

A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Fat people
Folks who fly the confederate flag
People with bat-**** crazy political bumper stickers
Pretty much anyone who defines themselves and wears the uniform of some stupid stereotype (juggalos, business-school-fratboy-rapist, etc)
I saw a redneck pickup with a confederate flag license plate on the front today....here...in Canada. Last I checked, the confederacy have very little to do with this part of the world.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
People who wear flip-flops or sandals in the winter piss me off. I correctly assume that these people are morons. And if you wanted to reply to my post here and say "Well gee, it isn't cold in the winter in Florida", well then you are a moron for feeling the need to point that out.
I wear sandals year round because my feet get hot. If I go outside I'll change into shoes, but in the office I wear sandals.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Over-trendy folks. Hipsters are the ones that seem to be the most prolific around here. They are all too cool for school. Except my barber, he's pretty funny, and totally taking advantage of the suckers buying into the new trend.

I've since found a reasonable barber....


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
What are surfer toes?
The toes spread out and don't touch each other when you take your shoes off. It's what feet are supposed to look like, if you don't wear shoes all the time.

edit: Gawd, I sound like this guy...

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Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Not saying it can't (or shouldn't) be done. I'm just saying that it limits your options.
True, it is harder. That's why my plugs aren't super huge and why all my tattoos can be covered. I think the area plays a big role too. I am in the SF bay, people tend to judge less


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I'm a fat guy who has most of his body inked, and I still make over six figures a year.

I personally hate everyone. I don't really care who you are, chances are you annoy me somehow.

Though lately I have had more than my fair share of hate (which is a lot) for:
- Subaru drivers
- Old people
- Faux tough guys who beat animals but won't fight me
- People with children
- Republicans
- Democrats
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- The Human Rights Campaign

That's just this week's list.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
People with no kids that judge other peoples' parenting skills....that amuses me.

There are plenty of bad parents and the corresponding turd little kids. However....and I know the point of this thread is to paint with a wide brush.

But I have learned the hard way that judging a little kid who is having a fit....on an airplane, or in line at a store or whatever....there may be very legitimate reasons..and even if there aren't...they are kids. The quite likley aren't always like that. So, ESPECIALLY if you don't have kids, judging parents and kids for "bad behaviour"....you just shouldn't.
Other then being lazy/bad parents, what would those legitmate reasons be? My brothers children never act up in public. NEVER. I attribute that to being a good parent. I appreciate that too. Lazy folks are always making excuses, even for others sad to say.....


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
People with no kids that judge other peoples' parenting skills....that amuses me.

There are plenty of bad parents and the corresponding turd little kids. However....and I know the point of this thread is to paint with a wide brush.

But I have learned the hard way that judging a little kid who is having a fit....on an airplane, or in line at a store or whatever....there may be very legitimate reasons..and even if there aren't...they are kids. The quite likley aren't always like that. So, ESPECIALLY if you don't have kids, judging parents and kids for "bad behaviour"....you just shouldn't.
I don't give a **** if they are kids. I should be able to peacefully enjoy my day without some little rug rat running around like he's done a 50/50 of speed and sugar before he gets on the plane.

And honestly, parents tune that out. I think is a built in reaction after you have a kid to keep from choking the ever living piss out of your child. However, I don't have that same chemical imbalance. Mine tends to range more towards the "If your kid runs by me screaming more than once, I will trip and/or clothesline the little bastard."

Then you get into the next set of kids who are spoiled, entitled little **** factories. I will kick those kids right in the head.

One of my friends has a daughter like that. She was getting all sassy with me until I slapped her ass up side the back of her empty skull. Not a love tap, but a straight up "If you act like this as an adult, this is how your man will slap you" sort of slap. Instant capitulation and apology.

When I was a kid, if we were being a ****, or causing a scene, my father had a great use for his wedding ring. I would straighten right the hell up if I saw him moving it around to get a good whack.

Kids, and a lot of adults, have no fear of getting hit because of ****ty parents and a society of pussies. Those are usually the biggest douche nozzles when they grow up. Typically they respond poorly to a good whoopin at my age, calling the cops for situations they caused.

