
when supervisors go off???...rant/question


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
so im at work this morning and i hear a supervisor of a neighboring group getting
all petulant with one of my friends.

i wait till i think the dust is cleared and am headed over to my friends cube.
i pass said SUPERVISOR (not mine by the way) in the aisle and he just blantantly and with NO provocation looks at me and says, "What the fvck do you want?"

i blanche at first but keep my cool and do not reciprocate the language, but ask him what his deal is.

he starts to go on this tirade that im just coming over to shoot the **** and waste company time. and this is just after i hear him spend the first 20 minutes of the day shooting the **** with another co worker about boats and cars.

so without being inflammatory i call him out on it and he pulls this lame ass excuss that its before starting time, but neglects to mention that they are both on the clock regardless.

i manage to keep my cool, go to my sup and give him the dish. he says ill talk to him about it, maybe hes just having a bad day and you were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

i was willing to take it at that but i got to thinking how quickly I would have been in my managers office looking at a 5 day or permanent vacation had i been the one to speak in such an inflammatory and unprofessional manner.

what should a :monkey: do???


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
what yo said, but never, ever, don't even think about, calling a superior out in front of other employees. imo, i think you already crossed the line a little bit too much as it is--good luck.
Yossarian said:
deal with it. Life sucks. You are old enough to know that.

That's a response of someone who takes it in the

I'd see how it pans out with your supervisor talking with him, but make sure you get a response as if you just "Deal with it" then your letting someone walk on you. Your there to work, not get bashed, and if anyone talked to me that way, supervisor or not they'd get dragged into the next guy up above them and your boss by the throat. No one should talk to you that way, especially if your not doing anything. But on the other hand, it depends how your relationship has been with this prick in the past. If you've been buddy buddy with him in the past then be careful because people always seem to bring out the worst dirt they know about you for ammo to win the fight.

Let that guy know you don't appreciate him talking to you that way and leave it at that, keep it professional! I was in the military for 4 years and started off as an E-1, the grunt of grunts. I only made it to E-4 by the time my tour was up but I didn't take sh!t from no one, not even some pompus Captain flashin' his wings to get priority over others. I was in customer service and saw lots of stuff like that go down. My advice, keep it professional but let them know you won't be talked down to like that, and if they have a problem with that, take it up the chain.

Of course my job was secured, well actually I was locked in for 4 years so I didn't have to worry about the whole "officers club" being buddy buddy's and firing me.

It's up to you man, but I say do it the PC way and let em' know!


Oct 17, 2002
Yeknomedir said:
...and if anyone talked to me that way, supervisor or not they'd get dragged into the next guy up above them and your boss by the throat.
You'd drag someone by the throat?

You're an idiot.


Oct 17, 2002
Yeknomedir said:
It was a form of expression, technically in his circumstance no, because he wants to keep his job, but if it was you on the trail, no problem

ha, kidney stones couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
ridetoofast said:
what should a :monkey: do???
Most jobs suck. Sounds like yours is one of them. Sorry for not being more supportive. Just keep repeating, "Sticks and stone..." So long as he didn't torch whatever project you were working on, no harm = no foul.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Yeknomedir said:
My advice, keep it professional but let them know you won't be talked down to like that, and if they have a problem with that, take it up the chain.

I agree 100%. You are still a human being who should be treated with respect...D

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Wow, I can't believe the "roll over and play dead" attitude.

I hope none of you ever work for or with me.. I'd like to actually respect my employees and coworkers, thank you.

If you keep it professional, there is absolutely NO reason to put up with that kind of crap. And if it gets out of hand, document everything and ask your boss what to do.

Word of advice: don't let your buddy get in trouble just because you're pissy with the supervisor. If he's getting mad that you're visiting your buddy's cube, then stop, otherwise your bud's next performance review isn't going to look so pretty. Make sure you keep it between the supervisor and yourself.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
This is one of those times when you're clearly the injured party and just have to revel in your own maturity, letting its calming glow envelop you. You tried dealing with him professionally, now demand that your boss do it. He's the one who started an aggressive and unprofessional confrontation in public, and as a supervisor, he's supposed to set the example and the standard of conduct. He's done neither, and if you did follow his example, the company would be a bunch of swearing, confrontational pricks wasting time shooting the sh1t. (Kind of like being in the grunts...)

