

Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
unless you've been under a rock, you've seen this vid:

seems to me the most damaging politician is a career one, pregnant with his own self-importance

this calls for a shameless plug for http://goooh.com/home.aspx, success of which is about as likely as abolishing the irs, however beneficial
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Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
unless you've been under a rock, you've seen this vid:

seems to me the most damaging politician is someone else's congressman, pregnant with his own self-importance

this calls for a shameless plug for http://goooh.com/home.aspx, success of which is about as likely as abolishing the irs, however beneficial
Fixed. Nobody in favor of term limits ever votes out their *own* congressman, they only want to vote out other peoples'......

And a note to all congressmen out there who would come into contact with someone like this: When they're dressed like they're a Young Republican, chances are they *are* a Young Republican. I also like how the kid never actually said who he was, just shoved the camera in the congressman's face.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
When they behave politely & respectfully like they're a Young Republican, chances are they *are* a Young Republican.
I also like how the kid never actually said who he was, just shoved the camera in the congressman's face.
quoted for blind-sided gold

*who, exactly* was doing the shoving?
the MOC has no more right to know the kids' names on a public street than he does to be drunk on it


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Lol, if I were that kid I'd be embarrassed about that video. He's practically crying when he says "I'll sue you". This is the "future" of the GOP? These are the future chicken-hawks, the ones who will avoid military service at all costs, but get a hard-on invading other countries? "I'll sue you"? I half expected him to start a slap-fight, but then I remembered the whole "avoid personal violence at all costs" thing.

What a freakin' pvssy.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
When they're dressed like they're a Young Republican, chances are they *are* a Young Republican. I also like how the kid never actually said who he was, just shoved the camera in the congressman's face.
is this what young democrats look like?



Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
These are the future chicken-hawks, the ones who will avoid military service at all costs, but get a hard-on invading other countries?
i'll give you that - he's certainly no 5-time deferred state-side reservist richard blumenthal, (D., CT.)

but you go on thinking the entire chain of command of the military isn't overwhelmingly conservative if you like
"I'll sue you"? I half expected him to start a slap-fight, but then I remembered the whole "avoid personal violence at all costs" thing.

What a freakin' pvssy.
certainly, they aren't prone to violence, like seiu thugs, or college leftists who gang up on conservative women speakers (coulter) & old men (horowitz), requiring them to contract body guards.

might proud day for you, no?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Oh, also like how the little pvssy blurred his own face out. What's the matter, videotaping people in public is fine, but having your face out there for all to see isn't?

For some reason he reminds me of David Spade from PCU...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qf2Dr3XJUJk&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qf2Dr3XJUJk&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

edit: that's not the best clip to show Spade, but couldn't find a better one online...
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Oh, also like how the little pvssy blurred his own face out. What's the matter, videotaping people in public is fine, but having your face out there for all to see isn't?
yes, let's ask joe the plumber how all that unwanted publicity worked out for him.
why do you call the lad a pussy (fair game), but reserve no judgment whatsoever for unstately, 7-term congressman?
You look in the mirror and punch yourself in the face at least once a week in order to allow yourself to say shlt like this right?
i do more than that, brother. i has a collection

trade for garafalo?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
While I hate to do it, I actually agree with $tinkle. I'm a huge fan of term limits. That being said I don't understand what the issue here is. Some punk that doesn't announce his intentions and he doesn't know shows a camera so far into his face that we are practically given full view of the congress mans nose hair and he gets pissed off. So what? I think the kids lucky he didn't get punched in the ball sack, because he deserved it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Lkmp_8TZRnQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Lkmp_8TZRnQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

yes, let's ask joe the plumber how all that unwanted publicity worked out for him.
And let me take a minute to call bull**** on that. "Joe the plumber" who like any good republican these days, didn't actually have the credentials he claimed, milked his five minutes for everything it was worth. That fvcking clown bought himself a publicist, has a book and record deal, and lest we forget, he did time as a "war corespondent" for some douchey "christian" website thing covering the last Israeli kerfuffle in the west bank. Hes a media whore and loving every minute of it.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
While I hate to do it, I actually agree with $tinkle. I'm a huge fan of term limits. That being said I'd I don't understand what the issue here is. Some punk that doesn't announce his intentions and he doesn't know shows a camera so far into his face that we are practically given full view of the congress mans nose hair and he gets pissed off. So what? I think the kids lucky he didn't get punched in the ball sack, because he deserved it.
hmmmm smells like a troll...


