
Windows A/V issues


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
So heres my problem monkies, my computer has been acting up the past month or so when i try and play and audio or video files.
more specifically, when playing video files in Windows Media Player, VLC player, or BS player they have a tendency to just freeze and require a reboot. This problem seems to be even more apparent when you try and skip ahead in the video, usually it will put up with a few attempts to skip around before it just freezes up.
For the audio, the problem only occurs with iTunes. I seem to be able to play MP3s through winamp just fine, but iTunes exhibits the same symptoms as the video players.
This problem also extends to when i try and play games. the system simply freezes up and requires a reboot.

I dont really know what is going on here.
The only advice i have gotten was from a mac person who suspected maybe it was a backend AV issue with the operating system or something because it was happening with many programs.
anyway, all help would be greatly appreciated.

i know this isnt really the greatest site for this type of inquiry, but i dont know of any computer help sites. So if anybody could direct me to the proper site that would also be great.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't have a suggestion as to what the issue might be, but the first troubleshooting steps I'd take would be to uninstall and reinstall one or more of the troubled applications. If that fixes it, then it's likely some odd corruption that has occured to several of your apps.

If that doesn't fix it, I'd probably just reinstall windows over the top of the current Windows configuration. That'll keep most of your settings and setup information while replacing any bad files you might have.


(g-d im so lame postin like 3 times at once)
you guys are pretty much wrong. try reinstalling your video drivers/installing new ones. heres wat u do:
>right click on My Computer go to Properties
>click the Hardware tab
>click Device Manager
>click display adapters
>click watever opened up wen u clicked (under it)
>right click (whatever your video card's name is)
>select Update Driver in the menu
>follow the wizard's instructions.

trust me, ive done this lots times b4.

o and the guy who said 512 mb isnt enough:
if ur a h-core gamer, maybe it isnt. prolly for this guy it is.

the end
-the computer master

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
d-sop said:
you guys are pretty much wrong. try reinstalling your video drivers/installing new ones.
-the computer master

You may have useful things to add to this forum, but if you were actually a "computer master" - with some real experience under your belt - you'd know that many computer problems that have similar symptoms are not cured by the same fix. Thus, calling out a couple of knowledgable people as "pretty much wrong" is pretty unhelpful and will gain you nothing in credibility.

Not to mention, did you not read Kornphlake's post before you decided to call him wrong? His suggestion was one of yours.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
d-sop, I humble myself before you as the great god of computers and all things electronic. One more question though while we've got your attention. Did you attend a public school, if so can I have your address so I can send you a bill for the money I paid in taxes so you could sit in class and sleep, I WANT A REFUND, obviously you didn't learn any reading comprehension skills. Freakin noob, learn how to read and then learn some respect for your elders. Post count doesn't mean anything you are still a troll, sending me a PM of your reply to this thread only proves it.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Kornphlake said:
d-sop, I humble myself before you as the great god of computers and all things electronic. One more question though while we've got your attention. Did you attend a public school, if so can I have your address so I can send you a bill for the money I paid in taxes so you could sit in class and sleep, I WANT A REFUND, obviously you didn't learn any reading comprehension skills. Freakin noob, learn how to read and then learn some respect for your elders. Post count doesn't mean anything you are still a troll, sending me a PM of your reply to this thread only proves it.

I was going to offer some advice but it would pale in comparison to the advice affered by a Computer Gawd. I am but a humble PC lesser diety. Of course, I can spell and type a coherent sentence so maybe I am not divine after all.

Oh yeah, what they said... reinstall your drivers, reinstall windows. When was the last time it worked correctly? Have you done or installed anything since then? Uninstall it. Stuff like that...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I think Kornphlake's on the right track. The one thing in common is audio...try unintalling/reinstalling those drivers.

Also, pull open the case and make sure that your fans are all running. A stuck fan on the CPU or motherboard can make a system do some crazy things.


fine. sorry. i take bak wat i said. xcept the reinstalling video cards part. maybe i was pist off that day? i dont know.


and im not a noob. i just haventg been on here that long. im on msdhw.com.


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
ok, its taken me a while to respond....
my computer went down for a couple days. had to run recovery console and finally got it up and running today.

Ive updated drivers for both my sound blaster audigy, and for my radeon 9700 pro.
Unfortunately the crashing still occurs.

As for 512 not being enough. Im not really a hardcore gamer or anything, and i just have the 1 kensington pc2700 ram stick.

on a side note: the other summer, my computer mysteriously stopped working, only giving me the blue screen of death upon booting up. So i moved my ram over 1 slot, and things were up and running like normal again....dont know if thats helpful or pertains to this problem at all...
anyway, more advice would be appreciated.