

Does he have FEA on his machine .......is he still running Solidworks.... that should have something I think its called cosmosworks.... why doesn't he run it through there........figure out some stresses etc. Maybe a mag center with a BHC for an outer ring ........or just say F it and buy it from Profile ......I know he was just using it for CNC practice but .....ya


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
One day during the week it was raining so I decided to hit up some museums in Louisville. Bubba's mom was just hanging around the house so I invited her along.
The first stop was a science center which wasn't much more than a place to drop little kids off to keep them distracted for an hour. Pretty lame, but they had a cool compound mirror in the entryway.

The Speed (that's a last name, not a type of art) Art Museum was actually really nice. There was a lot of classical material, of which I didn't take any shots.

Llamas in Llingerie

Mrs. Perry's least favorite piece: "I think we used to have something in the yard that looked like that, and we had it taken to the dump."

The Safety Painting?

And finally a horse made entirely of owl pellets.

I don't have any pictures to post from Columbia, MO, where DNA was kind enough to put me up for the night. If you're reading this, thanks again, and please post a couple shots of the slalom course you helped build. That thing was a blast.
Other highlights from Columbia: there were hundreds of untouched ledges around the local college campus. So ripe for street riding. Also, there's an ice cream shop there that has Guinness Floats on the menu. Perfect post-ride treat, imho.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
No worries. Sorry I was wrapped up in studying ... stupid school ... stupid finals (I'm pretty sure that I put a vicious beatdown on that test).

It was good to meet ya and see the Minilink. That thing is dead sexy.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
He's here! He's here! ...But now it's raining which isn't so fun to ride in like it is back east. :( Forcast says there could be lots of this in the days ahead.

Hope that changes because I really want to ride with Sir w00dy. Especially since the f/s he brought with him was practically conceived on one of the epic shuttle trails here back in 2001.

If it stops raining for a spell the trails will be primo. Please send anti-rain vibes to SLC for w00dy's maximatious enjoyment.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
well I SUPPOSE since he's THERE that I can send rain-free wishes that way....but I hope you know...I'm making him tell me all the little goings on at superco after he gets back.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Okay, haven't had intarweb access for a few days, this is going to be heavy...

First up, Denver:

The altitude was great, a couple of beers and I was pretty loose.

The cars last longer out here. I'm used to the rust belt, so anything older than 20 years is a novelty to me.

Mexican americans.....how does the song go?

I had to try really hard not to ride on this one.

There's a sweet bicycle highway running the length of the city along a creek. Totally uninterrupted by the roads.

It ends in a big park with a section of artificial rapids.

The skatepark is pretty rad too. Lots of complex angles and lines.

No pics, but I ended my Denver visit with a trip up to Boulder and a stop at the Avery brewery. Highly recommended.

On the way out of town I stopped at the National Renewable Energy Lab. I was saturday, so it was closed, but there's some cool stuff hanging around outside the visitor's center.

This is a cross-section of a wind turbine blade.

Stupid grin in front of a frozen lake.

Fruita is Weird.

Very Weird.

Nice views though...

The riding (actually in Grand Junction, not Fruita) was great. I caught a couple shuttle rides with kind strangers and had a blast here. Sorry, no pics. I was trying to keep up with the kind strangers because I didn't know where I was going. Steep, technical, and fast trails to be had here.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Mike the Headless chicken is a legend man! if you lived for 6 months with no head you'd be a legend too! :biggrin:

nice stuff keep the updates coming! :thumb:


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Just back from I-Street dirt jumps. Holy mackeral w00dy can ride! Dedicated digger too, putting in time with the shovel all over SLC. Maybe he'll post some pics when he comes out of the post-ride-Crown-Burger-induced coma.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Yes, a computer with a real connection again!


Rolled in late, slapped my sleeping bag on the ground and woke up with a great little view.

Rolled into town and checked out the scenery.

Caught a $20 shuttle to the top of kokopelli (sp?), which feeds into Porcupine Rim.

There's a couple of nice drops right here.

A couple of shots from the mandatory Slickrock loop.

Mini Link, mini arch. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Edit: I spent a night in the Hostel at the south end of town. It ain't the Hilton, but you can't beat $10 a night.
Last edited:


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Next up, Salt Lake City.
Establishing shots:

Thanks to Doc for the following photo work, and showing me the trails.

Me, awestruck.


Still debating.

It's on.

This is probably the best pic ever taken of yours truly. Thanks for making me look so cool.

Doc himself, and no that isn't a 40.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
The credit for the next photo set belongs with Terry. Thanks for going behind the lens instead of riding. Much appreciated.

Flannel makes you go bigger.

Wide bars aren't always the best thing.

I forget this guy's name, but he had no trouble putting these trails in their place.

Note to budding dirt jumpers, it takes a lot of work to keep trails working. So pitch in if someone shows you local trails. I learned that the hard way.

Doc showing me how it's done.

The last jump in the set was a blast. It drops right out of a berm into a little ravine.

Then it boots you out the other side.



Jul 25, 2007
Ridgefield CT
Jealousy is a stinky cologne.....

And is that a shiny non-second hand full face you're rocking? I'm not sure what to say about that......You've changed Dave....

