
W & dog poo?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
dh girlie said:
That's funny...I should email that to my I-was-once-a-birkenstock-wearing-tree-hugging-pot-smoking-neil-young-listening-to-hippy sister who is now along with her idiot trust fund husband and die hard Republican Bush follower...
Uh oh. This thread is turning rapidly political ;)

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
So you really like the bro in law, huh???

He's an ok guy...he's just an idiot. He's never done anything to me bad, other than come and rape my Meyer lemon tree of every friggin lemon (about 200) without telling me...but what bothers me about him, is that he's a total pothead...and I have 3 nieces..one is 5, one is 7 and the other almost 16 (no I will NOT post pics of her) and he's been a pot dealer and got busted so the cops went to my sisters house in front of her neighbors and the kids and I just don't like the idea of him exposing my nieces to that crap. He's a trust fund baby and owns a successful business, so what is the need for that. Stupid.


dh girlie said:
He's an ok guy...he's just an idiot. He's never done anything to me bad, other than come and rape my Meyer lemon tree of every friggin lemon (about 200) without telling me...but what bothers me about him, is that he's a total pothead...and I have 3 nieces..one is 5, one is 7 and the other almost 16 (no I will NOT post pics of her) and he's been a pot dealer and got busted so the cops went to my sisters house in front of her neighbors and the kids and I just don't like the idea of him exposing my nieces to that crap. He's a trust fund baby and owns a successful business, so what is the need for that. Stupid.

What's unfortunate is that my step siblings, with the exception of one, all toked in front of the kids, always. Now the step brother has bastard grandkids and 2 daughters always talking about how some dude got em stoned and raped them. :confused: The sister that did it had her 1st at 16, while the same one, had her first at 22 without a husband (not that I condemn them for that, but find it criminal that they never explained the horrors). Fortunately for the little girl, her mom married the guy. Unfortunately for her, she got her mom's genes. Worse is the dad will likely kill himself for marrying Satan. Oh well, the moral is, it may not be a good idea to roll your own at the coffee table, with the kids sitting there watching 'The Apprentice'. :think:

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
What's unfortunate is that my step siblings, with the exception of one, all toked in front of the kids, always. Now the step brother has bastard grandkids and 2 daughters always talking about how some dude got em stoned and raped them. :confused: The sister that did it had her 1st at 16, while the same one, had her first at 22 without a husband (not that I condemn them for that, but find it criminal that they never explained the horrors). Fortunately for the little girl, her mom married the guy. Unfortunately for her, she got her mom's genes. Worse is the dad will likely kill himself for marrying Satan. Oh well, the moral is, it may not be a good idea to roll your own at the coffee table, with the kids sitting there watching 'The Apprentice'. :think:
He doesn't do it in front of them, but the oldest isn't stupid. And it pisses me off the danger he puts my nieces in because of that. I just find it funny how they preach Bush and Republican-ism, when they are not so conservative themselves. Like now they go to church...and he claims to be a 'Theologian'. :rolleyes:


Oct 27, 2004
The County of Kings
dh girlie said:
That's funny...I should email that to my I-was-once-a-birkenstock-wearing-tree-hugging-pot-smoking-neil-young-listening-to-hippy sister who is now along with her idiot trust fund husband and die hard Republican Bush follower...
You have one of those too? I found out my sis was voting republican in Oregon when I called her on election night to commiserate....damn her.....


dh girlie said:
He doesn't do it in front of them, but the oldest isn't stupid. And it pisses me off the danger he puts my nieces in because of that. I just find it funny how they preach Bush and Republican-ism, when they are not so conservative themselves. Like now they go to church...and he claims to be a 'Theologian'. :rolleyes:

Certainly the better of our 2 situations if you ask me.


dh girlie said:
Yeah...but still...the kids are great kids and I certainly don't want them to be thrown in foster care when he gets busted...cuz my sister will go down too...

Bummer - I can see you in the "Raising Helen" role.

*yes - I saw the movie.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
I Are Baboon said:
Does anyone else find it funny that this thread was started by a guy named "dump?" :D
I promise, those aren't my chunks :D