
Why the Roadie Hate? Idiots.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I have been doing a lot of road work in preparation for a road bike race I am doing at the end of the month - everyday there seems to be a new idiot who wants to cause grief. Tonight a buddy of mine and I were out pushing hard when a Toyota full of teenage boys pulls along side and bares asses us - the driver was looking over his shoulder to see what sort of reaction they were getting and nearly lost control serving hard in front of me and then overcorrecting enough to make the little tires squeel. It all happened so fast that we didn't have a chance to get scared or even react. Its damn lucky nothing happened - the car could have easily smashed into us and caused serious injury. I'll never understand why people feel the urge to do crap like this to people on road bikes. :monkey:


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
easy target for the weak to pick on....don't worry they all will get whats coming to them when karma decides to give them gonaherpasyfilaids or something.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
The one fingered salute and a kick with a cleated foot will usually get rid of the idiots. I'm not sure why people find it funny, I can say that I've taken my aggression out on a couple of cars that were blatant(not the wisest, but ya). Best I've heard is a friend who chucked an open bottle of orange gatorade into the interior of an all white beamer SUV after the passenger gave him a "love tap" on the back of the helmet :angry:. I doubt the kid's parents were happy.

It's just like school yard bullies, they pick on those who appear weak. That and the lycra doesn't help, too many hom-phobes out there.

Best answer is to get the licence and call the cops, especially if you have a witness with you.

The Ito


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Not sure why, but it seems to tend to be the mentality of many of those that live in areas like yours. (Assuming this happened near where you live which I know to be more rural) I really haven't come across it outside of the less incorporated. Seems a certain, basic civility was somehow never ingrained... Perhaps it's a class thing where "you" people with the money and the time to do what you're doing are somehow privilaged in a way that they aren't. Lashing out at what they don't understand and seemingly, to them, to not be able to attain? Don't get it. Mock it. Not a lot of other thoughts, most especially about consequences. What do you do?

I don't know.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Do you mean to say that things like that actually happen in Aberdeen/Hoquiam :confused:
Well, on second thought, there was a drug bust in my Grandma's neighborhood just a few days after I was there last. I guess that things worth noting happen every now and then there, but not much compared to here I'm sure.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by dwaugh
Do you mean to say that things like that actually happen in Aberdeen/Hoquiam :confused:
Well, on second thought, there was a drug bust in my Grandma's neighborhood just a few days after I was there last. I guess that things worth noting happen every now and then there, but not much compared to here I'm sure.
I'll be racing the road bike leg of Ski to Sea in Bellingham at the end of the month. Are you on a team?
Originally posted by Serial Midget
At the time we were plugging along at over 20MPH - the kids in Toyota were probably slowed down to about 30MPH. Not safe speeds to kick anything...
If you want to get into being a road gladiator, you're better doing it at speed than when you're moving slowly, your platform is more stable. That being said, It's not necessarily wise to provide an opportunity for escalation.

The phenomenon is user group conflict - cars and road bikers is just one place it gets expressed.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I've got some pretty safe places to road ride near my house, but one strange day during the week I had two occurances of road rage in one ride.

The first one was when someone in a car (that I didn't notice) threw a golf ball at me. The strange thing was is that I saw the ball mid air and thought to myself "what's a golf ball doing in the middle of this neighborhood?", then wham right into my left foot. Then about 5 miles later, a soccer mom zooms past me in a Suburban (a little too close for comfort) on a climb and her kid in the back seat rolls down the window and yells "get off the road...........!!!"


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
Originally posted by Serial Midget
I'll be racing the road bike leg of Ski to Sea in Bellingham at the end of the month. Are you on a team?
I'm just a year too young to be on a team. Hopefully next time. I usually go downtown to see the race end, will you be at the end of the race to watch your team finish? My dad is on a team for his office. He is doing the first leg, XC Skiing.
Well, good luck. I'm sure you know that you will be going mostly downhill. :)

Tell me when you are coming up and maybe we can try and meet.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
I can't explain why......

but why do roadies decide they need to ride side by side in traffic and take up 50% of the lane? If they were single file everyone could carefully pass. When they are side by side they are putting everyone at risk as motorists try to pass on a busy 45mph road.....

just a thought. :D

This has nothing to do with you just something I noticed yesterday.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by RhinofromWA
but why do roadies decide they need to ride side by side in traffic and take up 50% of the lane? If they were single file everyone could carefully pass. When they are side by side they are putting everyone at risk as motorists try to pass on a busy 45mph road.....
Yep, there's plenty of problems on both sides. I have the utmost respect for riders on the road - I don't honk, harass, or otherwise endanger them. But bikes do not belong in the middle of the highway, or lined up 2-3 across so they stick way out into the road.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Bummer, the worst part is that on the road we are basically helpless unless we can get them to stop and get out of the car, then of course: seatpost mace, helmet bolo, airpump club... and then when its all said and done: chaintool finger/nose crushing torture device, CO2 nut freezing spray, park hair grease, prolink foot lube (for quality ass kicking).


