
Vermont legalized gay marriage today.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
So you know how you sign up for a bike site to learn about and talk about bikes........then end up talking politics?

I had some questions about rebuilding a snowmobile and ended up


Why is it the people the least threatened by ANYTHING are the most paranoid?

Check some of the locations. Don't catch the gay in idaho!!!!!! :rofl:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
So you know how you sign up for a bike site to learn about and talk about bikes........then end up talking politics?

I had some questions about rebuilding a snowmobile and ended up


Why is it the people the least threatened by ANYTHING are the most paranoid?

Check some of the locations. Don't catch the gay in idaho!!!!!! :rofl:
Those are some seriously fvcked up people on that board.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I'd really like to know what airline Abominable Snowman flies for.... :disgust1:
Doncha know? It's the faggot express!

The guy probably cut his hand on a beverage cart and that moron just made shlt up because it's a good story.

Funny how I've known gay people almost my entire life now and I've never had a story like that. Yet this guy....who just happens to already hold heavy prejudices, is exposed to the most exorbitant display of sinnery evah!!!

Man what a co inky dink!!

So yeah. Midwesterners who probably never see a gay guy in their entire lives are the most threatened. Knockin on mah door with the faggotry!!! OH NOES!!!!! :rofl::rofl:


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
I'm even trying to switch to coke because of Pepsi joining the ranks of homos. We need to organized and take back our country
I laughed out loud at this one.

I just don't understand people. Good for VT, I am proud to live here.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Doncha know? It's the faggot express!

The guy probably cut his hand on a beverage cart and that moron just made shlt up because it's a good story.

Funny how I've known gay people almost my entire life now and I've never had a story like that. Yet this guy....who just happens to already hold heavy prejudices, is exposed to the most exorbitant display of sinnery evah!!!

Man what a co inky dink!!
It was tough, but I finally got to that story on the message board.

Holy eff what is wrong with some people? :disgust1:

So yeah. Midwesterners who probably never see a gay guy in their entire lives are the most threatened. Knockin on mah door with the faggotry!!! OH NOES!!!!! :rofl::rofl:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Doncha know? It's the faggot express!

The guy probably cut his hand on a beverage cart and that moron just made shlt up because it's a good story.

Funny how I've known gay people almost my entire life now and I've never had a story like that. Yet this guy....who just happens to already hold heavy prejudices, is exposed to the most exorbitant display of sinnery evah!!!

Man what a co inky dink!!

So yeah. Midwesterners who probably never see a gay guy in their entire lives are the most threatened. Knockin on mah door with the faggotry!!! OH NOES!!!!! :rofl::rofl:

I'm pretty sure they think that homosexuality is contageous, like an airborne disease or something.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Speaking of agendas, I'm really sick of the crimefighter agenda being shoved down my throat. I don't care if you want to solve crimes in your own freetime but dammit I'm sick of seeing crimefighters every time I turn on the television. It's like their telling my kids its okay to go get shot at. I mean that shlt is DANGEROUS! I don't want my kids getting killed. Better than being gay though I guess.

From perry mason, to nightrider, to CSI........that shlt is creeping into our homes and I'm fukkin sick of it!!