
Vista Live OneCare


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
So I'm trying to install some of our software on this computer, but it seems as if either Vista or OneCare is trying to scan the entire install disc before allowing me to access it. I put the CD in the computer, it starts spinning and the drive lights up, but nothing comes up immediately. After about ten minutes the Autoplay shows up, I verify that I want to run the installer it spins for another twenty minutes or so, and then everything disappears.

Then I went into Computer and double clicked the install disc. The disc spun for twenty one minutes, then came up and asked if I wanted to run the installer, two more minutes passed and then the installer came up. It seems to be going alright now, but is there any way to bypass all this ****? Customers aint going to be pleased if I tell them it's going to take an hour and a half, or even twenty minutes to get the installer running. Even if it isn't our fault that OneCare is being stupid.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Does the install CD that you used work perfectly well in other computers? Do all other CDs work perfectly well in your computer?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
Yep, works fine in other computers. Worked fine in this one before upgrading to Vista. I haven't had problems with other CDs so far, but I have one more from our company that uses the same installer.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If you haven't had problems with other CDs in the computer, then it sounds like it's just a specific incompatibility with the autorun part of your CD and Vista... or OneCare.

Does it do this in all Vista computers? All Vista computers regardless of the presence of OneCare? Only OneCare Vista machines? Were your software people in touch with Microsoft about developing software for the new operating system?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
I have the only Vista computer in the office, but I took OneCare off this morning for more testing.

We have one program that has been made with two installers. The Installshield version works fine, the Vise version has problems.

The Vise version takes too long to start either with or without OneCare installed. Either way it is about twenty minutes from the point where I initiate the installer to when the User Account Control dialog appears. This entire time the disc is being accessed, but nothing was showing up as pulling any CPU cycles, so I couldn't tell what it was.

Today I copied the disk to the hard drive and ran the installer from there. Doing it this way it only took about one minute from initiation of the installer until the User Account Control appeared. But, this time I could see that Consent.exe is the one holding things up, or at least appears to be.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
Yeah, from what I can find so far Consent.exe appears to be part of Vista security so I'm not sure there's going to be a way around it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Well, no, you can't stop it from asking for consent to run, but out of the couple dozen apps I installed on Vista while I was testing it, not one exhibited the symptoms you're describing, nor have I heard of anyone else coming across this, and if your other installer doesn't do it... Sounds like a glitch that could be corrected.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Very odd. Can't help ya' further, sorry. I'd get on the horn to Microsoft about it.
That is the greatest single piece of advice given for Windows.

I wish more people would either use the HELP file or MS's tech support. After all, it's included with your purchase price.

It's funny (or sad) that people don't realize that most issues they'll see with windows have already been worked out and have solutions posted on the MS website. When I did tech support for Kaiser we used teh MS help and tech support all the time!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
Well, we sort of got this one figured out a while ago, but I thought I'd post the info here. Consent.exe scans the installer .exe before allowing it to run. The installer that was taking forever to run is nearly 650 MB, the one that started up quickly was less than a meg. You can sort of bypass by right clicking the .exe and selecting run as administrator.