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by RhinofromWA
I can't explain why......

but why do roadies decide they need to ride side by side in traffic and take up 50% of the lane? If they were single file everyone could carefully pass. When they are side by side they are putting everyone at risk as motorists try to pass on a busy 45mph road.....

just a thought. :D

This has nothing to do with you just something I noticed yesterday.
most roadies do ride side by side to chat. Most roadies try to get single file *before* the cars catch up. Most are NOT inconsiderate on purpose.

There's a road north of Boulder that's very exposed to high winds. Sometimes "serious" roadies will draft side-by-side cuz the wind is nucking futs there.

it is a real thing, and injuries occur... it is like PETA, pet abuse is a sign of pending issues, a person who inflicts road rage, and gets a call on that person re domestic, or driving drunk.... they, the cops willl show less mercy

so yeah, call them in.... someplaces where cops are short staffed anyway....nothing will happen right a way....but,

it is the thing to do

'let go and let dog take care if it'



Aug 9, 2001
Idaho (no really!)
Uggh roadies and drivers. I was ready to strangle two roadies on Friday Night. They were heading back from the standard loop riding side-by-side upright recovering with a bike lane, but still in the car lane - whatever.

I’m in a good mood getting ready to swing wide and pass left had to wait a few blocks before oncoming traffic is clear. One dude starts pointing to the left like he’s signaling for the intersection and starts drifting left. OK, I’ll hang back and let them turn in front of me. Nah, he’s just picking his nose and they’re going straight.

Geesus, have a little consideration for traffic. Any other local would have been on the horn and throwing beer cans at them. Looks real good when they were in their team gear. :rolleyes:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I usually taunt people who wear bright colored spandex and shave their legs no matter what they're doing. I think most people feel the same way. The road bike has little to do with it.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by LordOpie
most roadies do ride side by side to chat. Most roadies try to get single file *before* the cars catch up. Most are NOT inconsiderate on purpose.

There's a road north of Boulder that's very exposed to high winds. Sometimes "serious" roadies will draft side-by-side cuz the wind is nucking futs there.
It's all well and good to say that but you don't know "most" roadies, have no idea what their intentions are, or whether or not they are being inconsiderate on purpose.

LOTS of roadies don't try to go single file before cars catch up. LOTS of roadies ride way out into the highway without considering traffic.

I could say that most DH'ers try to warn people before they come hauling around corners, and most DH'ers don't ride off the trail, and that may be true for my immediate circle of friends but it'd be ignorant to claim that anyone outside of my immediate circle does this.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by RhinofromWA
I can't explain why......

but why do roadies decide they need to ride side by side in traffic and take up 50% of the lane? If they were single file everyone could carefully pass. When they are side by side they are putting everyone at risk as motorists try to pass on a busy 45mph road.....

just a thought. :D

This has nothing to do with you just something I noticed yesterday.
In the state of Washington cyclists and motorists are subject to the same laws - cyclist can use an entire lane if they see fit - if it were not legal to do so you would tons on cyclists pulled. Boo hoo for that fat SUV's who feel inconvenienced because they had to slow down for 10 seconds. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by BurlySurly
I usually taunt people who wear bright colored spandex and shave their legs no matter what they're doing. I think most people feel the same way. The road bike has little to do with it.
What if someone were to wear earth tone spandex, maybe a nice camo pattern?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Westy
What if someone were to wear earth tone spandex, maybe a nice camo pattern?
I probably wouldnt even notice them. They'd be like shrubbery near the road.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
...Cars turn people into idiots...

...If'n two bikes are doing the min speed for the road they have every right to take up a lane. You dont have a right to pass them without a full lane change.

Apr 29, 2004
culpeper VA
I've noticed that the cops don't care. So spray a bottle of halt into the motorist window, cause once they call the cops they'll surely show up. Cause then they can arrest the "freak on the bicycle" who just assualted the innocent driver. HMMMMM spandex in prison, just a thought.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by Clark Kent
...Cars turn people into idiots...

