
what your cat does...



That cat looks kind of like hayley. Ours get on the sink and I think they touch the bunghole to the brush when they turn around. I keep mine on the inside of the holder.


bigginsis said:
how do you know what sweet kitty does when you are at work? or out riding? and just for the record, that is NOT one of my cats. mine are all angels except for the one named No-No-Bad-Kitty.

She just has to worry about work and concerts. She doesn't ride.

dh girlie

bigginsis said:
how do you know what sweet kitty does when you are at work? or out riding? and just for the record, that is NOT one of my cats. mine are all angels except for the one named No-No-Bad-Kitty.

She goes out most of the time when I am not home. But I would find evidence and I'm sure I would have caught her before. She is a well behaved cat.

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
She just has to worry about work and concerts. She doesn't ride.

Well lets just hope you never end up with a chronic disease like diabetes where you too could go into convulsions so violent that they f uck your back up really bad to the point where you are having spinal xrays 4 months after the fact and it interferes with your every day functions and prevents you from doing stuff you enjoy.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
dh girlie said:
She goes out most of the time when I am not home. But I would find evidence and I'm sure I would have caught her before. She is a well behaved cat.

well behaved or a sneaky snake?
I bet they have you fooled.

my mom used to think our cat was a vegetarian until it started dragging small disenboweled animal carcasses onto the back porch.

dh girlie

TN said:
well behaved or a sneaky snake?
I bet they have you fooled.

my mom used to think our cat was a vegetarian until it started dragging small disenboweled animal carcasses onto the back porch.

Oh god that reminds me of a horrible skit I saw on Mad TV...that sneaky snake comment. Anyway, she's a good kitty, but she sheds like a mother f'er so I know where she's been. Plus I use a sonicare which has a toothbrush head cover. So no worries for me having cat ass funk on my toothbrush.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
dh girlie said:
Man you guys have bad kitties...my Zakk never gets on counters!
I know our cats were bad! :mumble: They jump up onto EVERYTHING. The counters, windowsills, dressers, TV, stovetop, and dinner table. And the little punks know they should not be up there because soon as they see me they run like hell. BAD! :mad:

dh girlie

I Are Baboon said:
I know our cats were bad! :mumble: They jump up onto EVERYTHING. The counters, windowsills, dressers, TV, stovetop, and dinner table. And the little punks know they should not be up there because soon as they see me they run like hell. BAD! :mad:
The only thing she will jump on other than the couch or the bed is the dresser...she will get up there and bang on the mini blinds with her paw if she wants to wake me up to let her out...she only does that if she has to use the bathroom. Otherwise, I will stand next to the dresser and coax her to jump from the bed to the dresser just to watch her slide across the dresser top into the mini blinds...it's quite funny.


dh girlie said:
Well lets just hope you never end up with a chronic disease like diabetes where you too could go into convulsions so violent that they f uck your back up really bad to the point where you are having spinal xrays 4 months after the fact and it interferes with your every day functions and prevents you from doing stuff you enjoy.
That sucks. :( I have seen ride pics. I also am lame and don't ride when I should so I give other peeps schit. Don't be all mean like we don't care you have diabetes. You know we think it sucks you have it. Most people might say oh well, but you know that I will be all hurt that I tried to rat on you. Good play. :thumb: Now - you feel bad for making that cute ass cat slide face first into a window. Bad Lisa - :nope:

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
That sucks. :( I have seen ride pics. I also am lame and don't ride when I should so I give other peeps schit. Don't be all mean like we don't care you have diabetes. You know we think it sucks you have it. Most people might say oh well, but you know that I will be all hurt that I tried to rat on you. Good play. :thumb: Now - you feel bad for making that cute ass cat slide face first into a window. Bad Lisa - :nope:

I never said no one cared, nor was I looking for any sympathy, but I believe I told you in a PM about that horrific incident and how adversely it affected me physically, and how the few times I've tried to ride since then have left me in excruciating pain for weeks after, and how scared I am that I may no be able to snowboard, and you give me **** for not riding as my northstar season pass and my newly painted bike sit rotting?

She doesn't go face first into the window, just slides a little across the dresser.


dh girlie said:
She doesn't go face first into the window, just slides a little across the dresser.

Sorry - I understand. I am a puss on the bike just so I don't get hurt and not be able to ride. :(

As for the cat - Otherwise, I will stand next to the dresser and coax her to jump from the bed to the dresser just to watch her slide across the dresser top into the mini blinds...it's quite funny.

Now go home and tell her you are sorry for making her slide into the window. Stop using pledge too. Poor Zakk.


dh girlie said:
She doesn't...she sheds so freakin bad I know everywhere she's been. She's old and mature...she's well behaved.

I fear you have a blinding love for your cat.

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
I fear you have a blinding love for your cat.

I do love her. But she really is a well behaved pet...the only times I ever caught her on the counter tops was when I was first in my house 10 years ago...I had a bird feeder in a tree and the birds would kick the seed to the ground, and the ground would look like it was crawling. If she was inside, she could not quite see the birds from the sliding glass door, so she would get on top of the counter to look at them through the window. Once I quit feeding the birds, she stopped.

Then the other time was when she was sitting in her chair, and she heard my fish snap at the top of the water...her eyes got all big and her neck strained to see that high. She never knew there was a fish there until he made a noise in the water, so she started getting up on the counter then too...but she would run every time you'd catch her. She sheds like a mother f'er so you can tell what surfaces she's been on...like I find her hair in the tub in the spare bathroom, but I could care less if she wants to go in the tub.


dh girlie said:
...like I find her hair in the tub in the spare bathroom, but I could care less if she wants to go in the tub.

Maggie chills in the tub sometimes. Casey is our shedding mofo. His hair is on everything. Hayley has long hair, but sheds the least. Did Zakk ever eat the fish???


Sep 26, 2004
Away in the head
Felix and Sparky (hey, named by kids...) both jump, or scramble in fat ol' felix's case, up onto the sink to drink from the tap if someone's there to turn it on. We keep the brushes on a shelf above the sink though so it's all good.

Never seen either of them on the counter - they both go out if we're gonna be out for any length of time

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
Maggie chills in the tub sometimes. Casey is our shedding mofo. His hair is on everything. Hayley has long hair, but sheds the least. Did Zakk ever eat the fish???

No, she didn't get to my fish...poor Gefilte Fish (no I'm not Jewish, I just thought it was a funny name for a fish) passed away after about 5 years. He was an African Cichlid and he was bad ass. He loved me...he was passed around to different owners as they left Bell until he finally ended up on my desk and when I left the company, he came home with me where he lived a nice life in a nice 10 gallon aquarium all to hisownbadself. He is buried in the back yard now. :(