
Will these fit my bike???? possibly a stupid question.... please help!!!!

Mar 12, 2006
Hey, i just bought 2 pegs from ebay, heres the link, http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7212363368&rd=1&sspagename=STRK:MEWN:IT&rd=1 my problem is that i dont know if it will fit my bike, my bike is a vegas specialized (stock) from 2003, heres the link http://specialized.com/bc/SBCBkModel.jsp?arc=2003&spid=5849&JServSessionIdroot=5ykcsnj01q.j27005
ya, umm, im not sure if theyll fit, if they dont, what can i do to them to make them fit (nothing to hard), if i cant do anything (nothing to hard), then what kind of pegs do i need to buy that will fit (not like a brand, i mean a size, or something.
Thanks for you help


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
OK Those look like peg with a threaded component. (i.e. the thread is part of the peg)

1) Those are a bad idea, because they tend to come loose during grinding and are more likely to damage your axle. They also look kinda ghey.

2) There are a few different thread sizes and types on BMX axles (although fewer these days) and you may have bought the wrong size.

I would sell them on, or get rid of them some other way. (The trash?) You want to get pegs that use the native nut from your bike. These are the 'normal' type of pegs. They are simply a tube with one end capped, and a hole drilled in that end.

You simply take the nut off you wheel, add the peg and then use a socket set with an extention to replace the nut. This is stronger, less likely to damage your axle and doesn't have the worry about 'getting the right thread'. Plus it looks better and there are a far wider range of peg stlyes available.

Go here: http://www.danscomp.com/ and click on 'Bike Parts' and then 'Pegs' - You will see what I'm talking about. No serious manufacturer uses the stlye of peg you have bought anymore. Sorry for your loss of $$$, but you'll be better off in the long run. (Actually in quite a short run...)

Edit: Secondly, those pegs you bought were knurled. Knurled pegs are only really any good for flatland. You want smooth or maybe ribbed ones for street and park.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Check to see if your bike has 3/8" or 14mm axles and then buy "real" pegs for it. Specialized makes some nice pegs but most BMX companies do to.
Aug 15, 2005
Berlin, CT
those are not for grinding. those are something younger kids would buy so they could be cool and have someone ride on the back of their bike... or someone who is riding flatland.

You probably want a peg that literally slides on and is held on there tight by a nut screwed onto your axle.