
Ut oh... I met a chick.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
And she likes to ride... not so much on trails, but she likes to ride. This is good, easily translated to trailriding, she is really into music too which also rocks... AND she is extra fine, weights maybe 105 and has just the slightest bit of arab decent so she has those really badass eyes that you usually see on a face mostly covered with a veil. Makes :heart: beat all fast and chit, been a long time since I had a chick do that to me ;)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
Does your reading comprehension suffer mid-week? She's a cowgirl...perhaps both forward AND reverse! :sneaky:
wow, you're right. How could I be so stupid.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
llkoolkeg said:
That's what happens when you think with the wrong brain. It's alright. It happens to us all from time to time...
You truely are an artist!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
HUGE unibrow that you usually see on a face mostly covered with a hair. She's gonna get dreadlocks soon...


Seriously, this girl is not the least bit hippy other than she like to smoke buds. No dreads, no patchouli, no hairy legs... instead shere wears no perfume at all and just smells really clean and good. And i think she's sane to boot, grew up with a solid family and shizz, unlike the last chick that I fell on my face for.

:D :dancing:

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:

Seriously, this girl is not the least bit hippy other than she like to smoke buds. No dreads, no patchouli, no hairy legs... instead shere wears no perfume at all and just smells really clean and good. And i think she's sane to boot, grew up with a solid family and shizz, unlike the last chick that I fell on my face for.

:D :dancing:

HEHEHE!!! I was wondering if anyone was going to notice my edit there...I was cracking up here at the brilliance of that...well, good luck...hopefully your drummer isn't balls deep in her can as we speak...


dh girlie said:
HEHEHE!!! I was wondering if anyone was going to notice my edit there...I was cracking up here at the brilliance of that...well, good luck...hopefully your drummer isn't balls deep in her can as we speak...

I'm not sure this post will be topped today. :thumb:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
HEHEHE!!! I was wondering if anyone was going to notice my edit there...I was cracking up here at the brilliance of that...well, good luck...hopefully your drummer isn't balls deep in her can as we speak...
Actually, my friend Ryan (drummer) and Sally (ex) are apparently extremely in love and chit. Ive gotten over the fact that he is with my ex, we are going to start playing together again pretty soon.


golgiaparatus said:
Actually, my friend Ryan (drummer) and Sally (ex) are apparently extremely in love and chit. Ive gotten over the fact that he is with my ex, we are going to start playing together again pretty soon.

I foresee what dh girlie is suggesting. Keep this cat away from the new chicks can if you know what's good for you.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
loco-gringo said:
I foresee what dh girlie is suggesting. Keep this cat away from the new chicks can if you know what's good for you.
Please :rolleyes:, If I hadnt broken up with Sally he wouldn't be with her plain and simple, it's not like she secretly cheated on me with him.

If I look back into her past there is a pattern. Several (like 7 or 8) years ago, she was with a dude, she broke up with him and was heart broken, got with another dude that she met through him 3 weeks after and that relationship became quickly serious, then that relationship ended and she was heartbroken, then she got with another guy that she met through him a few weeks later and they got serious real fast, they broke up and she was heartbroken, then she met me through a friend that worked with her ex and we got serious real fast, then we broke up and she was heartbroken, a few months passed and she is with another guy and they are serious already, guess how they met? Through me. See, its a pattern, I think the girl is afraid to be alone because she is so fuhked up mentally that she cant feel good about herself unless she has someone to constantly reassure her.

Anyway, I should have seen that shizz coming a mile away.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
I know...sheesh...get over it gogli...we don't care...all we care about is watching you make an ass of yourself continuously justifying how it's ok and you don't care anymore and wish them the best, blah blah blah...:D:D and then watching the witty commentary ensue.
Come on. Give him a break. He lives in god-forsaken phukkin' Okla"hell"ma for cryin' out loud. He needs all the :help: he can get. :D


dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
Please :rolleyes:, If I hadnt broken up with Sally he wouldn't be with her plain and simple, it's not like she secretly cheated on me with him.

If I look back into her past there is a pattern. Several (like 7 or 8) years ago, she was with a dude, she broke up with him and was heart broken, got with another dude that she met through him 3 weeks after and that relationship became quickly serious, then that relationship ended and she was heartbroken, then she got with another guy that she met through him a few weeks later and they got serious real fast, they broke up and she was heartbroken, then she met me through a friend that worked with her ex and we got serious real fast, then we broke up and she was heartbroken, a few months passed and she is with another guy and they are serious already, guess how they met? Through me. See, its a pattern, I think the girl is afraid to be alone because she is so fuhked up mentally that she cant feel good about herself unless she has someone to constantly reassure her.

Anyway, I should have seen that shizz coming a mile away.
She must suck a mean ween if all you tools are fallin for her left and right even if she's sloppy seconds and thirds and fourths...especially if she's one of those hippy chicks that reeks of petchuli oil to cover her less than frequent bathing habits, has hairy ass legs and pits, and nasty ass dreadlocks... :blah:

JK Gogli...good luck with the new chick...


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
I know...sheesh...get over it gogli...we don't care...all we care about is watching you make an ass of yourself continuously justifying how it's ok and you don't care anymore and wish them the best, blah blah blah...:D:D and then watching the witty commentary ensue.
:help: I have accidentally summoned the blonde leopard printed beast


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
She must suck a mean ween if all you tools are fallin for her left and right even if she's sloppy seconds...especially if she's one of those hippy chicks that reeks of petchuli oil to cover her less than frequent bathing habits, has hairy ass legs and pits, and nasty ass dreadlocks... :blah:
Yess mean ween and or peen suckage... I'm not afraid, I'll tell it how it is... she is bi too which also comes with possible, umm, benefits



golgiaparatus said:
Yess mean ween and or peen suckage... I'm not afraid, I'll tell it how it is... she is bi too which also comes with possible, umm, benefits


Yummy - 2 stinky hippie girls. I am in heaven now. :think: