
Who here actually rides??


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I went nearly all last year bikeless (and didn't post much here then either). I decided I was going to race this year, so I bought a bike I could race DH on. I got a good deal on an Iron Horse Yakuza Kumicho and put an 888 with flat crowns on it. I will race 30+ Expert in 7 Oregon races this year. 4 at Ski Bowl, 3 at Willamette Pass. I have never raced, so it should be fun.

Then I killed myself trying to commute on it, so I considered stealing my old KHS Rigid One from my son to commute on, since he oesn't ride it much. Then I scored a classic 1989 Centurion Ironman Expert (I had an 88 Master in 1988).

I ride to work at least twice a week, then to school on Thursday nights. It's 12 miles each way to work, so it's a little bit of exercise. I also pull a Burley Solo with my daughter most weekends when it's not wet.

I post most bike related content in a bike related forums. The lounge to me is for non-bike related crap. I mean, there are bike specified frums for that sort of thing.


Feb 12, 2006
The World is my oyster.....
Just got my first bike in 20 yrs about 3 mos ago, a Spec. Rockhopper Comp. So far my riding has beeen limitied to the the bike paths here in Denver (which are many) and w/ the fantastic weather we've been having I'm getting out at least 3 times a week for 2-3 hrs. What I'm trying to do is 1.) get into riding shape 2.) Get used to being on a bike and better at handling it 3.) Get ready for a ton ot trail riding this summer because I live up in the mtns from the end of May through Sept.

Ya'll come on out and ride w/ me when you can!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
like many here i m restricted by the weather... i used to ride alot more when i was back at home... riding 'season' - i m over that cr@p... these days i probabally ride my SS more than anything... usually a couple of times a week, but it s been a dry spell recently... too much snow and rain... oh the grey skies of germany :(... my fave riding is DH, i guess i average about 20 - 25 days resort riding on the big bike, plus a number of shuttles in the old black f150... looking forward to heaps more since i ll be close to the action at northstar soon..

had a good season so far riding the snowboard tho'... about 18 -19 days...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
rideit said:
Reactor, here is my blingin' Switchblade..

Sweet! You and I have exactly the same frame. Is that a maverick DUC32 fork?

Here's me on the Bike'o' lounger at the end of a ride.

And on the epic at the 24HTOP race



The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I don't have any ride pics of myself yet. I never carry a camera on trail rides (even though I should), but my wife will get some pics of me racing this year. Does that count?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
goodtobeIrie said:
bump...I don't think many of you Lounge regulars posted any pics...
I was never in the A/V club and am technologically challenged but here are some crappy pics with links that probably won't work: :)




Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
I do ride, just not that much right now. If I can get out once a week, its a good week. I rode my old hardtail around town this past weekend and here's a pic of me in Moab last year. I will be in Moab again at the end of April.



Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
Sometimes I ride..........

Sometimes I take pictures of other people riding.........

My DH bike

XC bike

The stable

Favorite place to ride was Big Bear, but now it is Mammoth

Whether I'm riding or taking pics of others riding I have a great time :)


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Thanks everyone for posting. I have enjoyed learning about everyone and the pics were awesome! My faith in the Monkey has been renewed. With spring coming on and my fitness ramping up. I am thinking this will be a good year. Thanks again.....



scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
blog writeup (a buddy's blog with some pretty convincing evidence of this thing called riding) and smugmug pics...
oh yeah im riding the session 77 with the dark side shizzle (shirt/shorts) and of course thats my trail dog Sprocket
my buddy tim is the yellowshirt and is responsbile for the editing of these vids

http://putfile.com/volvo4mula (click on the two icons at the bottom for vids)



:thumb: to the :monkey: jdcamb, that started this thread

how bout making this a sticky...


I suck at Tool
Feb 15, 2004
Chintimini Bog
jdcamb said:
I was just looking around here at a lot threads started by some cool folks, lame folks, and just some random folks. I wasn't just looking in the lounge either, which as I have been corrected in the past is not just about riding.

Some folks I looked at like Stosh who often gets accused of not riding. Well he actually has posts about riding or bikes a fair amount. I am not going to post the names of those I have found actually have never posted about riding or bikes as they IMO are lameasses. Some of them actually are the most frequent posters here.

