
Vigo World Cup - DH pics added


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Ya, data rescue 2, virtual lab (a service) and some other stuff. Drive was shiutdown right after it crashed, but most of the images are corrupt. It retrieved them, but they are half images, garbled messes etc.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ya, data rescue 2, virtual lab (a service) and some other stuff. Drive was shiutdown right after it crashed, but most of the images are corrupt. It retrieved them, but they are half images, garbled messes etc.
oh sh!t. that f'ing blows Fraser. Sorry to hear man. Gonna get a backup drive now? (not trying to sound like a smart ass). Perhaps dvd burner, or maybe something that uses solid state memory?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
oh sh!t. that f'ing blows Fraser. Sorry to hear man. Gonna get a backup drive now? (not trying to sound like a smart ass). Perhaps dvd burner, or maybe something that uses solid state memory?
I have 6 external drives at the office for backup, but i didnt have anything with me on the road. In retrospect, i should have had one with me and copied to it right after ingestion. Hindsight is always 20/20 though.

I lost out on what probably amounted to a $5000 payday because of a stupid oversight, you can bet your ass in the future, i will be carrying a small portable HDD for a second backup at events. Am I bitter? No not at all....


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
can we get a new mod for the DH forum. Fraser...you're going postal on the boys that have fed this thing for a long, long time. Maybe it's time for you to go back to being a contributor as opposed to a detractor. Take a step back brother. Breathe.
Getting your pissy on at Luc and Spomer?

We know you are upset about what's gone down with your job, but relax.

Butch (resident defender of the poor and homeless)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
©2001;2543596 said:
come on man...5k? it's not my bizness though. sorry about the hd crash. that sucks.
I had a bunch of stuff lined up before I even left (editorial, commercial, copy & a team photoshoot for their year's worth of marketing deliverables.) It was going to be a massive week for me. I'll make a few hundred bucks after expenses now, if I'm lucky.

And on the hd sucks part, I whole-heartedly agree. Lesson learned.:disgust1:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
just playing devil's advocate... but how is posting all the updates and photos (the ones he still has) from the world cup in Spain being a detractor and not a contributor? :huh:


Jul 22, 2005
Slovenia, Europe
From Fabiens page:

For the 3rd year in a row in Vigo , the organisation prepared a track even faster and more spectacular than the preceding ones. We found unstable and sandy soil in the middle of the trees, where we attempted speeds of 60km/h.
It has been almost a year since I have ridden in a World cup. A year off of the pressure that make us fly over our limits.
Friday was marked by a big crash in the middle rocks. I had to stop training for the day as I had a big Ematum on the leg, but fortunately, it would not effect the next day. I used that time to finalize my lines and get ready for the qualification. The next day the Run in Qualification showed me that I had the speed to be back at the top with the 3rd split time. The Speed, but not the concentration, as I made a Mistake which put me off track before the end of the run.
On Sunday, all the riders arrived at the top of the track in Order of the preceding run. But rain showers started to break the serenity of everyone. This rain transformed the race into a lottery of which I was not the winner. I started in really muddy and slippery conditions. I ended up in the 24th place which did not satisfy me. I realzied from this weekend that I still have the speed and the motivation to get through and I know that results will come in the next rounds.
Next round in Champery, Switzerland the 9th and 10th of June


Mar 21, 2004
I saw a really great video on Freecaster with hightlights of the Downhill as well as the 4X finals for men and women. I saw the video yesterday in the morning and now it is nowhere to be found. Anyone else seen it?


Nov 15, 2004
I ain't buying it. #2-#6 reads out like it would at a bone dry event.
Remove Beaumont's name and Vegas would be proud of those odds.

Sure yeah, clever?!? Have a look at last years podium in Vigo, dry all weekend perfect race conditions, no weather lottery. And who was in 4th...........that's right Marc Beaumont.
Mont Sainte Anne '05...he got third. He had more then 1 podium last year. And he finished up 5th in the World rankings, yeah that's right he is number 5 in the world and at the moment holds the leaders Jersey in the 2007 WC.

I know he aint Sam Norris or Chuck Hill, but he is one of the fastest riders in the World regardless of weather, I mean Matti Lehikoinen's first WC podium was a win. Beaumont was there before.

Jesus would swear I was a fan boy or something, lets get a Marc Beaumont random fact generator. OMG are Marc's Fox 40's wider then stock............proto shocker.........here comes 14 pages of bull.


Nov 30, 2005
I saw a really great video on Freecaster with hightlights of the Downhill as well as the 4X finals for men and women. I saw the video yesterday in the morning and now it is nowhere to be found. Anyone else seen it?
Our dh video should be available sometime tonight (CET) at frontlinemag.net