
wc schladming thread

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
I suffered about 5 seconds of it before I got bored.

From great to ****:

High def
Mpora normal
Youtube normal
Iamspecialized, blah.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I know it was just a few days ago but I already miss schladming. Wonder if schladminger has any open positions ;) The freecaster highlight rocks.


May 6, 2003
Framingham, MA
Re: Spec' vids.

Either Specialized is worried about bandwidth (cant see why) or they were more worried about trying to upload a video with Euro-style dial up interweb. Their vid is @ about 1/10th of the bit rate (and size) of the vimeo video and it shows. But I also can't imagine trying to upload a 400+ Mb video at a bike event. The interwebs are usually mega clogged.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Re: Spec' vids.

Either Specialized is worried about bandwidth (cant see why) or they were more worried about trying to upload a video with Euro-style dial up interweb. Their vid is @ about 1/10th of the bit rate (and size) of the vimeo video and it shows. But I also can't imagine trying to upload a 400+ Mb video at a bike event. The interwebs are usually mega clogged.
Waiting 1 day wouldn't kill them. Also Euro style dial up interweb? Man we're not in the stone age. Pretty good internet connection around here.


May 6, 2003
Framingham, MA
Waiting 1 day wouldn't kill them. Also Euro style dial up interweb? Man we're not in the stone age. Pretty good internet connection around here.
Have you ever tried uploading files at a World Cup event? Most to all event locations have crap connections. Maybe I should have been more specific.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Aye, but we're 4 days after the event now, and I'd bet they uploaded that vid from their office, not from schladming.

The low bitrate is more than likely down to their webhosting package - they'll have monthly transfer limits, and with 10,000 potential views a 50MB file (what they have at the moment) is already 500GB of transfer. No reason why they couldn't upload HD to mpora instead and just link to it from their site; no reason except they'll think that doesn't look very "professional".
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I've got to hand it to Freecaster, over the course of the season, the highlight of their coverage for me has been the course walks and the highlights reels. They're long and in-depth, give a good sense of the course and its difficulties, and have great action. I still watch the MSA course walk just to see poor Miriam Nicole (I think it was her) eat it hard just as Rob was describing how nasty that section was. And the highlight reel with Blenki boosting it large is really good too. I just with they were a little quicker at getting them out...

I think I may pull the trigger on the DVD if the quality of their editing matches what's on the site... the only thing holding me back is too much of Warner's commentary. As funny as he is at times, I just can't take that much of him.

Anyways, here's hoping they get their broadcasting sh!t together for next year... and thanks for the awesome coverage this year.


May 6, 2003
Framingham, MA
Aye, but we're 4 days after the event now, and I'd bet they uploaded that vid from their office, not from schladming.

The low bitrate is more than likely down to their webhosting package - they'll have monthly transfer limits, and with 10,000 potential views a 50MB file (what they have at the moment) is already 500GB of transfer. No reason why they couldn't upload HD to mpora instead and just link to it from their site; no reason except they'll think that doesn't look very "professional".
Agreed on all points, there are other options for distribution. The Dirt.tv guys do it on the road (and prob end up spending all night uploading) and their stuff looks awesome. But again....we're complaining about the most World Cup coverage we've seen in a long time.


May 26, 2008
UK, Carlisle
Finally caught up, mind blowing!! '09 was sick, roll on '10 should be even better!

This year has been mega, especially the vids from the Parkin bro's. Any word on a season re-run from them??


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
The Mondraker video is up on Freecaster now. I just got done watching it, and I think that what I like most about Fabien is how humble he is. He always talks about his team, teamates, mechanics and the bikes. He was saying that they did well in qualies, because they had chosen good lines, and they had the right settings. a class act all around.


Aug 26, 2006
Back in Scotland
Does anyone know what films are in the pipeline for this done and dusted season? With Clay being busy with the Athertons and the Parkin Bros busy with Trek and Dirt are we likely to see any new vids from them? With Rankin no longer making WC race vids, we need another Focus from the Parkins and another BTT/F1rst/TTP from Clay!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I think Clay should change his format a bit, cause it gets a bit dull whatching even a second time. I think I watched Tipping Point just twice
Here's another Vimeo video - Schladming 09
Ok, that was AWESOME. Really well done. Maybe it was the music, but I was riveted. I also like how it showed good riding, no matter who it was. can't wait to watch the rest of his vids.


Nov 15, 2004
Re: Spec' vids.

Either Specialized is worried about bandwidth (cant see why) or they were more worried about trying to upload a video with Euro-style dial up interweb. Their vid is @ about 1/10th of the bit rate (and size) of the vimeo video and it shows. But I also can't imagine trying to upload a 400+ Mb video at a bike event. The interwebs are usually mega clogged.

Just to let everyone know, Spcialized have no problems using a "hosting" site for their videos.

The quality is waaay better on Youtube. You can really see how smoking fast Hill and Bernard where in Schladming. Not sure why the vids on www.iamspecialized.com are compressed so much. Balls it is!


Nov 15, 2004
^ @43 seconds, Sam whippin it...
Very, Very sick.

Who shoots these S videos, they are tight.
Ex-Irish Downhill WC racer John Lawlor shoots the vids, from what he told me, some of his footage from this season will be used in Clay's new movie. For extra angles/story telling effect.

Watch Sam in quali @2:47, he covers a phenomenal amount of ground in a tiny amount of time there.