
--Wednesday's Ride Thread-- aka Jackson's Slackin'


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Anyone get out and spin the pedals last night?

The TNUA was packed, 79 riders (new record I think). Because of the crowds, and some inexperienced people combined with racer boys who think everything's a crit, there were a couple nasty wrecks. One dude ate it right in front of me and took about 5 riders out. I don't know how I escaped that one. One of the guys who wrecked detailed his grill pretty good. I guess riding at the front isn't always the safe place to be :p


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Echo said:
Anyone get out and spin the pedals last night?

The TNUA was packed, 79 riders (new record I think). Because of the crowds, and some inexperienced people combined with racer boys who think everything's a crit, there were a couple nasty wrecks. One dude ate it right in front of me and took about 5 riders out. I don't know how I escaped that one. One of the guys who wrecked detailed his grill pretty good. I guess riding at the front isn't always the safe place to be :p
No TNUA for me until my back is better. The perils of being up front.... I call it the danger zone. It is usually like about 2/3 riders behind Scotty. Just crazy sometimes. LOL on the racer boys.....jdcamb


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Yikes, this is why I avoid large group road rides. Last one I went on turned into a race 3 miles into it. I was chatting it up at the back and looked up and saw the pack tear away. I hung back and rode with a few hotties and a 68 year old former triathlete. Pace was slow but the conversation was good.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
But I thought today was Tuesday? :sneaky:

I got the SS back in commuter mode with 42x16 and skinny slicks. It's been a while since I've been on a bike so was hurting by the time I got home. I knew I shouldn't have taken the "long way." I can't wait to get my new light so I can do some after work laps around the triangle.

Nate at RIT

Oct 8, 2003
bending stuff in the ROC
Yeah there were a few dangerous riders out last night at TNUA. Not so much inexperience in riding in a group (those people seemed to have a good estimation of their bike handling skills), but more people that overestimated their skills, and tried to cut in where they really shouldn't. When it's a mix of mtb and 'cross bikes, 80 people, dark loops where some people dont' have lights, it's not really the time to try and fit into that gap that gives you 0% room for error. I had a great time, it's fun trying to keep up to the group pushing low 20's on a 32-15 SS :)
I had a board meeting up in Bristol, which is oh, six and a half miles away, mostly on gravel roads. For whatever reason, I didn't turn on the headlight either way.

You notice all sorts of things you wouldn't otherwise - votive lights in cemetaries, light pollution from various towns - Burlington's orange, sodium lights, like it was all blast furnaces, Bristol's white, older street lamps. You can't see New Haven 'cause it's small.

Anyway, nice night, nice ride.



Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Rode at Spier Falls this morning for the first time. It was great, other than the hike a bike at the begining. Some nice exposed rock on the Red loop, and quite tech on the Yellow. Should have brought the camera, but may go back next week. Ripping downhill on the way out. :cool:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
No riding for me. I was home from work today with a headcold, but I was hopin to get in an easy ride and a hike with the dogs, but it didn't happen. Damn nyquil had my out of action for most of the day.

The nice weather is supposed to hold through the end of the week, not sure about the weekend though. Definitly going to ride this weekend if I can get my lazy butt off the couch.