
Update: Previously titled: N*- 1, Rich-0

Well, just got back from the Orthopedic surgeons office. It seems that after three months in a cast for a broken right scaphoid, the bone is still not healing. (The left radius fractures are all good though!)

The Dr. and I have determined that at this point, it is in my best interest to have surgery and have a screw inserted to get things back on track. (At least I won't need the bone graft to go along with it.) So, it's surgery on the 19th followed by two more weeks of a cast and then a soft splint for another two weeks. Then it's physical therapy to regain the range of motion and strength I've already lost. Wish me luck!


Sorry to hear the news. I am sure it was a fun ride up until this though. Good luck on the surgery. I am sure it will be fine.