
Warning: In-app purchases

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Here's a little tidbit of information that may have already been flogged to death elsewhere on the intertubes somewhere, but I guess I missed it.

For those of you like me, BE WARNED: iPhone + kids = $$$$


So I spent the last 10 days back home with the family, having much fun with the nieces and nephew. They REALLY get a kick out of fiddling with my iPhone. They play the ringtones, and fiddle around with some of the lame apps I've got.

My nephew got tired of what I had on the phone wanted to play a new game. I figured what the hell, and went to the app store and checked out the top free games and got him "Tap Zoo" and Tap Dance (or something). Selected them, punched in my passcode and they downloaded. Then I just handed it over and let him have at it. He played for a few minutes, got bored and handed the phone back to me.

3 days later, I check my email. I have two iTunes invoices, each for $119.00. I figured it must be some typo or something. I checked my CC online, and sure enough, I'd been charged the amount. How could this be? I checked the app store again to verify that the games were indeed free.

Wifey googled the games and a bunch of thread popped up about people having the same issue. Sure the GAME is free, and you have to authorize the download for that, but there is various stuff within these games that cost big bucks.

So yeah, as much as the techy-know-it-alls will just say "RTFM" like they do here, I figured I'd spread the word for us folk that are too quick to assume that "free" means "free".

Just disable the in-app purchases like this.

I've contacted Apple and they've refunded me, so no harm done, but this is not the sort of business I'd think they'd want or need to be promoting.

Flame on!


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
The Smith family in that article are dip$hits. Everybody in the family has an iPod Touch? :disgust1:
when i upgraded my Iphone, there was a woman there getting hers, bragging how the other 3 people in her family already have the new Iphone and Ipods and she was the last to get the newest one.
she seemed so proud.