

Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
What do you guys have for me, I need to start cooking vegan. Looking for some good healthy recipes, preferably with loads of protien


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
grass and air.

Let me look at my recipes and I will get back to you.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
My favorite vegan stew recipe, plenty of protein.

Put a quartered and de-boned vegan in a large pot with several pounds of miripoix and potatoes. Cover with some beef stock and simmer for a few hours. Salt to taste.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
It's definitely not worth it, it potentially causes more harm than good, is SUPER expensive and very time consuming.

Vegetarian is about the same but at least you are getting the essentials instead of relying on beans non stop for protein, carbs, etc.

Is it a weight thing or just a out of your mind thing.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
You, sir, are a moron.

Of course we all knew this already.

So what delusional reason caused your vegan-ism?
Cause animal abuse is for pussies

It's definitely not worth it, it potentially causes more harm than good, is SUPER expensive and very time consuming.

Vegetarian is about the same but at least you are getting the essentials instead of relying on beans non stop for protein, carbs, etc.

Is it a weight thing or just a out of your mind thing.
My skinny ass, HAHAHHAAHAHAHA, naw I'm worried about loosing weight, and I'm ganna try not to

I'm not having any trouble as a vegetarian, I'm taking a good multivitamin, and I'm taking extra protein (something like 80 extra grams a day, and it's vegan) I also cook allot so the time thing isn't a huge issue and I work in Berkeley there are like 5 vegan places I know of within about a half mile


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
Dude what a pussy. Vegan is the biggest load of bull**** ever. Just buy a god damn steak and be happy, just because you chose to be a hero doesn't mean any less cows or any other domesticated animal will live so why not just eat what we as humans are designed to.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Dude what a pussy. Vegan is the biggest load of bull**** ever. Just buy a god damn steak and be happy, just because you chose to be a hero doesn't mean any less cows or any other domesticated animal will live so why not just eat what we as humans are designed to.
Pussy, I'm the one changing the way they live their lives to take a stand for something. Not saying people aren't meant to eat meat, or that it's healthier. People ARE meant to eat meat, and it IS healthier. You can be just as healthy with enough work as a vegan. Not trying to be a hero, not trying to preach to any one. This isn't some I'm ganna change the world bull****, I'm not running around with peta pamphlets, it's simply a choice I've made. People asked why I gave a response, I didn't go into details, I just wanted some damn recipes. If you want to make fun of me, FINE, but don't be a dick.


oh man...19 is such a tender age...Grow your own..Then you know for sure..how do you know your veggies arent all Chemi d out and polluting our precise earth..save the animals but kill the humans ???? You shoukd just go Organic Raw if you want to step up...Research that scene kid..


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
oh man...19 is such a tender age...Grow your own..Then you know for sure..how do you know your veggies arent all Chemi d out and polluting our precise earth..save the animals but kill the humans ???? You shoukd just go Organic Raw if you want to step up...Research that scene kid..
I live in the bay area, I WORK in Berkeley. There is quite literally a farm up the street. There is also a local produce market. There are also loads of vegan restaurants near by. I live in one of the best places in the country to do it. Oh and screw being a raw vegan, I know it's hard not to do but I'm not trying to starve myself here.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
I live in the bay area, I WORK in Berkeley. There is quite literally a farm up the street. There is also a local produce market. There are also loads of vegan restaurants near by. I live in one of the best places in the country to do it. Oh and screw being a raw vegan, I know it's hard not to do but I'm not trying to starve myself here.
Good for you if you are going to stick with it but please believe me when I say that it is very hard to stick to and EXPENSIVE. I have had two girlfriends that were pure vegans and my sister was a vegan at one time.

I spent a lot of time making sure that the food that I prepared for them was pure vegan and making my recipes with multiple substitutions to make sure that everything was vegan as well as making sure that the proper amounts of carbs, proteins, etc were in each dish.

I was a head chef for a top seafood restaurant for 3 years and that cooking was enjoyable, cooking vegan took a huge tool on me and actually made me hate cooking for a few years.

Not trying to deter you, if you can stick to it then more power to you, it is your choice and yours only. Most people hate because they don't know or don't understand the potential benefits and/or society has said that it is not the "cool" thing to do.

Please let us know how it is going.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
And are they horrific places to behold? Are your relatives treating their animals badly?
No they aren't (well not his family's in particular, but farms in Wisconsin.) I live in wisconsin and get all my meat locally or as locally as possible. I also shop in a local co-op where I can find out information about the prodcution of anything within the stores walls.

Be proactive about food injustice and spend your dollars on your local farmer and your local food economy. Your local veggies and beef and dairy and poultry farmer. You can eat meat sustainably, fairly, with no mistreatment to the animals and relatively affordably if you shop locally. Maybe one day farming can produce a livable income again and we won't all have to cubicle it for 45 years until we can retire.
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Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
BTW Check out The Moosewood Cookbook and Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Molly Katzen. Most of her recipes contain dairy or egg but it can be omitted from all of them if you know how to substitute. I used both cookbooks religiously when I was on a elimination diet testing myself for food allergies. Good stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Holy F**k there are a lot of ignorant mouth-breathers who got all boned up as soon as they saw there was a vegan thread they could troll in. Go suck on your bacon and STFU.

As for those of you who are trying to constructively participate here...

I try to make a lot of food that can easily be saved and re-heated for lunches and quick dinners. Here are a couple:

Indian Curry Bake
dough (you can usually get some from your local market/bakery)
garbanzo beans (canned is cool)
bag of mixed frozen veggies (relatively small cut/diced is good)
a potato or two (dice into wedges approx equal in size to the veggies/beans)
oil (olive, sunflower, safflower, vegetable, whatever)
curry powder
rooster sauce (sriracha)
vegetable stock

- in a pan, heat up enough vegetable stock to fill about a 1/4 inch of the pan and a little bit of oil. drop in the potatoes and let 'em simmer for a good 5-10 minutes. dump in the frozen veggies and garbanzos. cook until they're all thawed but not mushy!
- strain out the liquids dump it all into a big bowl and drop in the spinach while it's still hot. coat with the curry and paprika...squirt in a little bit of the hot sauce and mix it all up. stick it in the freezer.
- while that's chilling, dust your countertop with flower and cut your dough into a couple of chunks. you're going to roll the dough out into rectangles/circles, spoon your curry mix into them, fold the dough over and seal.
- on a baking sheet, cover it with foil and sprinkle cornmeal if you've got it, spray with oil if you don't. dump your dough bakes on the pan and cook 'em at 350 until they're golden.
- cool those things w/o a lid and you're done for tomorrow!

Tempeh Salad
block of tempeh
carrot or two
red bell pep
lemon juice

- cube up the tempeh into chunks the size of dice. toss 'em lightly in whatever kind of oil you prefer, dump them onto a baking sheet, and bake in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes. you don't want them burnt at all, just firm.
- dice up the veggies into smaller sized pieces and put into a bowl. spoon in a bunch of the vegenaise and season with the dill and cumin. add just a couple of Tbs of the lemon juice.
- add in the tempeh, mix it all up, and refrigerate. good by itself but even better in a sandwich!

I'll post some slightly less-involved recipes over the next few days.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Holy F**k there are a lot of ignorant mouth-breathers who got all boned up as soon as they saw there was a vegan thread they could troll in. Go suck on your bacon and STFU.

As for those of you who are trying to constructively participate here...

I try to make a lot of food that can easily be saved and re-heated for lunches and quick dinners. Here are a couple:

Indian Curry Bake
dough (you can usually get some from your local market/bakery)
garbanzo beans (canned is cool)
bag of mixed frozen veggies (relatively small cut/diced is good)
a potato or two (dice into wedges approx equal in size to the veggies/beans)
oil (olive, sunflower, safflower, vegetable, whatever)
curry powder
rooster sauce (sriracha)
vegetable stock

- in a pan, heat up enough vegetable stock to fill about a 1/4 inch of the pan and a little bit of oil. drop in the potatoes and let 'em simmer for a good 5-10 minutes. dump in the frozen veggies and garbanzos. cook until they're all thawed but not mushy!
- strain out the liquids dump it all into a big bowl and drop in the spinach while it's still hot. coat with the curry and paprika...squirt in a little bit of the hot sauce and mix it all up. stick it in the freezer.
- while that's chilling, dust your countertop with flower and cut your dough into a couple of chunks. you're going to roll the dough out into rectangles/circles, spoon your curry mix into them, fold the dough over and seal.
- on a baking sheet, cover it with foil and sprinkle cornmeal if you've got it, spray with oil if you don't. dump your dough bakes on the pan and cook 'em at 350 until they're golden.
- cool those things w/o a lid and you're done for tomorrow!

Tempeh Salad
block of tempeh
carrot or two
red bell pep
lemon juice

- cube up the tempeh into chunks the size of dice. toss 'em lightly in whatever kind of oil you prefer, dump them onto a baking sheet, and bake in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes. you don't want them burnt at all, just firm.
- dice up the veggies into smaller sized pieces and put into a bowl. spoon in a bunch of the vegenaise and season with the dill and cumin. add just a couple of Tbs of the lemon juice.
- add in the tempeh, mix it all up, and refrigerate. good by itself but even better in a sandwich!

