


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Oh how time mutes reality.

The innernet nazi dork brigade in their mom's basements a la dick spencer is a new thing but that dickbag conveniently forgets the douchebags his presidency empowered. Mosques bombed, anyone with any sort of brown skin and middle eastern background told to get the fuck out of the country.........

He seemed real concerned with people dying in new orleans during/after katrina. Not THIS concerned obviously however http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/08/20/bush-signs-pre-landfall-disaster-declaration-for-texas-ahead-hurricane-dean.html

Bush is not in any way shape or form a contradiction to trump. He was a predecessor and a stepping stone.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
So far the iraq war is still worse than anything trump has done or even discussed doing. I have no doubts he'll surpass but the fact remains.......

I just can't stand people holding up that piece of shit as some kind of voice of reason just because the goal posts have been so unnecessarily shifted.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
It is a sad commentary that the current (mis)administration makes people look back with rose colored glasses at the past fools, and that the current idiot can make Shrub sound like an oratorical genuis.

Either way, you are getting it in the ass. Do you want a red hot poker in the ass or a cactus?


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
I'm with woo here. I've got no love for trump, but he has yet to start any wars or do anything at all really. Gorsuch is as bad as it's been and that has yet to get anyone killed.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I can think of a few mexican families that would disagree.

Orange foolius hasn't started any full blown foreign wars but he is directly responsible for a few smaller domestic ones......

Basically piles of shit sometimes have slightly different smells is all. One might be a little less repugnant in the right breeze.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
I can think of a few mexican families that would disagree.

Orange foolius hasn't started any full blown foreign wars but he is directly responsible for a few smaller domestic ones......

Basically piles of shit sometimes have slightly different smells is all. One might be a little less repugnant in the right breeze.
Just cause he's a piece of shit doesn't mean I'm gonna pretend that a few deportations (so far less than the peak rate under Obama) and some nasty words are worse than starting two wars that we are still fighting in one way or another.

Go ahead, list the worst stuff trump has done, most of it was just words that hurt people's feelings.

He's a terrible leader, profoundly stupid, he's alienated all of his allies and he doesn't really want to work hard at this president thing any way. All of which is preventing him from getting shit done. Which is the best thing we can hope for.

Bush was a profoundly stupid puppet who played ball and got shit done. Bad shit, for terrible people.

Edit: I wouldn't put it past Trump to start a war to try to keep his ass in office. He saw how well it worked for Le Shrubbery. So he's still got time to be worse than W.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Shrub's speech wasn't intended for a the Librah E-Leet of Ridemonkey. :rofl:

It was an attempt at a wake up call for the GOP, a reminder, for them, that Conservatism once meant something. Nobody in that audience thinks the Bush administration helped create a scenario in which someone like ISIS and Trump rose to power.

But they do need a reminder that what Trump represents is not the GOP as it once was. Bush was unquestionably a terrible president and has remained out of the spot light since. His break from a remarkably long silence (for a former president) to make that speech is worth noting, especially to Republicans. Will it do any good ? How knows.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
IIRC, some countries/people wanted to extradite Shrub and some of his associated morons and prosecute them for war crimes...anyone else remember this? Perhaps the reason for his laying so low over the past 8 years...


Thanos did nothing wrong
Jun 13, 2017
Floating down the whiskey river...
He was talking about Democracy... but the U.S. is a Republic....
I realky do hope Kim Jung Un does something REALLY stupid BEFORE Trump does something REALLY stupid. China already said they wont do anything againt U.S. retalition is N. Korea attacks first. Japan said it will shoot down any missle that N. Korea launches that appears to be targeting another country.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
He was talking about Democracy... but the U.S. is a Republic....
I realky do hope Kim Jung Un does something REALLY stupid BEFORE Trump does something REALLY stupid. China already said they wont do anything againt U.S. retalition is N. Korea attacks first. Japan said it will shoot down any missle that N. Korea launches that appears to be targeting another country.
I really hope nobody does anything really stupid. We are dealing here with 2 morons who control nuclear weapons. While Un may not have enough power to get one over the water, we have more than enough to make his little country a true shitstain...and I for one do not want that. Enough innocents have died because power mad fools have to wave their dicks around. Nothing would please me more than to never have that happen again. May all the missiles rot in their holes.


Thanos did nothing wrong
Jun 13, 2017
Floating down the whiskey river...
I really hope nobody does anything really stupid. We are dealing here with 2 morons who control nuclear weapons. While Un may not have enough power to get one over the water, we have more than enough to make his little country a true shitstain...and I for one do not want that. Enough innocents have died because power mad fools have to wave their dicks around. Nothing would please me more than to never have that happen again. May all the missiles rot in their holes.
Don't get me wrong, i REALLY dont want anything to happen either. But if ir does, i hope its from N. Korea. They would attack Guam before the U.S.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Yeah he'll just butcher a bunch of people other countries due to your and his governments being fuckwits.......... I'm sure the targeted country will be understanding about that eh.
I dont think he has the balls to attack anyone. With the US being the Great Satan and all, he has no one else to rattle his sword at...who would he hit? China? Bad Move. Japan? Maybe, but we would hit him. I dont think he is that stupid. I hope he isnt that stupid.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
I dont think he has the balls to attack anyone. With the US being the Great Satan and all, he has no one else to rattle his sword at...who would he hit? China? Bad Move. Japan? Maybe, but we would hit him. I dont think he is that stupid. I hope he isnt that stupid.
Naw, he won't start anything because he does not want to live in a smoking radioactive crater.
But he is good a winding up the orange slime mold. Just hope he does not push it too far.
I however would not put it past herr drumpf to go off the reservation after a coke fueled night time tweet fest and do something really stupid.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Yeah he'll just butcher a bunch of people other countries due to your and his governments being fuckwits.......... I'm sure the targeted country will be understanding about that eh.
Let us not forget the your government has aided and abetted this idiocy for a long time now, as have many others...


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Let us not forget the your government has aided and abetted this idiocy for a long time now, as have many others...
Given the last 35 years of being anti nuclear weapons by NZ that also effectively terminated the ANZUS defense treaty we have with you, I'm not with you on that one.
Or maybe you think we have aided and abetted your reality TV industries takeover of US government?..... Pretty sure the NZ government had nothing to do with that either.
AHH Got it you think we have been backing the Kim families grip on power!!!
Nasssty hobbitsiss


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Given the last 35 years of being anti nuclear weapons by NZ that also effectively terminated the ANZUS defense treaty we have with you, I'm not with you on that one.
Or maybe you think we have aided and abetted your reality TV industries takeover of US government?..... Pretty sure the NZ government had nothing to do with that either.
AHH Got it you think we have been backing the Kim families grip on power!!!
Nasssty hobbitsiss
Anti nuke does not necessarily mean anti stupidity. While I admire and support the anti nuke stance of your country, this doesnt hide the fact that they have been participating in the Afghani shenanigans, and supporting the foolishness in Iraq. No one on this rock lives in a bubble, and Orange Foolious and Rocket Mans idiotic actions can/ will effect us all.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I however would not put it past herr drumpf to go off the reservation after a coke fueled night time tweet fest and do something really stupid.
I had hope that Mad Dog and Kelly were splitting babysitting duties, but after this week I kinda wonder. Who HASNT Herr Twittler insulted and offended? I had hope for some sanity with those two in there, but that Kelly has lied and toed the line for the Dumpster, I have lost what hope I had...