
wind power

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
So I live at the base of the Altamont Pass, a major wind farm area. They are in the process of transitioning from small inefficient bird killing wind turbines to larger and far fewer turbines to reduce the bird kill while at the same time up the power generation levels.

these are the old turbines

Today they approved yanking out another 1100 of them and replacing them with 100 of the new bigger turbines then doing landscape and habitat rehabilitation

The new turbines will generate 100 megawatts of power. the old turbines generate much less power
and their small rapidly spinning blades chopped up thousands of birds each year

this shot was from the first phase a few years ago. the smaller turbines have been removed from that area

kind of cool stuff
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
If one was mechanically inclined, jobs in the wind industry are currently plentiful. The only thing that's kept me from jumping industries is 1: I've been with this god forsaken airline so long starting over in wind would constitute a 40-50% pay cut, and 2: Most wind farms tend to be in less than ideal parts of the country.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
If one was mechanically inclined, jobs in the wind industry are currently plentiful. The only thing that's kept me from jumping industries is 1: I've been with this god forsaken airline so long starting over in wind would constitute a 40-50% pay cut, and 2: Most wind farms tend to be in less than ideal parts of the country.
But can your airplanes do this?


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
If one was mechanically inclined, jobs in the wind industry are currently plentiful. The only thing that's kept me from jumping industries is 1: I've been with this god forsaken airline so long starting over in wind would constitute a 40-50% pay cut, and 2: Most wind farms tend to be in less than ideal parts of the country.
We are putting them in rural Alaska, that usually pays big bucks! Have you ever been to Bethel this time of year, or hell, any time of the year?