I'm just sayin good people start from good, structured homes.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
If you are...
wearing "Realtree" in a non-hunting situation
driving a car with Trucknutz
wearing Dallas Cowboys apparel
eating Pork rinds
have a "system" in your car and need to let everyone else know what sh*t music you're listening to.
driving a car with spinner rims
wearing Tapout/UFC/Monster Energy clothes
a dude with those tight pants
a person with thinks they know more than thousands of climatologists
hang yourself from hooks for attention
a juggalo
a big fan of eminem

... I probably hate you.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
I judge people by

1. The beer they drink.

2. How dogs react around them.

Most people annoy me, but I probably annoy them too, so it's a wash.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I'm not sure, but I think thinking about Heidi's nimble destruction toes just gave me a half mast..


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
If you are...
wearing "Realtree" in a non-hunting situation
driving a car with Trucknutz
wearing Dallas Cowboys apparel
eating Pork rinds
have a "system" in your car and need to let everyone else know what sh*t music you're listening to.
driving a car with spinner rims
wearing Tapout/UFC/Monster Energy clothes
a dude with those tight pants
a person with thinks they know more than thousands of climatologists
hang yourself from hooks for attention
a juggalo
a big fan of eminem

... I probably hate you.
first my dad wouldn't love me, and now you. looks like i'm gonna need another tear jar.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
....and I'll qualify what I say. I don't mean general rudeness. And I refer mainly to kids under the age of 5 or 6.

Ignoring the possibility that a kid has something like....oh I don't know...Autism perhaps, maybe the kid is tired. Maybe the kid is hungy. Maybe the kid is coming down with something. You're seeing an instantaneous snap-shot of a kid who is maybe just having a bad day. Or maybe the kid is a little turd. I'm not saying that's not possible. But even your sweet little nieces and nephews, I'm certain have had their "moments".

I will never forget being on a flight home from Seattle and this woman was wrestling with a 3-year-old the whole way. The kid was just miserable. He was obviously really tired and just couldn't sleep on the plane. And my wife (then girlfriend) and I were rolling our eyes and glaring at this poor woman the whole way. If I could, I would apologize to her today.

But sufficed to say, people with tattoos are the worst.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
People with no kids that judge other peoples' parenting skills....that amuses me.

There are plenty of bad parents and the corresponding turd little kids. However....and I know the point of this thread is to paint with a wide brush.

But I have learned the hard way that judging a little kid who is having a fit....on an airplane, or in line at a store or whatever....there may be very legitimate reasons..and even if there aren't...they are kids. The quite likley aren't always like that. So, ESPECIALLY if you don't have kids, judging parents and kids for "bad behaviour"....you just shouldn't.
eventually.....when they have kids....they become the parents they bitched about when they didn't have kids.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
....and I'll qualify what I say. I don't mean general rudeness. And I refer mainly to kids under the age of 5 or 6.

Ignoring the possibility that a kid has something like....oh I don't know...Autism perhaps, maybe the kid is tired. Maybe the kid is hungy. Maybe the kid is coming down with something. You're seeing an instantaneous snap-shot of a kid who is maybe just having a bad day. Or maybe the kid is a little turd. I'm not saying that's not possible. But even your sweet little nieces and nephews, I'm certain have had their "moments".

I will never forget being on a flight home from Seattle and this woman was wrestling with a 3-year-old the whole way. The kid was just miserable. He was obviously really tired and just couldn't sleep on the plane. And my wife (then girlfriend) and I were rolling our eyes and glaring at this poor woman the whole way. If I could, I would apologize to her today.

But sufficed to say, people with tattoos are the worst.
If your kid is having a crappy day, or doesn't travel well, then let me give you some advice:


I am not a part of the school of tolerance. You chose (more or less) to have that kid. Please do not inflict your choices on me.

I can see how maybe my viewpoint is not tolerant, nor is it selective, but I just do not agree with people inflicting their kids on me when Snot Rag Jr. is having a crappy day.

Your choice. Stay home, deal with it.
And for god's sake, don't bring the little rug rat to horror movies...


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
If your kid is having a crappy day, or doesn't travel well, then let me give you some advice:


I am not a part of the school of tolerance. You chose (more or less) to have that kid. Please do not inflict your choices on me.

I can see how maybe my viewpoint is not tolerant, nor is it selective, but I just do not agree with people inflicting their kids on me when Snot Rag Jr. is having a crappy day.

