
Vernon Rider!!!


Feb 13, 2007
Vernon, New Jersey!
are me and justin the only ones that are happy about this?
I am! =] haha... but if any of you guys know me, you'd know I never really liked him that much anyways...:biggrin:

I'm just gonna put it this way... he had it comin.

dirttastesgood... how come you bash on Diablo before you checked your facts??


May 13, 2007
Hopefully he'll learn from this experience, i personally liked the kid, even though he was a pain in the ass, and hope he doesn't sell his bike, but when you break the rules you have to deal with the consequences...

Sean, keep your Sunday, dude, not worth selling as you'll get the DH itch again. We all make mistakes, sh!t, i know have have made quite a few in my life, none of us are perfect, don't beat yourself up because you F@cked up!

Save some money, get your drivers license (if you do not have it already) and get a car, drive up to Platty... there are other places to ride....


Huck Banzai

Turbo Monkey
May 8, 2005
so really what is the point of signing all the wavers....the papers are basically saying that your life is in your own hands and.... i believe it says something about not having any lawsuits against them for any
injuries or that sorta thing?..lol

but anyways whos racing this weekend..??
The waivers apply to riding designated trails wearing the appropriate equipment, they do not apply to reckless stupidity.

The resort is justified and entitled to weed out the fools who cant follow rules and put their business, and my riding spot, in jeopardy.

bobushka king

Jun 26, 2007
If they warned him before than it's his own fault for getting banned, hell I would of banned him too. What if a big wind gust or the gondola stopped abruptly and he fell off the side, I can guarantee that some sort of law suit would of been brought up and we could kiss Diablo goodbye. The waiver covers injuries on the trails not stupidity on the gondola. Why can't you just sit on the floor?

And why are you bringing up that Diablo should call his parents. They run a mountain bike park, not a day care. He is a big boy, if he f**ked up then he should take responability for his own actions, his parents don't need to get involed.

Bottom line, grow up, you f'ed up, got caught, now deal with the consequences.


Feb 7, 2007
If they warned him before than it's his own fault for getting banned, hell I would of banned him too. What if a big wind gust or the gondola stopped abruptly and he fell off the side, I can guarantee that some sort of law suit would of been brought up and we could kiss Diablo goodbye. The waiver covers injuries on the trails not stupidity on the gondola. Why can't you just sit on the floor?

And why are you bringing up that Diablo should call his parents. They run a mountain bike park, not a day care. He is a big boy, if he f**ked up then he should take responability for his own actions, his parents don't need to get involed.

Bottom line, grow up, you f'ed up, got caught, now deal with the consequences.

Diablo Freeride Park leases space on the mountain and the ability to operate the lift; the gondola itself is the property of Intrawest / Mountain Creek, so I would imagine that injuries due to ignorance on it would NOT fall under the waiver signed in the Diablo office.

I would feel for Sean if someone saw him up on the rail and gave him the boot without a warning. But from what I am reading, it seems that the same thing has occurred more than three or four occasions, in which case ANYONE, regardless of whether they are "local" or not, would rightfully be removed from the park for a time period.

Just because someone lives five minutes from your business does not give them free reign to do whatever they wish on your property.

We'll see Sean again in 2008, no worries.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
ok ive been at a state fair and without power till now. am i the most talked about person online now or something? i am really lost to why i was banned, well the stuff leading up to it. I am only aware of one other time I have had problems with the lift. as dirt taste good previously stated it was flipping off a lifty in the begging of the season. while that was uncalled for I feel it was blown out of proportion. I am not aware of any winter problems but im sure someone at mountain creek can tell me about them. I really would like something in writing from mountain creek telling me i cannot be on the lift anymore. I made a mistake and im paying the price. ill see everyone first weekend in September when im aloud to finely take pictures again.


Apr 13, 2007
New Milford, NJ
I think it's just dumb to sit on the rail. If you got caught, after multiple warnings, its your own fault for getting banned. If he's allowed back next year, that's cool. That's his second chance.

While we're talking about the lifts... Yesterday, (8-12) the young lift attendant working the base, who's very friendly with everyone, does not instill confidence in me. It's nice to be friendly, but you must be professional at the same time. There is no way he could get to the stop button quickly in case of emergency when he is sometimes in the way sociallizing. (Other days at the top of the lift, he stops traffic from getting off the lift and doesn't clear out the area). The other base lift attendant was good in reminding people to walk their bikes in the base area, but, still could have said it nicer. Also, my lift ticket was never checked! Could have rode for free all day!