Just demand that your supervisor follow up on the issue, and demand to know what the results of it are if they're not readily apparent. If this was the military, you might never know that, but it's not, so be insistent.

-Pompous Captain

Edit: It's not also that big of a deal. Don't get too spun up about it. Those people who are truly up in arms about it don't have enough in life to worry about. Don't ignore it, but don't let it dominate your thinking.

Best way to deal with it in the hall would have been calm and professional, yet ultimately insulting, in an honest way, dialouge with said supervisor, making him realize what a prick and failure he is, and how he's angry at you for his failures. Then, a quick word to your supervisor about the situation in case Mr. Jackass shows up angry about it.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
last week, the general manager here had a demo/presentation with some big wigs. we use a laptop, projector to project the screen on the wall, an interntet/lan connection as well as table and chairs for guests to sit in. the boss wanted to do the presentation in a different room then we normaly use but didn't really tell anyone.
the boss has his own laptop, but we rent/borrow the project from another dept. but of course, he didn't tell anyone he needed it....

on the day of the presentation, an hour before it starts, he starts to panic because he doesn't have any of the stuff he needs set up. he doesn't know the password to log into the laptop and there is not LAN connection......he's stressed and showing it.

my co-worker comes in and the boss tells him, infront of other employees, that he is a looser and would never make it outside of this company. the employee was never told ANYTHING about this presentation and I'm not real sure why the boss chose him to go off on. How's that for professional?


Jun 20, 2004
standing at the edge of reason
binary visions said:
Wow, I can't believe the "roll over and play dead" attitude.

I hope none of you ever work for or with me.. I'd like to actually respect my employees and coworkers, thank you.

If you keep it professional, there is absolutely NO reason to put up with that kind of crap. And if it gets out of hand, document everything and ask your boss what to do.

Word of advice: don't let your buddy get in trouble just because you're pissy with the supervisor. If he's getting mad that you're visiting your buddy's cube, then stop, otherwise your bud's next performance review isn't going to look so pretty. Make sure you keep it between the supervisor and yourself.
i could not agree more. yeah life sucks and people are mean but sometimes you just have to stand up. language like that in the workplace is unacceptable and should not be tolerated from any level.

of course i am currently bitter about dealing with incompetent supervisors so take my comments with a grain of something.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
bigginsis said:
i could not agree more. yeah life sucks and people are mean but sometimes you just have to stand up. language like that in the workplace is unacceptable and should not be tolerated from any level.

of course i am currently bitter about dealing with incompetent supervisors so take my comments with a grain of something.

Haha! Yeah! Your boss calls you white trash. WTF are you talkin' bout? :p


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
binary visions said:
Wow, I can't believe the "roll over and play dead" attitude.
It’s not about that. Its about not making things any worse. The sad reality is that most companies will not do much to fix problems like that. I have worked for companies that terminated “bad seeds”, and others that chose to ignore situations b/c they thought it was easier.
Mr. Sociopath got to be a manager b/c people liked him. If he gets spoken to, he'll be pissed at you. I think that it is safe to say that the person has a serious personality defect. Unless he has done something that will get him fired, complaining about situations like that usually only escalates the situation. I have seen too many good people go crazy at jobs that they tried to make perfect. Something is always gonna suck. If it is an intolerable situation, leave. If you can tolerate it, you will have to do just that.
Two of my very good friends ended up being forced to leave jobs b/c they stood up for what was right. One was asked to leave b/c they were “bringing up issues that the organization did not want to deal with or be made public.” Hell of a reason, eh?
The other was asked to leave when he wouldn't stop talking to his boss about how habitually late many workers were, and about how lazy the people were when they did show up. They boss sucked, and laughed with the other workers about the fact that my buddy has a work ethic. They made his work life hell until he quit.