
Which Gravity East Race to Hit - WISP or Seven Springs?

John P.

Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2001
Golden, CO
So I'm planning to hit either the WISP or Seven Springs GES race in June. I can really only do one or the other, and travel prices are the same for either from my home here in Maine.

Is there anyone out there from that area who has a bunch of experience riding and racing at each (maybe Shomper?)? Which mountain puts on a better event, is likely to have a better track, and has better lodging options (looking for a low priced hotel)? Any input you guys can give would be much appreciated.




Oct 10, 2001
Germantown, MD
So I'm planning to hit either the WISP or Seven Springs GES race in June. I can really only do one or the other, and travel prices are the same for either from my home here in Maine.

Is there anyone out there from that area who has a bunch of experience riding and racing at each (maybe Shomper?)? Which mountain puts on a better event, is likely to have a better track, and has better lodging options (looking for a low priced hotel)? Any input you guys can give would be much appreciated.


I'm not Shomper (Can't Climb), but I have lived around, ridden, and skied/boarded a both places for most of my life now (grew up less than an hour from each in West Virginia). Here's my insight for what it's worth!

Seven Springs is really stepping up their program. The trails, while not a lot in numbers, are really well thought out and have a ton of flow. They've really put a lot of work into the the entire program and it shows....it comes off as very 1st class work. The trails are a mix between flowing berms and jumps to a bit of techical rocks, but nothing overwhelming. The old national courses from back in the day aren't used anymore, but you'll see parts that look familiar. The riding alone will have me venturing back a few times this summer, but aside from that there isn't much else do up there. Seven Springs is kind of remote, though not as much as my old home at Snowshoe(!), but I'm sure they'll have a few extra activities....bars open....for that race weekend.

Wisp is one of my favorite places to ride in the area. While it's not the biggest, most technical, or even the best place in the area I never leave there with a bad taste in my mouth. Racers Edge (Mike Hartlove) organizes the race for the Wisp Gravity East round and he's got things down pretty good. He's put in a lot of time up there and continues to run a series there beyond the Gravity East. They continue to develop some new things every year and the trails they currently have are a lot of fun on both dh bikes and burly trail bikes. Yeah, the lift is slow, but you can lap out some good number of runs in a day and have a good time with your friends all at the same time. The best part of Wisp, however, is the nightlife and extra-cirricular activities that go on beyond the mountain. Wisp is on the far end a a huge lake and decent resort type town/community, so there's always nightlife at the bars (you'll even see drunken cougar chicks on the prowl at the right bar....Black Bear) and there's even the famous Smiley's, where seemingly everyone goes to race go-carts on Saturday evenings.

I like Wisp so much that I convinced my fiance to plan a wedding in August up there. It helped that I have family close, but what ultimately convinced her were the things to do outside of the actual ski resort setting...we can bring her whole family in from Wisconsin and have them stay relatively cheap for a few days and it'll essentially be a mini-vacation for them. Not saying Seven Springs wouldn't be great, but the Wisp has more to offer outside the event.
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Jun 20, 2005
Morgantown, WV
For purely riding i would have to say Seven Springs. Not taking anything away from Wisp, its fun and a super nice resort, but i have confidence that Seven Springs will put together a sick course. I have a feeling it wont be one of the flowy ones with all the jumps, but i could be wrong, maybe one of the old trails on the back side that was mentioned above? I hope so...

Also, with regard to the Wisp races series mentioned above, its my understanding that they are only doing the one GES race this year, no Mid Atlantic Cup. I THINK. Ill have try to find where i read that.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
I can't speak for seven springs, but Wisp's lift is soooooooooooooo slow. 20 minutes at least, true this has nothing to do with the caliber of the course/resort but I thought I'd let you know.


Jun 20, 2005
Morgantown, WV
To comment on Seven Springs lift, it is a much faster high speed detachable. You do have to hold your bike on your lap though, not a big deal IMO if i get up the hill fast!


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I've ridden both many times.

No knock to Wisp, but I think that 7 Springs has it a lot more together when it comes to riding, and I think the course will be more interesting. The "DH" at Wisp is pretty tame.


Oct 20, 2005
Butthole of NC
7springs is definitely going to be better, Word is the race is going to be on the North Face which is awesome. Should be a decently rough course.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Haven't been to wisp, but 7Springs is a nice mountain w/ a great network of trails that extend beyond the DH.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
Wisp's lift is slow it is almost exactly 15min from the time your butt hits the seat till it gets off the seat. With that said it all depends on whether Seven springs is going to use an existing trail or a new one on the North Face, if it is an existing trail or one on the same side as the existing ones skip it if you want a DH race, if you want to bring a slalom bike and be able to ride any trail currently available at seven springs then that is your place. Wisp may not be steep and may not have a lot of vert but it is generally a fun place to ride that has a little tech and a few wide open sections. Wisp as of this moment is more DH friendly than Seven Springs, I would wait until Seven Springs announces where the race will take place before I decide, not to mention Mike Hartlove who as mentioned before usually has at least a new section or two built for the races! ( Mike we/I want a high speed road gap or stepdown somewhere on the mountain!!! PLEASE!) Hope that helps you out.
Adam Buccolo


Jun 15, 2004
Freeland, Md.
Wisp's lift is slow it is almost exactly 15min from the time your butt hits the seat till it gets off the seat. With that said it all depends on whether Seven springs is going to use an existing trail or a new one on the North Face, if it is an existing trail or one on the same side as the existing ones skip it if you want a DH race, if you want to bring a slalom bike and be able to ride any trail currently available at seven springs then that is your place. Wisp may not be steep and may not have a lot of vert but it is generally a fun place to ride that has a little tech and a few wide open sections. Wisp as of this moment is more DH friendly than Seven Springs, I would wait until Seven Springs announces where the race will take place before I decide, not to mention Mike Hartlove who as mentioned before usually has at least a new section or two built for the races! ( Mike we/I want a high speed road gap or stepdown somewhere on the mountain!!! PLEASE!) Hope that helps you out.
Adam Buccolo
Already done...where have you been?

FYI the 7 Springs DH will not be on the north face..or so I've been told from the powers