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
seems to me the most damaging politician is a career one, pregnant with his own self-importance
Maybe there's some logic going on in your head that you forgot to share, but the leaps you had to make to get from that video to self-importance to term limits are staggering.

I got as far as "temper" and "crotchety." You really can't get much further unless you really really really want it to be true.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
hmmmm smells like a troll...
Actually I'm being quite serious. Its not like Congressman Etheridge went full Epic Beard man on the kid. If the kid is sniveling about it, Dante is right, hes a pvssy. He got the least of what was coming to him for his behavior. A real journalist starts with "I'm ----- with -----, may may I ask you some questions?" This crap is the "gotcha" media Mrs Alaska whined and cried about and is not real journalism. Think Hard Copy vs 60 Minutes.
Although I must agree, the leap from the video to term limits is a bit of a stretch, but I was addressing the issue by it self, not relevance to the video which I guess I should have done.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Oh, and while were at it, can we now logicaly draw the conclusion that Meg Whitman is not qualified to even run for office?
SACRAMENTO, Calif. &#8212; California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman had an altercation with an eBay employee when she was CEO of the company, The New York Times reported Monday, prompting Whitman's campaign to say such disputes are not uncommon in high-stress workplaces.

The two later overcame their differences, and the employee continues to work at the online auction site.

The Times posted a story to its website based on anonymous sources that said Whitman became angry and pushed the employee in an executive conference room at eBay's Silicon Valley headquarters. The employee, Young Mi Kim, was helping Whitman prepare for a media interview for which Whitman felt unprepared, according to the newspaper's account.

The story said Kim threatened to sue after the incident three years ago, but later agreed to a mediated settlement that remains private.

"Meg is a serious, results-focused boss. A verbal dispute in a high-pressure working environment isn't out of the ordinary," Whitman campaign spokeswoman Sarah Pompei said in a statement issued to The Associated Press. "Meg's record of accomplishment in business, including her success at leading eBay from a 30-employee startup to a Fortune 500 company, speaks for itself."

The report cited multiple former eBay employees the newspaper said had knowledge of the incident, although it also said that no one else witnessed it.

It said Kim was not injured, but left the company for about four months afterward. She eventually returned and is now a senior manager for corporate and executive communications.

In an e-mailed statement to the Times, Kim said she and Whitman had overcome their differences.

"Yes, we had an unfortunate incident, but we resolved it in a way that speaks well for her and for eBay," Kim told the newspaper. "And ultimately, I came back to the company, which is not something I had to do."

Whitman's experience leading eBay from a startup to a global power in online auctions is a central aspect of her campaign narrative.

She has contrasted her decades in the corporate world against the political career of her opponent, Democrat Jerry Brown, and says such real-world business experience is what's needed to turn around California's declining fiscal fortunes.

And $tinkle, tell me how you feel about that great Republican Doug Bruce.
Bruce was appointed to a vacant seat in the Colorado House of Representatives in December 2007 and represented House District 15, which encompasses eastern Colorado Springs, Colorado. After kicking a Rocky Mountain News photographer on the day he was sworn in, Bruce became the first legislator in Colorado history to be formally censured; he was later removed from a House committee overseeing veterans affairs after refusing to sponsor a ceremonial resolution honoring veterans. Although defeated for election to a full term in the August 2008 Republican Party primary, Bruce has continued his activism to reduce government expenditures and taxes in Colorado and in Colorado Springs in particular.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
And let me take a minute to call bull**** on that. "Joe the plumber" who like any good republican these days, didn't actually have the credentials he claimed, milked his five minutes for everything it was worth. That fvcking clown bought himself a publicist, has a book and record deal, and lest we forget, he did time as a "war corespondent" for some douchey "christian" website thing covering the last Israeli kerfuffle in the west bank. Hes a media whore and loving every minute of it.
someone fraudulently padding their resume is not behavior beholden to the right. we just got through trashing blumenthal last month. both sides got 'em.

next, if you think i'm holding a torch for joe the plumber, that's incorrect. the way he handled himself demonstrates getting pulled into the fray has to suck. that was my point: anonymity uber alles
Maybe there's some logic going on in your head that you forgot to share, but the leaps you had to make to get from that video to self-importance to term limits are staggering.