Eventually I can find posts from most about them owning a bike or offering an opinion (usually negative) about a bike or in some cases a part. Now I am not saying you need to be the most avid cyclist or hardcore or extreme. But the thing that I find the most hilarious is the members that have these amazing hardcore rigs. But never seem to ever talk about riding them?? Just weird. Hey if you want to spend $4K on a downhill rig so you can look at it. Well so be it. Hey I will even take your bike and ride it for you.

My interest in bikes and riding brought me here. I love to read and here about bikes. But lately all I hear about is nothing even remotely about riding (I know, I know I am guilty of chiming in and have been known to start some crap) but just random pissing matches, elitist comments, and juvenile ramblings not worthy of the best IMO Mountain Bike forum out there. We all know there is a reason why we are here. Right?

So lets see the roll call. What kind of bike do you ride the most. What type of riding do you do the most. Where do you do it the most. Where is the coolest place you have gone to ride. Just basically lets here about bikes.

Guilty of all charges. I lurked far longer than I've been a member and I still mostly hide. When I post, it's usually drunk at 3am ... like now. I love the monkey as I too love bikes, but at 3am [when I get off work] a ride just isn't happening. Most of my riding is alone so I have no great stories or pictures. When I ride with others, either I'm the one with the camera or no one really stops to think about documentation. To those of you who take shots while you ride and share them with us ... you f'ing rock!!! :thumb: Splat's pics of Icey doom help get me outside when it's pissing rain [8 months of the year here]. Skookum's shots remind me the PNW is too beautifull to not ride. T-Pirate captures the big smiles that attracted me to riding in the first place. Everyone adds something, even the SB kids. It's the internet for fvcks sake, share/absorb what ya can and don't worry about the rest. It's all good.

I gots 4 bikes. A ghetto commuter I ride to work everyday, a ghetto DH bike I ride when I don't want to break my other bikes, a SpecialEd Enduro for summer trail riding, and an Azonic DS1 for wet weather and most of my riding. I ride my local trails mostly, MacForest [hardtail country] and Mary's Peak [perfect for 4-5"]. Occasionally I make the trek north for an hour and hit up Dallas or Blackrock. I haven't had a chance to really do many ride oriented road trips. Hit up whistler last year. Hit up Squamish but had bruised ribs from Exit38 so I played shuttle bitch. The most fun I've ever had on a trail was Dead Campers in Santa Cruz. [do I want to know where that name came from?]. Hmm, maybe that steep ass rockgarden on mailboxes was more fun. Or maybe it was the log bridge river crossings at speed on the MRT. The back side of Smith Rock was really cool, for my first mtb ride. Oh I know ... the best time I've ever had riding was at Dallas. Dumping rain, a buddy and me tried over and over to get through this puddle that was 8' long and 1' deep. The mud ate our shoes and we had to go swimming. We laughed hysterically for half an hour, hiding under a tree while the clouds unleashed a full on torrential downpour.

Reason one I don't post pics. Kinda lonely here.

Reason two I don't post pics. I suck at the camera. [Santa Cruz peeps may recognize this one]

Reason three I don't post pics. I'm fugly.

When the situation is right and I have a pic, I post it. Like this one I posted in a thread on mud.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I do!

I probably spend the most time on my road bike (05 Jamis Quest) simply because it's easier to to get in a good ride from my front door than it is to load up my gear and drive 30-45 mintues to the trail head. That said, I'd rather be on my mountain bike (04 Yeti 575). I am the typical trail rider. Not strictly and XCer as I'll try to ride whatever the trail throws at me. I've done a little DJing, but feel like I need a different (read: another) bike before I really get into that.

My favorite place to ride is the rocky trails in Jim Thorpe, PA. The most fun ride I've ever been on is in Tomaqua, PA (race course in 04). The most technical was probably in Carbondale, PA (Merli-Sarnoski).


Mar 4, 2004
New York
Yeah, I ride. Not as much as I'd like to though.
Mostly lately it's been on the fixed, because i can just walk out the door & be riding.

but it's hard to get riding shots when you ride solo:

Anyway, lately I've been tooling around Long Island, the Bronx, and Manhattan on this thing, but this season my kid will be a little older & my schedule will be a little easier, so i'll likely be getting in some after-work MTB rides in Yonkers & southern Westchester.


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
PonySoldier said:
If I recall you did the Mt. Evans deal from your house...thats a solid ride there Nicely done..:thumb:
Yep. 112 miles RT and somewhere in the neighborhood of 9000 feet of climbing. That was a killer ride!!