
why such a focus on jews -- good or bad? (Bush signs new law)


Oct 17, 2002
President Bush has signed into law a bill that calls on the State Department to document cases of anti-Semitism around the world.

The president signed the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act Saturday. During a campaign stop in Florida, Mr. Bush said the United States will make sure anti-Semitism never finds a home in the modern world.

The new law requires U.S. diplomats to grade other countries' treatment of Jews, and to produce annual reports on the subject. It was proposed by Congressman Tom Lantos, a Democrat from the state of California who is the only Holocaust survivor in the U.S. Congress.

The State Department opposed the measure, on the grounds that such information already is compiled in annual human-rights reports. Officials also contended the United States could be seen to be treating anti-Semitism differently than the persecution of other faiths.

I'm all for not hating jews, obviously, but there are lots of groups being persecuted.

What's with the fascination and focus on jews, whether it's hating 'em or loving 'em?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
cuz jews rulz!!!!!!!!!!

(truly, jews are not a minority in the decision-making elites in the US, and actually in most westeern countries)


Oct 17, 2002
Toshi said:
well, you have the obvious: the author of the bill was a holocaust survivor. and then you have al qaeda's vocal anti-semitism on one hand and the fact that the political power center, the northeast, has many of the nation's jews. combine all these and the extra attention makes sense.
so no other minority has as much influence. I kinda knew that, but why do jews command so much more 'respect' than any other minority? Blacks, hispanics, asians certainly have the people, but do they not command as much power cuz they lack money or they're not as organized or what? Queers certainly seem to have organization, but maybe lack people and money?

Why are jews so much more influencial than any other minority group? Certainly it can't be just sympathy, cuz there were other groups targeted by Nazis, right?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
LordOpie said:
so no other minority has as much influence. I kinda knew that, but why do jews command so much more 'respect' than any other minority? Blacks, hispanics, asians certainly have the people, but do they not command as much power cuz they lack money or they're not as organized or what? Queers certainly seem to have organization, but maybe lack people and money?

Why are jews so much more influencial than any other minority group? Certainly it can't be just sympathy, cuz there were other groups targeted by Nazis, right?
now you're asking about jewish history. you should know this :oink: . my one-sentence synopsis would be that jewish culture has stressed excellence in education and business acumen, and political power and influence naturally arises when you have well educated, wealthy people.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
LordOpie said:
so no other minority has as much influence. I kinda knew that, but why do jews command so much more 'respect' than any other minority? Blacks, hispanics, asians certainly have the people, but do they not command as much power cuz they lack money or they're not as organized or what? Queers certainly seem to have organization, but maybe lack people and money?

Why are jews so much more influencial than any other minority group? Certainly it can't be just sympathy, cuz there were other groups targeted by Nazis, right?

because jews have a kickass organizational system.

the fact its an identity, a form of living rather than a race. so the bond is much stronger than mere race. add the religious part, and you have a rock solid organization. thats enough to have an edge over ethnic groups.

over queers? well, judaism keeps going generation after generation. queerness on the other side, not. there you have a huge edge over the long-term goals strenght of the queers.

and the bucks??, well IMO, any other religion might have a shot at the power of judaism if its members had the bucks.
religion gives a rock solid belief on social groups, and strenghten them as a pushing force. religion is IMO, the best plaster to build solid and long lasting interest groups.

in the last 30 years, the catholic Opus Dei (hardcore usually wealthy catholics) is fighting the place of jews as the most powerful influence in decision making elites in South America and catholic countries for example.

in the US, i dunno, maybe the protestants could make a bigger influence group, but they lack organization as a single driving force, since they are too much fragmented.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
LordOpie said:
i'd like to see my jews use their power to do something about Sudan or buy me a new bike.

the synagogue i used to go can get you free tickets to israel, a free military training, and some cool other goodies for free!!!.


Oct 17, 2002
the synagogue i used to go can get you free tickets to israel, a free military training, and some cool other goodies for free!!!.
uhh, you're jewish?

I'm a little too old and damaged to join the military. Besides, don't they just kill palestinians? Sounds too easy.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
my mom is. so i guess that makes me one.

But i wasnt raised in a jewish enviroment and pork is worth eternal damnation IMO, and i have lots of problems swallowing the god part. but i´m working on that...


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
LordOpie said:
I'm all for not hating jews, obviously, but there are lots of groups being persecuted.

What's with the fascination and focus on jews, whether it's hating 'em or loving 'em?
Its an election year..... More meaningless initiatives to pander for votes.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Sounds about right...

And what, exactly, is the US gonna do if it thinks you don't measure up with enough Jew-love?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
What bothers me about the way that the US supports Israel and the way that accusations of anti-semitism are thrown at anyone who disagrees with Israeli policy is the potential backlash. The holocaust is still within living memory but soon it won't be. As with any history it will be revised and amended and possibly even sanitized.

In the meantime the continued existence of Israel will be a cause for Arab resentment in the middle east and unless a peaceful political solution is found will continue to foment unrest and conflict.

I believe Israel should exist and that the Jews should not suffer persecution, I also fear for the furure of the Israeli nation and the Jewish people because they are seen differently by themselves and others and become a target for hatred very easily. Whether a bill like this is a positive thing is questionable, it is similar to affirmative action and could see a similar response.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Andyman_1970 said:
I'd like to see Jews or Christians do something about Sudan.............

Fear not!!!

The UN will conclude it's blue-ribbon panel on the situation in about 80 more days...

Then there will be some decisive action taken... well... even if it some discussion back in NY...



unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
N8 said:
Fear not!!!

The UN will conclude it's blue-ribbon panel on the situation in about 80 more days...

Then there will be some decisive action taken... well... even if it some discussion back in NY...

They should just fast forward to the part about what to do with all the bodies.