I got as far as "temper" and "crotchety." You really can't get much further unless you really really really want it to be true.
my attitude re: congressman has been festering for over a decade, and this video simply reinforces my view. it's simply my view.

i think it would be foolish to take every event as an independent event & not develop some sort of historically based wisdom. i'm sure you have your own predispositions about certain cultures & people as well, honed over the years of observation.
If the kid is sniveling about it, Dante is right, hes a pvssy.
understand the kid(s) knew they were being recorded with the *expectation* that it be made public. we can only guess what their disposition would be if they didn't. if this was an orchestrated 'gotcha' ambush interview (it certainly wasn't totally ad-hoc), you can expect they were rehearsed, and possibly coached. seems to be a loose framework for a script they followed: "be firm, respectful, & polite"
He got the least of what was coming to him for his behavior. A real journalist starts with "I'm ----- with -----, may may I ask you some questions?"
so he's not a real journalist.
go start a thread about this 'outrageous' behavior that only real journalists can ask public officials on a public street questions about public policy.

who's acting like the whiny pussy now?
This crap is the "gotcha" media Mrs Alaska whined and cried about and is not real journalism. Think Hard Copy vs 60 Minutes.
her consistent ill-preparation is just another reason why i cannot support her for more than a cheerleader for the cause. she's a known brand good for fund-raising & froth-whipping, and not much more.
Although I must agree, the leap from the video to term limits is a bit of a stretch, but I was addressing the issue by it self, not relevance to the video which I guess I should have done.
again, the video by itself means little, hence 'exhibit Q' (ok, so it was also a weak pee-wee herman reference)
Pesqueeb said:
And $tinkle, tell me how you feel about that great Republican Doug Bruce.
doug douche?
none for me, thanks.

hope you can see i don't care who's got a D or an R next to their name. if they act unstately, throw the bums out.

as for whitman's behavior as a private citizen, so what? that's what courts are for.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, the camera held by the interviewer was jostled just as he asked the question. I cannot tell if it was because the congressman grabbed him.

Then there is a cutaway then the other cameraman picked it up.

I would like to see the entire unedited video.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Again, why hasn't this congressman been arrested and booked on battery charges?

If the kid had done the same thing to the congressman, we all know what the result would have been.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I just commented about guerrilla interviews and protests.

Since 2008, there has been a sharp rise, taking an almost internet forum consistency.

The regulars in PAWN all have funny and concise retorts. Possibly we all lack a deeper understanding of the issues, but this is our milieu to comment about these things.

Since the Democrats now rule the roost, the conservative kooks are taking it to them, with the support of the Republican party and their voicebox, Fox News.

Now the Republicans will regain control eventually, possibly as soon as this year.

But the cat is let out the bag. Guerrilla interviews, disrupting public meetings, and other dirty tricks are almost commonplace.

I wonder when the Republicans take it back, what the leftwing will do in response?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I'm unable to watch the new videos at work so I may be speaking prematurely but I'm going to do it anyway.

if you think i'm holding a torch for joe the plumber, that's incorrect. the way he handled himself demonstrates getting pulled into the fray has to suck. that was my point: anonymity uber alles
No I don't think that, but the claim that he is just some poor victim of the machine is :rofl:
understand the kid(s) knew they were being recorded with the *expectation* that it be made public. we can only guess what their disposition would be if they didn't. if this was an orchestrated 'gotcha' ambush interview (it certainly wasn't totally ad-hoc), you can expect they were rehearsed, and possibly coached. seems to be a loose framework for a script they followed: "be firm, respectful, & polite"
Of course they had the expectation of going public, thats my point. They would be fine if they had been respectful and/or polite, they were neither. These guys went looking to make trouble and/or a statement, thats why they played the whole "gotcha" thing. This wasn't propublica doing investigative journalism, it was a couple douche bags looking to make hay.

so he's not a real journalist.
go start a thread about this 'outrageous' behavior that only real journalists can ask public officials on a public street questions about public policy.
Oh please. Of course anyone can take the time to ask questions of thier elected reps. I would think it should be a given that if your going to do so however that one not act the clown and expect to be taken seriously.
hope you can see i don't care who's got a D or an R next to their name. if they act unstately, throw the bums out.
I agree actually.

as for whitman's behavior as a private citizen, so what? that's what courts are for.
My point being that if Congressman Etheridge is now somehow supposed to abdicate his seat as you suggest why on earth should someone with a record of very similar behavior even be let in to public office?
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