
way to go barry...


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Looks like weed is getting legalized in Wa and Co. Should make for some interesting federal court cases.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
do you see any wiggle room on either side?
Republicans lost the presidencial election and 3 (?) Senate seats. If states continue the way they are now, Obama will have lost a grand total of 2 states that he won last time around. Bachmann's tied in her race, 50/50 (57% counted). Furthermore, it appears that Obama won **75%** of the Hispanic vote, which could cement Democratic victories in years to come if that continues. That's after all of the vote suppression, all of the billions of SuperPAC money, and so on...

If Republicans aren't scared sh!tless, they damn well should be.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
If Republicans aren't scared sh!tless, they damn well should be.
yeah they should but....you already know how that is going to go......no give is going to come from either side.

4 year bitch festival ahead.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
McCain's concession speech made me think that if he ignored Palin and the rest of the republitards that he would have made a good pres. Mitt? not so much.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Republicans, the party of the elderly and angry white dudes

The gender gap was distinct. Exit poll data showed a distinct gender gap: Among male voters, 52 percent favored Romney, while 45 percent backed Obama. The data reflected slipping support for Obama, who won 49 percent of male voters four years ago. (Full exit polling data is available here.)
Among white male voters the disparity was even sharper: Obama was winning just 36 percent of the white male vote Tuesday, compared with the 41 percent he won in 2008, the exit polls showed.
Women voters favored Obama 55 percent to 43 percent – about the same split as four years ago when 56 percent of women voters preferred Obama and 43 percent supported Republican candidate Sen. John McCain.
Within the female vote there was a sharp divide between married and unmarried women: Married women backed Romney, 53 percent to 46 percent, while unmarried women preferred Obama by a better than 2-to-1 ratio, 68 percent to 30 percent.

Republican Strategist and Time Magazine Columnist Mike Murphy analyzes the GOP's performance in the 2012 election saying, "we have a Latino problem that just cost us a national election."
Among white voters -– who accounted for nearly three quarters of the electorate -- Romney was leading Obama by 58 to 40 percent, making Romney’s performance among white voters three points better than McCain’s in 2008.
Younger voters preferred Obama, but not by as lopsided a margin as in 2008: Among voters age 18 to 29 Tuesday, three out of five said they voted for Obama, compared with about two of three in 2008.
On the other hand, Romney had a substantial advantage among voters 65 and older, who favored the Republican by a margin of 11 points.
Latinos and blacks overwhelmingly voted for Obama, according to the exit polls. Latinos, an important part of Obama’s winning coalition in 2008, were even stronger in their support of Obama than they were four years ago. Latinos, who accounted for about a tenth of the national electorate, favored Obama by about 70-30. Black voters continued to be exceptionally loyal to Obama – he was getting more than nine in 10 of their votes Tuesday night, just as he did four years ago.
Obama showed strength among lower-income voters, winning three out of five voters with family incomes below $50,000. Among middle-income voters Romney led 52 percent to 46 percent, and he did a bit better than that among voters with family incomes of $100,000 over more.
Another dividing line in the electorate, as in 2008, was religion. Three out of five voters who told exit poll interviewers they attended religious services weekly or more often preferred Romney, while 40 percent backed Obama. This represented about a five point improvement among such voters for Romney over McCain’s performance four years ago.
Among those who said they never attend religious services (a much smaller portion of the electorate) Obama won more than three of five.



PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
If Obama truly wants to help our country, I think he'll have to make some Major concessions to get the ball rolling. Otherwise it's going to be four years of sh!tshow IMO.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
If Obama truly wants to help our country, I think he'll have to make some Major concessions to get the ball rolling. Otherwise it's going to be four years of sh!tshow IMO.
I don't agree at all. Obama holds all the cards with the fiscal cliff.

1) Let the fiscal cliff hit.
2) Support legislation to fix the least popular parts of the cuts. These align with Dem priorities.
3) Let the Republicans try to oppose stuff like a tax cut for 98% of Americans. Hammer them mercilessly.
4) The Republicans are not going to stop unless Obama bloodies them up. It's the only way.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
You hear that? Do you hear that? Republican outrage, son. Nothing else in the world sounds like that. I love the sound of Republican outrage in the morning. You know, one time we had a election, for twenty four hours. When it was all over, the Republican outrage, didn't matter one bit. The sound, you know that Republican outrage, the whole election. Sounded like … victory.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
You realize however that Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck et al, ALL voted for Obama right? Pretty sure they know which the bread is buttered. Way easier to bash the sitting "opponent" to fire up their audience than defend the "good guy".


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
You hear that? Do you hear that? Republican outrage, son. Nothing else in the world sounds like that. I love the sound of Republican outrage in the morning. You know, one time we had a election, for twenty four hours. When it was all over, the Republican outrage, didn't matter one bit. The sound, you know that Republican outrage, the whole election. Sounded like … victory.
a solid point on bitterness. this won't abate anytime soon. sad, really, that we're so divided. i think the healing will lie in refusing to be a victim, which for some, will be unattainable.

and yeah, teh racism will see a re-birth.
no certificate required.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
a solid point on bitterness. this won't abate anytime soon. sad, really, that we're so divided. i think the healing will lie in refusing to be a victim, which for some, will be unattainable.

and yeah, teh racism will see a re-birth.
no certificate required.
I had this conversation the other day with one of the less conservative conservatives in the hangar the other day. The consensus was that if O was to win, < 6 months before the first legit assassination attempt.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I had this conversation the other day with one of the less conservative conservatives in the hangar the other day. The consensus was that if O was to win, < 6 months before the first legit assassination attempt.
There is some "super accurate" psychic put there who is good at predicting major events saying that BO would get reelected and then assassinated before his term is out.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
My stepmother has always been a bit of an enigma. Super nice lady, I have never heard her say a unpleasant word about anything. She has always been a strong republican supporter. Last night the facade broke, apparently the election the election was a fraud, a mass conspiracy ran by the muslim/atheist/communist/nazis.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Another gem I heard from an acquaintance on FB who owns a small construction company.
"Obama won the election because too many American's refuse to work for low wages like the Chinese and would rather have the government support them. I for one refuse to work for my employees".


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
There is some "super accurate" psychic put there who is good at predicting major events saying that BO would get reelected and then assassinated before his term is out.
no fly list for you.

the government knows what you type.
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I'm really trying to visualize said Farrakhan/Dawkins/Stalin/Hitler amalgamation. I keep coming up with the Pope, so I know that's not right.
To be fair by nazi I should have said fascist, not too many nice Aryan boys getting mixed up with that lot. Imagine a really swarthy looking Spaniard instead of Hitler.
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