
Whats an old Karpiel worth?


Jul 17, 2003
Golden, CO
Okay monkeys, I need help.

A buddy of mine is considering selling me his old Karpiel Armageddon. This seems to have old school down hill written all over it. Here's a spec list...

Resse 9inch inverted fork (has lots of stiction)
Hays HFX 8 inch (good shape)
M/L Armageddon frame (top tube dent)
Avalanche shock
24inch Sun double-wide rims (holy crap these are wide!)
Gadzoddi (SP?) 3 inch wide tires.
Blackspire chain guide.

The thing is like 55lbs.

Its an older frame, and I'm curiuos what it may be worth.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2003
South East Asia
....Seriously....look in the buy/sell forum...there have been some for sale and that should give you an idea of what the prices are....


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2002
Phoenix, Az USA
$1500-$1750 depending on color and condition id guess. might even get more money?? when you start talking $2000 and above, you can score some sweet, late model rigs. the army is just an old frame with fragile links and that fork totally sucks.

Just like we will always be fond of the music we listened to when we first started getting laid, some people will always like the Army cause Double Down was their intro into FR etc. So for that reason, you'll probably always have a buyer out there.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
It seems that the Karpiels are more popular in Europe for some reason, if you're willing to deal with international shipping you might be able to fetch a little more for it than if you sold it within the US.


Mar 16, 2005
24s?. 3.0s? -for nostalgia's sake a vintage tank like that would be fun to have but it would be hard to get more than $1200 from a serious rider. Maybe some ol geezer who wants the meanest bike at the Elks Lodge. I can say that - I'm 44


Turbo Monkey
Dec 22, 2003
South East Asia
Zark said:
Do the world a favor: sell it to a recycling center for scrap.
If the bike is in an ok condition I think it is a nice bike........in fact, compared to many never bikes I have tried the Karpiel rides nicer I think....well just my opinion.


May 25, 2005
Isla Vista, CA
It is something of a mystery at this point; I dont know if the revitalized Karpiel Designs is going to offer support for the older-model bikes. I would imagine continued support for the bikes would curb their depreciation, but it really is up in the air. The rest of the build is very heavy duty, which runs counter to the current trend of lighter, more nimble bikes. If that's what you're looking for, I'd offer $14-1500 for the bike at this point, otherwise try to get down to $1200.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
MaxDamageDA said:

Buy it if you can :)
Sell it to this guy. He'll pay way more than it's worth. Him and one other guy on here keep buying all the Karpiels (Karp-something or other, I think) people offer up.

Personally I would love to try one out after all the stuff I have heard, both good and bad, since I have never ridden one. I'd never buy one though... too much bad karma surrounding this company and the bikes. :blah: Well, that and I don't really want a frame from a company that no longer exists.. unless it's an old Bridgestone or a Ritchey, or a Fat Chance. :p


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I have never seen the Army, but I have seen a few Discos and I liked them a lot. As for that build, that is kinda funny (24's with 3.0 Gozzies).

I'd say about $1200, unless the Double Wides are Green, then you're looking at $2500 :D


Jan 20, 2006
Ciaran said:
Sell it to this guy. He'll pay way more than it's worth. Him and one other guy on here keep buying all the Karpiels (Karp-something or other, I think) people offer up.

Personally I would love to try one out after all the stuff I have heard, both good and bad, since I have never ridden one. I'd never buy one though... too much bad karma surrounding this company and the bikes. :blah: Well, that and I don't really want a frame from a company that no longer exists.. unless it's an old Bridgestone or a Ritchey, or a Fat Chance. :p

I just love those you know. Lets say im a colector of those :) **** what you heard ( haha outblast ;p ) and try one! You will love it! Especialy with avy... When you have one built up and got used to it its really hard to ride another bike without complaining - those bikes are burly!!

Last one i built up:

Those babies are really worth more... 1200$? hah, i can pay 1200$ for that bike even now...

I had an 99 army, first one that Jan brought to Poland - its still runing without cracks!! 8th owner!!

I know that tanks era is gone, but i will stay in oldschool forever i think, with such primary baby:

Its not possible to tell her goodbye :>


Turbo Monkey
Sep 20, 2004
yep i ma another karpiel fan like MaxDamageDA i know there is better bikes that karpiel but i dont know there is something in them something from other galaxy :rofl: :rofl:

ok what do you think how much my karepiels are worth ?! i ma intresting what will you guys say...

*first is armageddon from 2004
*second is apocalypse from 2003 only 2 made from that year if that will rise the price

ps. i will never put pics on pink bike but every time i try top put them on RM it nevers upload so i stop trying..


Jan 20, 2006
The bad thing is id never tried an apo...

Not because of availability but due to its tt lenght... i like short bikes, and apocalypse looks like's its XXL :D

Thats why i didnt bought that red one that vicious owns now

And bout how much you can get for them... it varies of buyer :>

You and me would pay more and there are people what would never buy a karpiel even for 500$ just because of what he did. Personally i dont give a **** what he did when it comes to ride his frame!

When youre buying a car you dont want to know the history and cv of its constructor... the thing is how it performs!

Karpiels are better than everything considering strenght, weight, geometry, regulations, plushness, progressivness ahhhhhhhh nuff said


Aug 7, 2005
Mine should be finished in the next couple days...pics to come.

PS...I'm stoked on the slightly larger cockpit of the Apoc as I'm 6'3" and have long arms.