...If'n two bikes are doing the min speed for the road they have every right to take up a lane. You dont have a right to pass them without a full lane change.

They weren't doing 45mph yesterday, or my speedometer is off......you choose.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by Clark Kent
...Cars turn people into idiots...

...If'n two bikes are doing the min speed for the road they have every right to take up a lane. You dont have a right to pass them without a full lane change.

While your idealistic views on this are interesting, you have your head, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, crammed pretty far up your posterior :D

It's not going to happen, it's completely unrealistic, and roadies are asking to get hurt if they insist on doing that.

It may be LEGAL for me to walk out onto a crosswalk into the middle of traffic - after all, the law says they have to stop for me - but that doesn't make me a brainless idiot that assumes the law will somehow leap in front of the schmuck in the F350 barreling down on me.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by squirrelonabike
I've noticed that the cops don't care. So spray a bottle of halt into the motorist window, cause once they call the cops they'll surely show up. Cause then they can arrest the "freak on the bicycle" who just assualted the innocent driver. HMMMMM spandex in prison, just a thought.
You mean they show up for a case of assault? Freaking biased cops! :rolleyes:

Road rage is one thing.....assault is another.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
If you want to be a cowering fool then go ahead. I on the other hand demand my space on the road when I am biking. If I am going th limit I will take a lane. I have been doing so for 20 some years. If you would like to let the drivers decide on the road rules go ahead. I will see you on the weekends.

Cars suck.

My head isnt as far up my ass as yours is up Jon Doe Motorist's butt.



Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by Clark Kent
If you want to be a cowering fool then go ahead. I on the other hand demand my space on the road when I am biking. If I am going th limit I will take a lane. I have been doing so for 20 some years. If you would like to let the drivers decide on the road rules go ahead. I will see you on the weekends.

Cars suck.

My head isnt as far up my ass as yours is up Jon Doe Motorist's butt.

It is rare if cyclists are doing 35pmh (average sity street speed limit around here) I have no problem I will take my time to pass if needed. But doing 25mph in a 45 two across is inviting bad feelings and aiding in a future accident.

When riding single file would help the bicyclists and motorist coexist much better.

IF you are doing the speed limit that is one thing.........doing 20mph under and still riding side by side in the road is inviting negative stereotypes (is it really a stereotype then when it is true?) to arrise.

Inconsiderate riders are no different than inconsiderate motorists. In the end physics take over and say the car will win....

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Speaking of nievete....No matter what you do on the road, drivers who dont respect you will never respect you. You can do all the blowing you want. And its not the ones without respect. Its the ones with little care of others safety, and overconfidence in their driving ability that are the danger. Most side roads have a min limit of 20. In a few more years on the saddle you will be able to keep up that speed all day durring your constant daily commutes around town on bike. If you are one of those drivers that think that it is neccasary to accelarate up to the limit as soon as possible, that is too bad. With more time driving you will learn.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
I'm afraid of riding the roads around here. I really am scared, and for good reason. When you have people who ride bikes themselves on here against road bike riders it proves to me that everyone is in a big frikkin hurry, not knowledgable about the rules, probably not a good driver anyways, and i'm not safe.

Fortunately there are enough bike lanes and bike paths around here, and i'm knowlegable in back roads that i can ride fairly safe around Seattle.

People who don't ride road don't understand that in order to maintain speed, groups have to draft. (riding behind a leader much like geese do in flight). The leader will get burnt out, so other's have to spell him/her. Road riders are on skinny ass tires going "on average" WAY faster than any Mt. biker will EVER go, over concrete. So all the crap that cars builds up on the side of the road (dirt, rocks, trash) is a possible tube failure.

Now don't go giving me a driver's perspective because i drive probably more than most on here, and i work ALL over different construction sites. I've driven 2 1/2 ton dump trucks overfilled in downtown Seattle rush hour traffic.

I've never had a time when i've seen an opportunity to get upset at roadies. Never. That is to say that there may be circumstances that someone is being stupid, but none of the examples on here would be deserving of the flak of assuming that a deadly weapon (car) should be assumed to kill people who ride bikes on the road. If you can't pass correctly maybe you should go back and take some driving classes again.... I've seen bmx'ers, couriers, etc. downtown and roadies coming along and i try to give them a wave and show respect, and also let them know i see them, by giving them a nod or look at them. We all love to ride bikes, a little solidarity please......