I'll post some slightly less-involved recipes over the next few days.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Green Beans and "Sausage"
a good amnt of fresh green beans (1/2 lb?)
some mushrooms
an onion (white or yellow)
about a 1/2 cup of walnuts
a package of tofurky beer brats (you'll prob use 2)
vegetable stock
white wine (if you've got it)
salt and pepper
red pepper flakes

- heat up some oil in a pan and dump in the washed green beans. let them cook for 3-5 minutes.
- add the onions and sausage cut into strips, similar in length to the green beans. once they begin to brown add just enough veg. broth to cover the bottom of the pan. also add the chopped shrooms, walnuts, salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes.
- once the broth boils out flash the pan by adding some of the white wine (just a splash) or if you don't have that, a small amnt of water would work.

Spicy Chickpea Pasta
pasta (pref. not spaghetti, short/thick noodles work best)
can of chickpeas
jar of marinara sauce
small can of chipotles in adobo
some red pepper flakes
any other veggies you might want to add (broccoli, squash, mushrooms, eggplant...)

- easy. cook up the pasta. while the pasta is boiling saute your veggies.
- in a food processor dump in your marinara and add JUST A BIT of the adobo sauce and a chipotle or you. you'll want to taste it to make sure things don't get too hot.
- mix it all up with your drained chickpeas and some red pepper flakes.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Hot Wing Po'Boy
a celery stalk
green cabbage
a carrot
frank's red hot
a hoagie roll

- shred the cabbage and carrot very thin, also chop up the celery into smallish bits and mix together in a bowl with the vegenaise, some pepper, and if you've got it a splash of apple cider vinegar. you'll basically making a slaw.
- toast your hoagie roll (trust me) and toss/coat the seitan with frank's red hot. then build your sammich and crack a cold one.

*this is quite possibly my fav. sandwich. you can also do a texas-style version by replacing the hot wing sauce with bbq sauce, and the slaw with saute'd onion and mushrooms. a spicy mustard adds a lot, as well.

It's not soylent green, it's avocado!
Another fav of mine!

spike seasoning
sprouts (or whatever greens you prefer)
a red onion

- dice about a 1/4 of the onion (or less) into fairly big chunks. mash up your avocado in a bowl, mix in the onion, and spread it on the bread.
- sprinkle spike on the avocado. on the other side spread your vegenaise, drop a handful of sprouts in the sandwich and there you go. easy.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Hot Wing Po'Boy
a celery stalk
green cabbage
a carrot
frank's red hot
a hoagie roll

- shred the cabbage and carrot very thin, also chop up the celery into smallish bits and mix together in a bowl with the vegenaise, some pepper, and if you've got it a splash of apple cider vinegar. you'll basically making a slaw.
- toast your hoagie roll (trust me) and toss/coat the seitan with frank's red hot. then build your sammich and crack a cold one.

*this is quite possibly my fav. sandwich. you can also do a texas-style version by replacing the hot wing sauce with bbq sauce, and the slaw with saute'd onion and mushrooms. a spicy mustard adds a lot, as well.

It's not soylent green, it's avocado!
Another fav of mine!

spike seasoning
sprouts (or whatever greens you prefer)
a red onion

- dice about a 1/4 of the onion (or less) into fairly big chunks. mash up your avocado in a bowl, mix in the onion, and spread it on the bread.
- sprinkle spike on the avocado. on the other side spread your vegenaise, drop a handful of sprouts in the sandwich and there you go. easy.
I'm going to try these both soon.
I'll report back. But they both sound great!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Thanks guys. These are all little recipes that I've made up over the years. Currently I happen to a vegan cook at Whole Foods...which is a survival job to help pay for grad school...but I've picked up a lot of good ideas.

...and I suppose I should apologize for the earlier "outburst" but I won't because it is completely unnecessary for people to enter a thread and flame for no good reason.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Hot Wing Po'Boy
a celery stalk
green cabbage
a carrot
frank's red hot
a hoagie roll

- shred the cabbage and carrot very thin, also chop up the celery into smallish bits and mix together in a bowl with the vegenaise, some pepper, and if you've got it a splash of apple cider vinegar. you'll basically making a slaw.
- toast your hoagie roll (trust me) and toss/coat the seitan with frank's red hot. then build your sammich and crack a cold one.

*this is quite possibly my fav. sandwich. you can also do a texas-style version by replacing the hot wing sauce with bbq sauce, and the slaw with saute'd onion and mushrooms. a spicy mustard adds a lot, as well.

It's not soylent green, it's avocado!
Another fav of mine!

spike seasoning
sprouts (or whatever greens you prefer)
a red onion

- dice about a 1/4 of the onion (or less) into fairly big chunks. mash up your avocado in a bowl, mix in the onion, and spread it on the bread.
- sprinkle spike on the avocado. on the other side spread your vegenaise, drop a handful of sprouts in the sandwich and there you go. easy.

Gonna try these. Looks good.