
Windrock 3/27/05


Apr 12, 2002
motomike said:
I second that one. I don't believe anything without pix!
just use ur imagination....

millions and millions of rocks with 10 foot boulders inside of the millions of rocks all on a super super steep slope. makes snowshoe look like a big sport course. the very first trail u start on has a 15 foot drop(if u have the right speed) like a 100 ft into the trail...no "warm up" trails here.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
boomerbaird said:
hey lets see some pics of the drops I keep hearing about at windrock... how big? how fast? easter weekend we'll be riding at harris county in georgia outside of columbus. check out the pics and movies at www.boomerbaird.smugmug.com

I checked out your pics and if you are looking for wooden bridges and all that well we're not that core. We just have some stupid old singletrack with some rocks that are constantly in your way. Pictures wouldn't do any good since once you see how lame it is at Windrock you would make fun of us and beat us up. I did take a few here and there of the new stuff and I'll post them later today or tomorrow.

Try this: www.windrock-mtb.com I believe there are some old pics in there somewhere.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
bizutch said:
darn...no glory photos of the Butch....dissed by the windrock website... :D

we have to update the site so I am certain we can find one or two pics for you. :thumb:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Jeremy R said:
Maybe even one of him flipping end over end down the steeps.
nah, you can forget that bro. I sat there dazed and counting limbs for a good 3-4 minutes with not a soul in sight anywhere. If there had been somebody there, I'd have gotten them to take a distance measurement to see if I'd broken any world human powered flight records. :nuts:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
Waxhaw, NC
bizutch said:
what a waste of a thread...you couldn't just post that question in one of the five other active Windrock threads??? :(

Can it be ridden during the week? Date for trip is the week of May 10 if it makes any difference. Would like to get more than two days riding in if possible.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
Salami said:

Can it be ridden during the week? Date for trip is the week of May 10 if it makes any difference. Would like to get more than two days riding in if possible.

Windrock is open 24/7 :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
ztlh13 said:
Yo B

you still going to go if there's rain? If I come down I am expecting to ride with ya!

No probably not, I wouldn't expect nor advise anyone to ride Windrock in the rain. If the rain comes in then I will have to resort to plan "B" Easter family crap.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
spoke80 said:
No probably not, I wouldn't expect nor advise anyone to ride Windrock in the rain. If the rain comes in then I will have to resort to plan "B" Easter family crap.
Hahaha that funny. That is exactly my plan as well. :nopity:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
spoke80 said:
No probably not, I wouldn't expect nor advise anyone to ride Windrock in the rain. If the rain comes in then I will have to resort to plan "B" Easter family crap.
you guys need to step up your game..mud makes you a man. if you lived in England, you'd both have to play indoor soccer for thrills :p :p


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
bizutch said:
you guys need to step up your game..mud makes you a man. if you lived in England, you'd both have to play indoor soccer for thrills :p :p
If i lived in England I'd be a soccer holigan or an alcoholic! Wait, or a dragon slayer.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
GravityFreakTJ said:
like to hear the announcers at the races over there pronounce your name :oink: bottom

The game is afoot for your next machine......


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
profro said:
Dang man you're up early this morning. Don't you have today off? :nuts:
Why are you off? :mumble: No wonder the coffee shop had tumble weeds rollin through it!

stupid job


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
bizutch said:
supposedly they got directions to Bennett off MTBR and were gonna do it today. By Sunday they will be warmed up enough for "The Rock"
not with the expected flood.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
bizutch said:
me did ....it say chance of afternoon thunderstorms...put your booties on and go ride your cycle.... "whhhhhhaaaaaa" :sneaky:

You dang devil!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
May Loos is a beyatch. She said it was supposed to rain this morning and off and on all day. Well blondie take a look outside. Its a blue bird sky and a balmy 73 degrees. I just did 12 miles at Haw on my DJ and now I'm off to take the little lady and dawgs for a boat ride on Melton Hill Lake. :blah:


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
suckered into family affairs in VA...2 weeks in a row. there is always next weekend. The mannerhorn, er windrock isn't a volcano ready to blow so it should be still be there. Here comes a nice, senic hellish 8 hours in a car with the retarded dog.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Holy crap what a weekend of riding. I got in some shuttles on both Saturday and Sunday. Here are some notables:

1. The new trails have such a different flavor than the 2004 trails.

2. The BFL levers I got for my Mag brakes are really sweet.

3. I'm feeling that step-up in speed again and I love it. I'm feeling it the most on the Spine and the first section bewteen the drop-off point and the first road crossing.

4. With all the new lines in the first rock garden, there is so much to learn.

5. The waterfall section is smoking right now!

6. The new section after the first double and the first rock garden is fast and full of big hits. I dig it!

7. And Southern Rocks is what it is all about PEROID


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
me & Jeremy had a conference call to discuss how sore our ride made us. It was a concensus that getting out of bed was worth applause from the spouses...but none was given. You gotta do this ride with us one day...you think you liked the last one we took you on, you'll love this one.