
whats coming up from TLD Thread


Feb 18, 2009
Thread bump - anyone know if the Sprint line is being updated any time soon?
I'm in the market for some TLD Sprint like the above, but the "Kiwi" isn't quite black enough for me (looks more like a grey green)

Bikael Molton

goofy for life
Jun 9, 2003
El Lay
black and grey sprint shorts are crazy light and flowy. fit is good for me.
Not feeling the ultra flimsy lyrcra front panels. started fraying from my knee pads after 2 uses.

definitely has the feel of 1 season kit, which isn't me.


Feb 18, 2009
I saw on Brendan's facebook (I think) that he mentions the new TLD range is out soon, and that it can viewed on their site.... but I can't seem to find any pics of it. My google-fu is failing me - does anyone here have any links to the updated Sprint gear?

Oh, and here's the obligatory LOLPajamas response, so I'll save you the effort ;)

2016 Sprint Gear, first glimpse!



Feb 18, 2009
Yucky, do not want.

I'm particularly looking for the sprint pants. Been using the Fox Demo pant, but my cock gets cold in them... ventilation is great but hey took it a step too far.


Jul 5, 2006
Squamish BC
Any of you guys know when the new stuff will be available?Im looking at the new A-1 colorways ( not the ugly ones above ) and cant even find them on their website and local shops are saying a couples of weeks ( which by experience could also means months in Canada) ... Who ever is in charge of marketing over there isnt doing a great job.This stuff should at least be on their website.We are well into 2015 now and its always the same things every years.


Sep 19, 2008
Vermont Country
The bike line will be released late February. can't remember where I saw that but there where two dates. One for helmets and one for the sprint line


Mar 5, 2010
I gotta say, little RC stadium trucks are genuinely cool to a proper gear head and have to be really fun to drive. The little teeny electric one above is okay, but I get a proper nerd boner over the big gas ones. Who here wouldn't want to thrash on one of these

Strap a gopro on it and live out all your BJ Baldwin/Baja 1000 fantasies. But good luck explaining to the misses, and anyone else for that matter, that you spent $1400 on a glorified Tyco.

link for anyone who wants more info http://www.losi.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=LOSB0019BLKBD

About TLD, has anyone seen any real leaks or sneak peaks of the 2015 stuff? All we seem to have is that butt ugly A1. I haven't been sleuthing that hard, but I did notice YT's Bryan Regnier wearing some camo-themed stuff in a recent shoot. Jersey is a little much for my tastes, but the shorts could be wearable.

About Brendog in windrock, if you guys are on Facebook, he posted several follow cams of him ripping different sections. Mind blowing
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Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Once we find out what, sorry, WHO everyone is wearing this season, I very much look forward to the "who wore it better" thread in the DH forum.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I will assume you may be joking about Speeda, and the broken record in me is saying, "remember, only 5% of the line (3 pieces) of the apparel have Speeda pattern"...but regardless, we will get stock in from now, over the next 3 weeks, we were a bit delayed with the launch due to some shipping slow downs. Many of the online guys or brick and mortars are taking preorders though.


intrigued by a pole
May 14, 2007
Jersey Shore
I will assume you may be joking about Speeda, and the broken record in me is saying, "remember, only 5% of the line (3 pieces) of the apparel have Speeda pattern"...but regardless, we will get stock in from now, over the next 3 weeks, we were a bit delayed with the launch due to some shipping slow downs. Many of the online guys or brick and mortars are taking preorders though.
Half joking/half serious. New stuff looks good.