
***Tuesderp GMT***

Umm... What I see are a couple of these under the overhang (not my pic):

Plus they are working their way in and out of the siding all afternoon. I don't see any bees on ^^. In that mage search, also learned that I'm not sure I want to know what's going on under the siding....
They're wasps, and won't bother you if you don't bother them. If a nest is in a location that's too inconvenient, I'll use a long screwdriver (move slowly...) and cut the base stem of the nest. They fly around some but leave me alone.

On the GoreTex thing, my experience is the same as others. It's OK for the first six months or a year, then leaks.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Umm... What I see are a couple of these under the overhang (not my pic):

Plus they are working their way in and out of the siding all afternoon. I don't see any bees on ^^. In that mage search, also learned that I'm not sure I want to know what's going on under the siding....
Central Tractor (I don't know if you have them where you are) sells this spray that shoots out in a stream very far. It produces a foam that quickly envelopes the nest and all fleeing wasps. When the foam reacts with water in the wasps bodies. The wasps literally pop. They also sell dynamite by the stick, I think you need a permit to buy the dynamite however...


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
this was all before i got to the office.

tl;dr version - pumping gas on way to work. gas pump went fubar. started pouring while i was fucking with it. got completely soaked. so bad i had to go back home and shower and change before going into the office.

and this was after 3 brain damaged drivers almost killed me.
sorry but this made me :rofl:

just remember, sawzall saws all.

meetings and calls all day left no time for follow up work. did escape at lunch for a big ass grilled cheeze and a java porter. picked up kids and took them for pizza and beer (for me) and then off to rex kwon do while wife is working at school open house. stouts await at home, which will make today's follow up to-dos less painful. cheers, all!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
If you're having back pain and you're not foam rolling you dun fucked up. Smash the shit out of everything between your knees and shoulders (hip tightness from riding causes back issues) till it feels like mush.
Foam rolling? I'll have to look into that. I've had a curve in my back all my life. It hasn't been a huge issue until I got fat back in '10. After I lost 80lbs, it was a lot better, but then I started having sciatic issues when I sat down. After a lot of chiro, I was a lot better, then I jimmydean'd my car (on the way back to work from his office) and it somehow cured the sciatica. But last year I got a lock up just above my belt line. That's what I've been dealing with. It hasn't been awful until Friday when I spent all day in a crap chair. I can lay down and get it to pop and I'm good to go. But lately I can't get the bitch to pop and it's just locked up tight.

Since I took this job, I gained 30+ pounds and I have been working on that, too. Problem is the wife has had both ankles worked on in the last 18 months and so I've been lazy with her. I need to lose another 10 or so and get back on the bike. But first I need to get this bitch figured out. I am pretty sure it is a slipped disc, but need to book an MRI.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Foam rolling? I'll have to look into that. I've had a curve in my back all my life. It hasn't been a huge issue until I got fat back in '10. After I lost 80lbs, it was a lot better, but then I started having sciatic issues when I sat down. After a lot of chiro, I was a lot better, then I jimmydean'd my car (on the way back to work from his office) and it somehow cured the sciatica. But last year I got a lock up just above my belt line. That's what I've been dealing with. It hasn't been awful until Friday when I spent all day in a crap chair. I can lay down and get it to pop and I'm good to go. But lately I can't get the bitch to pop and it's just locked up tight.

Since I took this job, I gained 30+ pounds and I have been working on that, too. Problem is the wife has had both ankles worked on in the last 18 months and so I've been lazy with her. I need to lose another 10 or so and get back on the bike. But first I need to get this bitch figured out. I am pretty sure it is a slipped disc, but need to book an MRI.
I'd you've sciatic issues definitely stretch your hip flexors. Google some stretches on youtube or something too.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Foam rolling? I'll have to look into that. I've had a curve in my back all my life. It hasn't been a huge issue until I got fat back in '10. After I lost 80lbs, it was a lot better, but then I started having sciatic issues when I sat down. After a lot of chiro, I was a lot better, then I jimmydean'd my car (on the way back to work from his office) and it somehow cured the sciatica. But last year I got a lock up just above my belt line. That's what I've been dealing with. It hasn't been awful until Friday when I spent all day in a crap chair. I can lay down and get it to pop and I'm good to go. But lately I can't get the bitch to pop and it's just locked up tight.

Since I took this job, I gained 30+ pounds and I have been working on that, too. Problem is the wife has had both ankles worked on in the last 18 months and so I've been lazy with her. I need to lose another 10 or so and get back on the bike. But first I need to get this bitch figured out. I am pretty sure it is a slipped disc, but need to book an MRI.
My problem with MRI's is that they are very expensive. And unless they know exactly what they are looking for and why. They are a shot in the dark. They are used to confirm the diagnosis and all additional results are negated. When my PCP decided to step up to the plate my treatment was successful. I am back to my normal weight and ride when I can. Myofascial Release specialist was only gained through my PCP.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
as I was coming home from the climbing gym, some (probably drunk) shitbag on a motorcycle decided to make an illegal pass right as I was about to turn left into my development. Stupid fuck. It'll catch up to him eventually.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Foam rolling sounds like something done in a hip hop song. Like riding dirty but with champagne everywhere.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with sarcasm.

Unless, by "chicks" you mean spaced out dreddy girls who say "wow" and "totally" a lot. In that case, whatever funks yer shed, man.
ugh, naw. I prefer scientist, lawyers and the ones that drive nice cars & can take me to Aspen. Dreadies are kinda fun, at least the natural black chicks. dont know if i could take a white girl with dreads seriously.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
Medium is three sizes to small for me and I already got a MT. Plus thanks to injuries I’m a worthless sack of meat right now. CX and road only for me right now.