
Urge Cabo Verde Day 3


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

The third day of action is in the books from Cabo Verde. Inside you'll find photos, the start list for run one, and a description of the action thus far. Sounds like riding on a volcano will be a crazy experience!

Source: URGE

No internet connection at all from the volcano so the “Sven Martin’s Photo Journal” will resume tomorrow…until then, here are some photos and the start order for run one.

Wednesday the 9th of February: after a first night in the middle of the caldera of Fogo, the riders hoped on their bikes for a training and “getting-used-to-the-terrain” day. First falls, first fears: the terrain won’t be easy to deal with…

General morale is up, and the surroundings are magnificent. Around 10am, the morning mist disappeared and the sun arrived right on time. Our base camp in the crater is a guesthouse cut in the lava in the middle of vineyards that grow on the caldera…yes, apparently they produce “volcano wine” here!

During the evening, the draw of the starting position for the first run this Thursday has been done.


Starting position Urge Run 1:

1 -Anka Martin (Santa Cruz - Sram) - RSO/USA
2 - Mark Weir (WTB - Fox Racing Shox) – USA
3 - Samuel Normand (Lol Racing - Yeti) - France (non-pro)
4 - Greg Doucende (Performance Parts - Trek) - France
5 - Nicolas Vouilloz (Lapierre) – France
6 - Rowan Sorrell (Orange - Mojo) - Wales/UK
7 - Hans Rey (GT Bicycles - Adidas) – USA
8 - Marco Nicoletti (Niner) - Italy
9 - Dorothea Lindtke (Rocky Mountain - Brake Authority) - Germany (non-pro)
10 - Tracy Moseley (Trek World Racing - Osprey) - UK
11 - Sabrina Jonnier (Groupama - Punch Power) - France
12 - Jérôme Clementz (Cannondale - Mavic) - France
13 - René Wildhaber (Trek - Dakine) – Switzerland
14 - Sam Peridy (Scott) - France
15 - Fabien Barel (Mondraker) - France

Thursday the 10th of February: nice atmosphere for breakfast but the riders are already concentrated. At 8am (local time), they’ll start walking with their bikes on the back for a really steep climb towards the volcano dome, going up from 1800 to 2800m high, on the top of the peaks.

About 2 to 3 hours climbing planned before the start of the first run that will take them down close to the sea with a lava section, then a bit of track to go through a village and a final dive in a singletrack in the jungle!

Results of this first run to follow very soon…
