
What are these dorks doing?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Every afternoon a group of adolescents and poorly groomed obese adults pop up in front of my house or across the street. They stare at their phones for a short period of time before shuffling off. I assume this is some sort GPS based game.

What is this and how can I annoy these people?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Pokemon Go.

@Westy to annoy them, I bet any Trump speech being broadcast loudly will probably work on this crowd.

Similarly, so would some, "get a job" signs in your lawn.
I thought pokemon go was the game where adolescents and obese adults walked around while staring at their phones looking for virtual things. These people are showing up here waiting for something virtual thing to happen.

I'd let the dog harass them but my yard is fenced in. I do have a patch of grass between the sidewalk and the road. The groups are typically too large to live solely on the sidewalk. I think I will plant as many of my dog's land mines in that area. Unfortunately I cannot get the little bastard to drop fresh ones there.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I thought pokemon go was the game where adolescents and obese adults walked around while staring at their phones looking for virtual things. These people are showing up here waiting for something virtual thing to happen.

I'd let the dog harass them but my yard is fenced in. I do have a patch of grass between the sidewalk and the road. The groups are typically too large to live solely on the sidewalk. I think I will plant as many of my dog's land mines in that area. Unfortunately I cannot get the little bastard to drop fresh ones there.
they're not on your lawn, you can't tell them to get off it.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Is that little purple box one of those community library boxes? Maybe they're discussing last week's reading assignments for a book club.

Or, they could be casing the joint, fixing to rob you when you least expect it. You'd better dispatch them all with extreme prejudice just to be safe.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Is that little purple box one of those community library boxes? Maybe they're discussing last week's reading assignments for a book club.

Or, they could be casing the joint, fixing to rob you when you least expect it. You'd better dispatch them all with extreme prejudice just to be safe.
That is a little free library. Quite a popular one to boot. Lady that owns it used to put large poorly made political signs in here front yard, leftist equivalent to homemade Trump signs. Someone wrote here an anonymous letter complaining about it. She took down the signs and now posts all the passive aggressive notes people leave her on the side of the library. They have become quite the attraction.

People in Seattle love leaving passive aggressive notes.

These nerds never look up from their phones to talk, they are probably texting each other.


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world

Bonus points for not getting decked, but these people don't look like they have the quickest reaction times.

Explosives and trash cans are also a great match. Add dog poop for extra credit.


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Im thinking sprinkler, that way you can turn it on from a distance. Do you have an air compressor? A whistle or horn or a pipe filled with water blasted at them with 100psi could be cool.

You could also ask them for change. When they say they dont have change, tell them "no i want you to change..... your location"


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
I vote for going over and trying to mingle and ask them what's going on. Bonus points for doing it in a cargo van with a 'free pokemon sign' on the side.


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
If you do go to mingle, be one of those people that is always too close and acts like they want to tell you a secret. Then talk about tire psi.