the repairs. At least at that point the car will have new brakes, new tires an oil change, new timing belt, waterpump, radiator and heater core. PHew. I need to work Toshi hours to get some OT. If OT doesn't start again soon, I may need to look for a side hustle.