
What'd I miss???


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
What your suckers been doing? I'm still off the bike and installing trail destroyers on horse's feet. I see some of the same ol' buttholes are still around. Makes me proud. I'm at a horse show, sitting on my ass, waiting on something to do. I popped in when I saw of Stink's passing and thought I'd check in. It's roll call time. Who's where, doing what? Still the same old assholes?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
stinkyboy died, JohnE moved to the US, n8 is stalking him and moving here, too, stoney is contemplating obtaining a larger mortgage, JK has started another spawn in progress, bv returned from traveling the world for a year, and syadasti still hates Apple and feral cats.

So not much.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Man you have been gone a long time. Even I ended up spawning and have a little monster at home now. Looks and acts just like me, just bought a house and am currently moving in piss poor conditions. Life is good though, looking forward to snow melting and getting back into at least weekly rides


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
stinkyboy died, JohnE moved to the US, n8 is stalking him and moving here, too, stoney is contemplating obtaining a larger mortgage, JK has started another spawn in progress, bv returned from traveling the world for a year, and syadasti still hates Apple and feral cats.

So not much.
Don't forget Toshi moved to CO, IAB is doing Ironman's, and Squeeb still hates CoSprings.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
You mean the tables?
I tried the Bicycle business failed. Treehouse failed. Portugal failed. Cooking failed. Pizza failed. I have decided to move on and fail at something else for a while.... I always liked swimming pools. Dig hole, bury some garden hose hook that up to a pump. Carefully place big stones inside hole (Carefully placing shit shows you know what your doing). Then slather around a few hundred pounds of concrete. Fill hole with water, how hard can it be? Filters are for pussies.....