Your choice. Stay home, deal with it.
And for god's sake, don't bring the little rug rat to horror movies...

Bull****. We're living in a society here. You don't like it, move to the woods.

When pratical, I would do my best to respect others as best as I could. Like not go....to the store or something. But if you've got a flight booked, and the kid wakes up sick.....or you had to get up crazy early and the kid is tired? Too ****ing bad for you. You want silence, charter a private jet.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
....and again, there are plenty of kids/parents that need a hit in the head. The trick is you can't always tell who REALLY deserves it.

edit: and speaking of parents who likely DO deserves a hit in the head, why do I suspect the DirtMcgirk was just an absolute ANGEL when he was a little kid?
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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
When do you just judge the sh!t out of someone, maybe unfairly? Good or bad.
Since this has turned into a hate-fest, I'm bringing some love.

If I see a bumper sticker on your car for an "underground" band/product that I like, then you get a bump up (perhaps unfairly). If I see you on the trail and you are rolling a sweet exotic rig, then you score bonus points in my book. I roll a Nicolai, and if you have one too, I want to kiss you on the mouth.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
No, again, you're implying that somehow I need to tolerate your choice.
That isn't how this works.

Now there is a white and a black to this argument.

On one hand if your kiddo is sick, that I get. I'd rather that the human petri dish wasn't near me, as children are where the next round of germ warfare is going to come from, but that cannot be controlled. Do you best, but for the sake of those around you, do your best and don't give up.

Now on the other hand, if you're on a plane or in an eatery, and your kid is acting like a reject from "Sober House" and is not sick, retarded or autistic, you can bet your ass two people are gettin a slap: you and your kid. Parents a lot of time, I have noticed, adopted the attitude that you have that somehow since you produced a carbon copy of yourself that somehow this should be a reason for it to impact my peace and enjoyment of things.

Would you accept this argument you're using if it came down to a noisy neighbor booming his stereo or a dog that was a nuisance?


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Well I';m tolerating your presence on ridemonkey. If I don't want to be disturbed by ANYTHING, then I stay away

As for the neighbour, the difference is, you SHOULD be able to reason with a noisy neighbour, as they are adults. Reasoning with a toddler is apparently much like reasoning with you. They are unable to communicate their needs appropriately, so it can come out in tantrum form.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Ok, gang, all I can say is...............

After my earlier post today, this one has given me a great belly laugh. I needed it in a very severe sort of way. I'd add my 2 cents about my judging, however, since I work in a casino as a pit boss, let your collective minds wonder as to how I judge.

(The correct answer will get a cyber-high 5. Oh, wait, that may be so 5 minutes ago. Dang, I have to quit the retro talk. Poop, I can't stop. Ok, I'm going on a ride.......)


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Then if they cannot be reasoned with, mom and dad or whomever is in charge, needs to take them home.

If you don't want to take them home, since maybe you feel somehow entitled to forcing your kid upon the world, then accept the consequences of that choice.

Al C. Oholic

Feb 11, 2010
I got two bad ones that I can think of off the bat.
First, redneck/meth-head haircuts. you know, like the ridiculous two foot long mohawk, braided together in a greasy nasty mess? or anything similarly ugly and lowbrow.

The next is white people that refer to their white friends by the N* word, or even worse insult their white friends by calling them the N* word. either you're a poser or you're racist, either way I don't wanna be around you.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I will come over and ask you nicely just once to control your child.

Usually that's all it takes to get some uppity mommy, or daddy who thinks he's hard core, to jump up and make a scene. Once you do that, well, I'm pretty good at getting you to take the first swing. Its gonna be the last swing you take, and its going to happen in front of your kids, but when it comes time to go to court, you were the one who aggressed a situation.

And I will, without fear of reprisal, tell your kid in very clear terms to sit down, shut the **** up, and let those around him enjoy their day. Most kids aren't really ready for some big tattooed guy screaming at them, but rest assured I don't have an issue with it.

Is it really that hard to control your offspring? My dogs are way better behaved than most people's kids I know. Mind you they do sleep in crates during the day, but they know when to go, when to stay, and when to STFU without much more than a word from me.

Somehow your mentality strikes me as that you think as a non-breeder that I should have to accept your kid acting like an asshole. Why would you think anyone would go for that?