
Vivid B Tune for 3.1:1 Ratio bike - or wait?


Jun 20, 2006
I understand the vivids going to come in 3 different tunes, the one in need being C according to the info due to my 3.1:1 ish ratio Lapierre.

ChainReaction have the B tune shocks cheap at the moment and fishers (the importer here) wont get the C tune for a month at least.

So, what i am wondering, how much difference will the tune make, will the compression damping be way out? - something to mention is that this bike is quite linear towards the end of its stroke, i am only 70kgs if that makes any difference.

I really fancy a Vivid but dont want to wait (or pay £85.00 for the valve change) a month if possible.

Opinions welcome, including calling me a gaylord if the obvious answer is right and i should just to wait a month and get the correct one! :busted:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2004
The 909
Well, as is the case with many bike parts, it's a long term investment. A year from now, are you going to be wishing you had waited a month for a better performing shock?

I have a Vivid on my Tranny Blindside, and with a 2.91:1 ratio, the B tune feels fine. However, that's comparing it to a Trek Diesel with a Vanilla RC, as well as not having ridden the Blindside with any other shock.


Feb 27, 2007
I have both...and to be honest, I can't tell the difference. I would just get the B tune....then spend your extra money on a ti-spring