
UK monkeys: announcing the return of raceshoot.com!

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Hey all - some of you may remember raceshoot.com, but I suspect most of you are too new "'round these parts" to have any idea what I'm blathering about!

Well, after a five-year break I've decided to dust off the cobwebs, and give the site a good kick up the backside.

I've added all rider and sponsor names from all of the results I could find, so there's now a handy search function to quickly find photos of you and people you know:

Alternatively you can browse the lists that sort them by rider and sponsor:

The only photos at the moment are from WAY BACK in 2001, here's a full list:

I'm going to be adding to the database again this year, so watch this space. And I apologise in advance for clogging all of your windscreens with bits of paper that go soggy in the rain and you "forget" to remove until you're driving down the M5 at 80mph

Have a good 2007 everyone - see you at the races.

Oh, and if anyones wondering where the "buy" button is, I'm not currently selling them, though I suspect that will change in the near future - I'll keep you posted. At the moment just have a peruse, a bit of a reminisce, send photos to your friends, and if you want to link to me from your own site that'd be great, cheers I'd rather you linked directly to the page than copying the photo into your own page, but if you're going to do the latter at least provide a link to where you got it from.

Many thanks,

Seb Frost

PS yes I know that 90% of them are rubbish - but I found it was the case that if I didn't put them all up I just had 50 emails from people saying "did you get any of me, I can't see any" etc etc :-) Plus I was a rubbish photographer, I admit it! ;-)