
What's the Dumbest thing you've 1cb'd?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I know a lot of monkeys out there spend time on the innernetz whilest drinking. So what's the dumbest thing you've 1cb'd (1-click-buy)? Doesn't necessarily have to be eBay, just a drunken impulse buy.


When I was in college there were old CRT monitors a plenty to be had. One night I stumbled across a lot of a dozen old PCI video cards that were like 4 or 8mb each. With enough whiskey, my brain connected the dots. So not only did I drunkenly 1cb them, I immediately went out and started collecting old crt monitors.

For the nerds out there, I had my computer up to 5 monitors before things started acting really funny.


Jul 21, 2007
I bought a 52" lcd tv online cause it was a good deal. I've turned it on a total of 3 times since July.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
I have prereged for races that I really didn't want to go to. Best races I have done so they were good 1cb's. Then there was the 83 gti I got last January.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Several years ago, I got it in my head that I wanted to build a software firewall, so I used an old computer I had in a closet.

Only the network card was dead, and I needed 3 NICs for the project (one external to the modem, one internal to the network, and one for wireless). So instead of buying 3 at a few bucks apiece, I come home a little wasted and decide a lot of 25 cards was a much better buy :rolleyes:

To this day I still have a bunch of NICs kicking around, after trying my best to sell them off/give them away.