All in all it was a good day. Just trying to help make the place run more smoothly.


May 13, 2007

He's a great guy and definitely know what he's doing, he's just a bit DORKY, that's all.... Cut the guy some slack, not like he's in a AC'ed office or anything, the kid is out int he sun all damn day....


Torture wrench
Apr 14, 2007
While we're talking about the lifts... Yesterday, (8-12) the young lift attendant working the base, who's very friendly with everyone, does not instill confidence in me. It's nice to be friendly, but you must be professional at the same time. There is no way he could get to the stop button quickly in case of emergency when he is sometimes in the way sociallizing. (Other days at the top of the lift, he stops traffic from getting off the lift and doesn't clear out the area). The other base lift attendant was good in reminding people to walk their bikes in the base area, but, still could have said it nicer. Also, my lift ticket was never checked! Could have rode for free all day!

All in all it was a good day. Just trying to help make the place run more smoothly.
WOW!!! What an A$SKISSER!:rolleyes:


Torture wrench
Apr 14, 2007
If you have no confidence riding a lift that has more technology than your car, then why ride DH? Are you afraid of falling off a drop or hitting a rock?

Flat tyres

May 30, 2007
While we're talking about the lifts... Yesterday, (8-12) the young lift attendant working the base, who's very friendly with everyone, does not instill confidence in me. It's nice to be friendly, but you must be professional at the same time. There is no way he could get to the stop button quickly in case of emergency when he is sometimes in the way sociallizing. (Other days at the top of the lift, he stops traffic from getting off the lift and doesn't clear out the area). The other base lift attendant was good in reminding people to walk their bikes in the base area, but, still could have said it nicer. Also, my lift ticket was never checked! Could have rode for free all day!

Just trying to help make the place run more smoothly.
I think I know the lift kid your taking about......I think he's funny, never bothered me or anyone I know of, PSP never bothered me either, kindda odd, but who am I to judge........


Apr 10, 2006
Speaking of dumb bans....were any of you guys there last Thurs? There were probably 20 riders on the whole mountain and about 6 of us were down by the main office/repair tent just B.S.-ing and riding in circles/trying to wheelie. Some lift guy blew his stack like I kicked his dog or something. He told us we would be banned for the remainder of the season if he saw us riding again. It was truly unnecessary, especially on a day with so few riders since there was little chance of a collision or other accident of that nature.


May 13, 2007
The walk your bike policy if not there to protect bikers from crashing into bikers, it's to protect the water park people from colliding into bikes and vice versa, last year someone ran into a little girl riding their bike in the no bike riding area....

Follow the Rules, it's the simple...


Apr 17, 2007
Brook-lung, NYC
don't you guys ever wash your gear?? how about some febreze??

I hate when I'm riding behind someone and all you can smell is their nasty sweaty stench:disgust1:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2007
don't you guys ever wash your gear?? how about some febreze??

I hate when I'm riding behind someone and all you can smell is their nasty sweaty stench:disgust1:

hmm... thats a hard one go faster and get in front of them and make them smell your smelly gear :biggrin: :bonk:


Apr 10, 2006
The walk your bike policy if not there to protect bikers from crashing into bikers, it's to protect the water park people from colliding into bikes and vice versa, last year someone ran into a little girl riding their bike in the no bike riding area....

Follow the Rules, it's the simple...
Yea man, I figured that out, I'm just saying that given the situation it was a bit ridiculous. Also, I managed to mix up the places you can/can't ride. I was walking the bike in the gates, and riding it outside them...whoops. In any event, I tend to be a pretty respectable person and don't try to annoy people on purpose, so when someone flips out at me without warning I do get quite annoyed since I meant no ill will towards them. I go out of my way to respect others, they should be able to do the same.


Feb 17, 2007
Highland Lakes NJ
Just put the damn things in the wash on the gentle cycle, works fine.

A real joy is riding on Saturday\Sunday and forgetting you left your gear laying in your hot car with the windows shut, until you get in it to drive to work Monday morning.


Feb 13, 2007
Vernon, New Jersey!
well then you haft to put your pads on inside out because the smell in comming from the inside not the hard pad

Just something you would like to know :brows:

considering the fact that the pads aren't skin tight, the soap n water n everything would go under the pads... especially if you have the upper body armor that has the holes in it. :)