Amazing pictures man.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
Good golly my photo skills have fallen by the way side after dumping the axe to be a selfish rider for the past four years. Oh wait...I was working with a new camera, auto focus (?!) and digital... Yeah, that's it, I have newcameraitis. Well.. at least you got the sick shots from Doc at Tanner. :)

That is threepointtwo on the Intense. Always a treat to run into that funny fellow.

We miss you w00dy, come back soon.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Tom, the helmet came with the bike, I was just saving it for a special occasion. I brought that one because it has a visor and my future is getting kinda bright.

DrewStu, I stole the gloves from my brother just to have as a spare. They were the first pair that came out of the bag. I've got three floating around in there now. Luck of the draw.

Terry, thanks for the kind words. I had a blast out there, I'm definitely planning on getting back there. I'm debating on whether or not to post the goofy shots from the pump track. What do you think?


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
There's not enough rep I can give out for this thread. Sorry I wasn't able to meet up when you came through MO. The weather here has been the suck.


aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
So cool all those critters came out to see you. Looks like you taught the moose your photo pose rules.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Hahaha, allright, since it's prompted.

A very blonde (ditzy) girl at a party told me the secret to looking perfect in pictures.
Apparently, you're supposed to stick your chin out 2 inches, tilt your head slightly, and smile. Since it feels so goofy to do this, the smiling part comes easily.

Regular pose, notice how it accentuates the phantom double chin.

Gangsta pose, looking tough doesn't work either, at least not for white guys.

The aforementioned pose...lovely.

Again, normal.

Chin out, head tilt.




In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Yeah, Bozeman MT campus. I wish they had done that at UB. I'd have build like 18,000 electric scooters and not had to pay for gas.

There's lot of crazies in Montana. A lot of them seem to be obsessed with the collapse of society. They can't all be wrong, can they? Quit your job, Justin. Spend your savings before the dollar isn't worth anything...oh wait, nevermind.


Jun 21, 2002
Now that's something I can really use! Thanks for the photo tips. You just never know where you will come across the good stuff.

It was good to meet you out at I St. in SLC - thanks for sharing the trip with us. Makes me want to get out and see some new trails real bad.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
No pictures at this time, I just wanted to write Holy Crap. I Rode at whistler yesterday in the rain, with a bunch of trails closed. It was so good I caught myself giggling out loud as I went down a couple of trails.

A-line is as much fun as I could have hoped for. Dirt Merchant and Crank It Up are right up there too. B-line stands for berms, not much else. Rock City has one of the steepest sections of trail I've ever seen. It sent me into a swearing fit after going down it. There's a kickass skatepark at the bottom of the hill too. Holy Crap.

The Canadian gubmint limited me to a month in the country. Looks like I'll have to be out of here by July 1st. Anyone know if I can go visit Alaska and then come back?


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Made a quick stop through Seattle. From my brief encounter this city has great beer and seafood, wacky architecture, and some really laid-back residents. I only managed to get a shots of the architecture. I wish I'd brought my camera to dinner. I would have exchanged vows with the fish and chips they served me at the Pike St. Brewery.

I stopped taking pictures after I spotted this fountain. I rode it for about 20 minutes before being ejected by security.

Very cool shop. They've got buckets full of used parts. Bikey pick-and-pull.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I had forgotten that you were doing this and hadn't checked the Ride Reports in a while... this thread is friggin' awesome.

I recommended it to the head monkey as a featured thread, so you've got some front page exposure now :thumb:


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Rolled up to whistler my first night in town. My friend here knows people working for the Camp of Champions. They took me over to the park at the base of the hill. The park is nice and big, and the snake run was a blast. They had to drag me out at the end of the night.

Couldn't stop smiling the whole time.



Mar 26, 2005
Thanks for the great pics! It's keeping me somewhat sane here @ work. I especially appreciate the SLC pics as I'll be moving there in a month, those jumps look SICK! Feel free to PM me if your in SLC in July as I just bought a house and need some fellow riders to rip with:)


Apr 27, 2005
Auckland New Zealand
Thanks for taking the time to post all this Woody.

Some of those pics of the scenery are just beautiful. They remind one of just what a fantastic country the USofA is.

Its easy to get distracted by the politics and wars of America, and forget about the beauty of its land and the goodness of its people.

You have just made my Friday morning at work an enjoyable experience.

What a fantastic adventure.

Those crazies in Montana are right you know:twitch:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I'm going to back Demomonkey on this one. Amazing shots of all those things brother. Since I've broken my wrist in 2 of my dirt jump "sessions", I'd suck at this ride report. Mine would be of all woods and trees...plus my cell phone has a great collection of Mullet pics....which I feel is the only pic you are lacking in your thread...a good random Mullet.

All those skate parks are amazing to me. The one that looks like red clay with rollers looks like it would spit you out! And I can tell you must have had an awesome time at Whistler since there are no pics (means you were too busy riding).

I've never put much thought into architecture since we aren't in or near any major city (Asheville, NC) but your pics really bring it home that it's art on an epic scale. Not to mention that buildings and structures are so random in their creation.

The offer stands that if you want to spend a day or two getting lost in the most bio-diverse ecosystem in America, come ride Pisgah National Forest. You can even stop off at Windrock in Knoxville, TN for 2200+ feet of descending, 7 days a week 15 minutes off Interstate 40 on your way here. Those guys love visitor & will put you up and shuttle you til your arms fall off!

God bless,

Butch :thumb: