
Why would Bush veto this? Would some evangelical monkeys speak up?


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Old Man G Funk said:
Back on topic, I found this comment to be extremely interesting. Hami, if the religious right looks to Bush as a pope figure it would counter my thought that Bush was pandering to the religious right. I was more under the impression that the religious leaders of the evangelical right were against this, so Bush had to be against it in order to appease his base. But if you are right, it would put even more blame on Bush for this sad state of affairs.
I would say that it goes both ways; Bush plays to the religious right for the vote, but because of that, many on the religious right think that Bush is here to fix this nation in the name of God.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
kinghami3 said:
I would say that it goes both ways; Bush plays to the religious right for the vote, but because of that, many on the religious right think that Bush is here to fix this nation in the name of God.
So, in this instance you think it travels from Bush to the religious right? He says that it is wrong to do stem cell research and the lemmings follow him on it.

I can see that.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
kinghami3 said:
Not to mention he was forced into it.
Like Jews were being forced into gas chambers?

Don't kid yourself. There was considerable peer pressure, but it's not like his life depended on it. He chose to be part of a reprehensible orgnization, either because he wanted to be or because he was too morally weak to flee, let alone stand up and speak for what he believed in. Exactly the type of person that deserves to hold the highest position of moral authority in Christendom.

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
reflux said:
I believe its due to the fact that we would be messin' with "life." Evangelicals say, "who are we to play God?"
Speaking as a catholic, I agree who are we to play god, BUT, at the same time I also believe, who am I to say that my religion is right and where is the actual proof that allows me to enforce my religion upon those that might not believe or worship another god? I mean suppose I find out in the end I was all wrong and people had children they otherwise wouldn't have had based on what I said and it ruined their life, maybe even destroyed it. Then I'd be responsible for everyone elses life so I believe it's between the person and their god on how they feel and not my right to enforce my views and beliefs on others. If stem cells or embrio's can help find a cure for a disease that will save thousands, the means of the many outweigh the few.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Chunky Munkey said:
Speaking as a catholic, I agree who are we to play god, BUT, at the same time I also believe, who am I to say that my religion is right and where is the actual proof that allows me to enforce my religion upon those that might not believe or worship another god? I mean suppose I find out in the end I was all wrong and people had children they otherwise wouldn't have had based on what I said and it ruined their life, maybe even destroyed it. Then I'd be responsible for everyone elses life so I believe it's between the person and their god on how they feel and not my right to enforce my views and beliefs on others. If stem cells or embrio's can help find a cure for a disease that will save thousands, the means of the many outweigh the few.
I'm glad that you don't want to enforce your religion on others, but do you find stem cell research immoral? What about this specific instance? If you didn't have to worry about enforcing your religion on others, would you veto this bill? Do you think that this is Bush's call and the religious right is following is lead, or the other way around?